كل ما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) وأي شخص مهتم في مجال علم نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وخاصةً برامج ArcGIS يستفيد من هذا الموقع، هناك الكثير من البرنامج التي يتم شرح طريقة تنزيلها بالإضافة الى مقالات كثيرة في نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، تستطيع من خلالها التعلم وتبادل العلم والمعرفة في مجال هذا العلم ، يمكن لأي شخص متابعة هذا الموقع ومتابعة أي مقال جديد لحظة بلحظة، هناك دورات مجانية وبمستويات متعددة لتعلم على برامج ArcGIS وأي برامج تهتم في GIS.
Groups features based on
feature attributes and optional spatial or temporal constraints.
The algorithm behind
this tool has been enhanced and new functionality has been added to these
methods in ArcGIS Pro. To simplify the new features and methods, this tool has
been replaced by two new tools. Use the Spatially Constrained Multivariate
Clustering tool if you would like to create spatially constrained groups. Use
the Multivariate Clustering tool to create groups with no spatial constraints.
تعتمد ميزات المجموعات على سمات الميزة والقيود
الاختيارية المكانية أو الزمنية.
تم تحسين الخوارزمية الكامنة وراء هذه الأداة وتمت
إضافة وظائف جديدة إلى هذه الطرق في ArcGIS Pro.
لتبسيط الميزات والأساليب الجديدة ، تم استبدال هذه الأداة بأداتين جديدتين.
استخدم أداة المجموعات المقيدة مكانيًا متعدد المتغيرات إذا كنت ترغب في إنشاء
مجموعات مقيدة مكانيًا. استخدم أداة التجميع متعدد المتغيرات لإنشاء مجموعات بدون
قيود مكانية.
1.Input Features ادخل المعالم
The feature class or
feature layer for which you want to create groups.
فئة المعالم أو طبقة المعالم التي تريد إنشاء
مجموعات لها.
Unique ID Field
An integer field containing a different value for every feature in the
input feature class. If you don't have a Unique ID field, you can create one by
adding an integer field to your feature class table and calculating the field
values to equal the FID or OBJECTID field.
Output Feature Class
The new output feature class created containing all features, the analysis
fields specified, and a field indicating to which group each feature belongs.
Number of Groups
The number of groups to create. The Output Report parameter will be
disabled for more than 15 groups.
Analysis Fields
A list of fields you want to use to distinguish one group from another.
The Output Report parameter will be disabled for more than 15 fields.
Spatial Constraints
Specifies if and how spatial relationships among features should constrain
the groups created.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge can be part of the same group.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge or a vertex can be part of the same group.
·DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION—Features in the same group will have at least one
natural neighbor in common with another feature in the group. Natural neighbor
relationships are based on Delaunay Triangulation. Conceptually, Delaunay
Triangulation creates a nonoverlapping mesh of triangles from feature centroids.
Each feature is a triangle node and nodes that share edges are considered
·K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS—Features in the same group will be near each other;
each feature will be a neighbor of at least one other feature in the group.
Neighbor relationships are based on the nearest K features, where you specify
an Integer value, K, for the Number of Neighbors parameter.
·GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE—Spatial, and optionally temporal,
relationships are defined by a spatial weights file (.swm). Create the spatial
weights matrix file using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool.
·NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT—Features will be grouped using data space proximity
only. Features do not have to be near each other in space or time to be part of
the same group.
Distance Method (optional)
Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at right
angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between
the x- and y-coordinates
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare the
characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
2.Unique ID Field معرف الحقل الفريد
An integer field
containing a different value for every feature in the input feature class. If
you don't have a Unique ID field, you can create one by adding an integer field
to your feature class table and calculating the field values to equal the FID
or OBJECTID field.
حقل عدد صحيح يحتوي على قيمة مختلفة لكل معلم في
فئة معلم الإدخال. إذا لم يكن لديك حقل معرف فريد ، فيمكنك إنشاء واحد عن طريق
إضافة حقل عدد صحيح إلى جدول فئة المعلم وحساب قيم الحقل لتساوي حقل FID أو OBJECTID.
Output Feature Class
The new output feature class created containing all features, the analysis
fields specified, and a field indicating to which group each feature belongs.
Number of Groups
The number of groups to create. The Output Report parameter will be
disabled for more than 15 groups.
Analysis Fields
A list of fields you want to use to distinguish one group from another.
The Output Report parameter will be disabled for more than 15 fields.
Spatial Constraints
Specifies if and how spatial relationships among features should constrain
the groups created.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge can be part of the same group.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge or a vertex can be part of the same group.
·DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION—Features in the same group will have at least one
natural neighbor in common with another feature in the group. Natural neighbor
relationships are based on Delaunay Triangulation. Conceptually, Delaunay
Triangulation creates a nonoverlapping mesh of triangles from feature
centroids. Each feature is a triangle node and nodes that share edges are
considered neighbors.
·K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS—Features in the same group will be near each other;
each feature will be a neighbor of at least one other feature in the group.
Neighbor relationships are based on the nearest K features, where you specify
an Integer value, K, for the Number of Neighbors parameter.
·GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE—Spatial, and optionally temporal,
relationships are defined by a spatial weights file (.swm). Create the spatial
weights matrix file using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool.
·NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT—Features will be grouped using data space proximity
only. Features do not have to be near each other in space or time to be part of
the same group.
Distance Method (optional)
Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at right
angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between
the x- and y-coordinates
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize performance.
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
3.Output Feature Class فئة معلم
The new output feature
class created containing all features, the analysis fields specified, and a
field indicating to which group each feature belongs.
تم إنشاء فئة معلم المخرجات الجديدة التي تحتوي
على جميع المعالم وحقول التحليل المحددة وحقل يشير إلى المجموعة التي تنتمي إليها
كل معلم.
Number of Groups
The number of groups to create. The Output Report parameter will be
disabled for more than 15 groups.
Analysis Fields
A list of fields you want to use to distinguish one group from another.
The Output Report parameter will be disabled for more than 15 fields.
Spatial Constraints
Specifies if and how spatial relationships among features should constrain
the groups created.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge can be part of the same group.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge or a vertex can be part of the same group.
·DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION—Features in the same group will have at least one
natural neighbor in common with another feature in the group. Natural neighbor
relationships are based on Delaunay Triangulation. Conceptually, Delaunay
Triangulation creates a nonoverlapping mesh of triangles from feature
centroids. Each feature is a triangle node and nodes that share edges are
considered neighbors.
·K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS—Features in the same group will be near each other;
each feature will be a neighbor of at least one other feature in the group.
Neighbor relationships are based on the nearest K features, where you specify
an Integer value, K, for the Number of Neighbors parameter.
·GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE—Spatial, and optionally temporal,
relationships are defined by a spatial weights file (.swm). Create the spatial
weights matrix file using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool.
·NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT—Features will be grouped using data space proximity
only. Features do not have to be near each other in space or time to be part of
the same group.
Distance Method (optional)
Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at right
angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between
the x- and y-coordinates
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
4.Number of Groups عدد المجموعات
The number of groups to
create. The Output Report parameter will be disabled for more than 15 groups.
عدد المجموعات المراد إنشاؤها. سيتم تعطيل معلمة
تقرير الإخراج لأكثر من 15 مجموعة.
Analysis Fields
A list of fields you want to use to distinguish one group from another.
The Output Report parameter will be disabled for more than 15 fields.
Spatial Constraints
Specifies if and how spatial relationships among features should constrain
the groups created.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge can be part of the same group.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge or a vertex can be part of the same group.
·DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION—Features in the same group will have at least one
natural neighbor in common with another feature in the group. Natural neighbor
relationships are based on Delaunay Triangulation. Conceptually, Delaunay
Triangulation creates a nonoverlapping mesh of triangles from feature
centroids. Each feature is a triangle node and nodes that share edges are
considered neighbors.
·K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS—Features in the same group will be near each other;
each feature will be a neighbor of at least one other feature in the group.
Neighbor relationships are based on the nearest K features, where you specify
an Integer value, K, for the Number of Neighbors parameter.
·GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE—Spatial, and optionally temporal,
relationships are defined by a spatial weights file (.swm). Create the spatial
weights matrix file using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool.
·NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT—Features will be grouped using data space proximity
only. Features do not have to be near each other in space or time to be part of
the same group.
Distance Method (optional)
Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at right
angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between
the x- and y-coordinates
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby neighbors
for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be based on
feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
5.Analysis Fields حقول التحليل
A list of fields you
want to use to distinguish one group from another. The Output Report parameter
will be disabled for more than 15 fields.
قائمة الحقول التي تريد استخدامها لتمييز مجموعة
عن أخرى. سيتم تعطيل معلمة تقرير الإخراج لأكثر من 15 حقلاً.
Spatial Constraints
Specifies if and how spatial relationships among features should constrain
the groups created.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge can be part of the same group.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Groups contain contiguous polygon features. Only
polygons that share an edge or a vertex can be part of the same group.
·DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION—Features in the same group will have at least one
natural neighbor in common with another feature in the group. Natural neighbor
relationships are based on Delaunay Triangulation. Conceptually, Delaunay
Triangulation creates a nonoverlapping mesh of triangles from feature
centroids. Each feature is a triangle node and nodes that share edges are
considered neighbors.
·K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS—Features in the same group will be near each other;
each feature will be a neighbor of at least one other feature in the group.
Neighbor relationships are based on the nearest K features, where you specify
an Integer value, K, for the Number of Neighbors parameter.
·GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE—Spatial, and optionally temporal, relationships
are defined by a spatial weights file (.swm). Create the spatial weights matrix
file using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the Generate Network
Spatial Weights tool.
·NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT—Features will be grouped using data space proximity
only. Features do not have to be near each other in space or time to be part of
the same group.
Distance Method (optional)
Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at right
angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between
the x- and y-coordinates
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
6.Spatial Constraints القيود المكانية
Specifies if and how
spatial relationships among features should constrain the groups created.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY—Groups contain contiguous polygon features.
Only polygons that share an edge can be part of the same group.
·CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS—Groups contain contiguous polygon
features. Only polygons that share an edge or a vertex can be part of the same
·DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION—Features in the same group will have at
least one natural neighbor in common with another feature in the group. Natural
neighbor relationships are based on Delaunay Triangulation. Conceptually,
Delaunay Triangulation creates a nonoverlapping mesh of triangles from feature
centroids. Each feature is a triangle node and nodes that share edges are
considered neighbors.
·K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS—Features in the same group will be near each
other; each feature will be a neighbor of at least one other feature in the
group. Neighbor relationships are based on the nearest K features, where you
specify an Integer value, K, for the Number of Neighbors parameter.
·GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE—Spatial, and optionally temporal,
relationships are defined by a spatial weights file (.swm). Create the spatial
weights matrix file using the Generate Spatial Weights Matrix tool or the
Generate Network Spatial Weights tool.
·NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT—Features will be grouped using data space
proximity only. Features do not have to be near each other in space or time to
be part of the same group.
يحدد ما إذا كان ينبغي للعلاقات المكانية بين المعالم
أن تقيد المجموعات التي تم إنشاؤها وكيفية ذلك.
• CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY — تحتوي المجموعات على ميزات مضلعة متجاورة. يمكن أن تكون
المضلعات التي تشترك في حافة فقط جزءًا من نفس المجموعة.
• CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS — تحتوي المجموعات على ميزات مضلعة متجاورة. يمكن أن تكون
المضلعات التي تشترك في حافة أو رأس فقط جزءًا من نفس المجموعة.
• DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION - سيكون للميزات في نفس المجموعة ما لا يقل عن جار طبيعي واحد
مشترك مع ميزة أخرى في المجموعة. علاقات الجوار الطبيعية مبنية على Delaunay Triangulation. من الناحية المفاهيمية ، ينشئ Delaunay Triangulation شبكة غير متداخلة من المثلثات من النوى الوسطى المميزة. كل معلم
عبارة عن عقدة مثلث وتعتبر العقد التي تشترك في الحواف جيران.
• K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS— ستكون الميزات في نفس المجموعة قريبة من بعضها البعض ؛ ستكون كل
ميزة مجاورة لميزة أخرى على الأقل في المجموعة. تستند علاقات الجوار إلى أقرب
معالم K ، حيث تحدد قيمة عدد صحيح ، K ،
لمعلمة عدد الجيران.
• GET_SPATIAL_WEIGHTS_FROM_FILE — يتم تحديد العلاقات
المكانية والزمنية اختياريًا بواسطة ملف أوزان مكانية (.swm). قم
بإنشاء ملف مصفوفة الأوزان المكانية باستخدام أداة Generate Spatial Weights Matrix أو أداة Generate Network Spatial Weights.
• NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT - سيتم تجميع الميزات باستخدام القرب من مساحة البيانات فقط. لا
يجب أن تكون الميزات قريبة من بعضها البعض في المكان أو الوقت لتكون جزءًا من نفس
Distance Method (optional)
Specifies how distances are calculated from each feature to neighboring
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the crow
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at right
angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference between
the x- and y-coordinates
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be smaller
than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of nearest
neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will not be
included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a K
nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
7.Distance Method (optional) طريقة
المسافة (اختياري)
Specifies how distances
are calculated from each feature to neighboring features.
·EUCLIDEAN—The straight-line distance between two points (as the
crow flies)
·MANHATTAN—The distance between two points measured along axes at
right angles (city block); calculated by summing the (absolute) difference
between the x- and y-coordinates
يحدد كيفية حساب المسافات من كل معلم إلى المعالم
• EUCLIDEAN - مسافة الخط المستقيم بين نقطتين (عندما يطير الغراب)
• مانهاتان - المسافة بين
نقطتين مقاسة على طول المحاور بزوايا قائمة (كتلة المدينة) ؛ محسوبة بجمع الفرق
(المطلق) بين إحداثيات x و y
Number of Neighbors (optional)
This parameter is enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is
K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
8.Number of Neighbors (optional) عدد
الجيران (اختياري)
This parameter is
enabled whenever the Spatial Constraints parameter is K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS or
one of the contiguity methods (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY or
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). The default number of neighbors is 8 and cannot be
smaller than 2 for K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. This value reflects the exact number of
nearest neighbor candidates to consider when building groups. A feature will
not be included in a group unless one of the other features in that group is a
K nearest neighbor. The default for CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY and
CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS is 0. For the contiguity methods, this value reflects
the minimum number of neighbor candidates to consider. Additional nearby
neighbors for features with less than the Number of Neighbors specified will be
based on feature centroid proximity.
يتم تمكين هذه المعلمة عندما تكون معلمة القيود
المكانية هي K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS أو إحدى طرق الاتصال (CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY أو CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS). العدد الافتراضي
للجيران هو 8 ولا يمكن أن يكون أصغر من 2 لـ K_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS. تعكس هذه القيمة العدد الدقيق لأقرب جيران المرشحين الذين يجب
مراعاتهم عند إنشاء المجموعات. لن يتم تضمين ميزة في مجموعة ما لم تكن إحدى
الميزات الأخرى في تلك المجموعة هي أقرب جوار K.
الافتراضي لـ CONTIGUITY_EDGES_ONLY و CONTIGUITY_EDGES_CORNERS هو 0. بالنسبة لطرق الاتصال ، تعكس هذه القيمة الحد الأدنى لعدد
المرشحين المجاورين الذين يجب مراعاتهم. سيعتمد الجيران القريبون الإضافيون
للميزات التي يقل عدد الجيران فيها عن عدد الجيران المحدد على القرب المركزي
Weights Matrix File (optional)
The path to a file containing spatial weights that define spatial
relationships among features.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If
you indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with
three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
The path to a file
containing spatial weights that define spatial relationships among features.
المسار إلى ملف يحتوي على أوزان مكانية تحدد
العلاقات المكانية بين المعالم.
Initialization Method (optional)
Specifies how initial seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint
parameter selected is NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If you
indicate you want three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with three
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field will be
used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
10.Initialization Method (optional) طريقة
التهيئة (اختياري)
Specifies how initial
seeds are obtained when the Spatial Constraint parameter selected is
NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT. Seeds are used to grow groups. If you indicate you want
three groups, for example, the analysis will begin with three seeds.
·FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS—Seed features will be selected to optimize
·GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD—Nonzero entries in the Initialization Field
will be used as starting points to grow groups.
·USE_RANDOM_SEEDS—Initial seed features will be randomly selected.
يحدد كيفية الحصول على البذور الأولية عندما تكون
معلمة القيد المكاني المحددة هي NO_SPATIAL_CONSTRAINT.
تستخدم البذور لتنمية المجموعات. إذا أشرت إلى أنك تريد ثلاث مجموعات ، على سبيل
المثال ، سيبدأ التحليل بثلاث بذور.
• FIND_SEED_LOCATIONS - سيتم تحديد ميزات البذور لتحسين الأداء.
• GET_SEEDS_FROM_FIELD - سيتم استخدام الإدخالات غير الصفرية في حقل التهيئة كنقاط بداية
لتوسيع المجموعات.
• USE_RANDOM_SEEDS - سيتم تحديد الميزات الأولية الأولية بشكل عشوائي.
Initialization Field (optional)
The numeric field identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1
for this field will be used to grow groups.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
11.Initialization Field (optional) حقل
التهيئة (اختياري)
The numeric field
identifying seed features. Features with a value of 1 for this field will be
used to grow groups.
الحقل الرقمي الذي يحدد السمات الأولية. سيتم
استخدام المعالم ذات القيمة 1 لهذا الحقل لتوسيع المجموعات.
Output Report File (optional)
The full path for the PDF report file to be created summarizing group
characteristics. This report provides a number of graphs to help you compare
the characteristics of each group. Creating the report file can add substantial
processing time.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
12.Output Report File (optional) ملف
تقرير الإخراج (اختياري)
The full path for the
PDF report file to be created summarizing group characteristics. This report
provides a number of graphs to help you compare the characteristics of each
group. Creating the report file can add substantial processing time.
المسار الكامل لملف تقرير PDF الذي
سيتم إنشاؤه يلخص خصائص المجموعة. يقدم هذا التقرير عددًا من الرسوم البيانية
لمساعدتك في مقارنة خصائص كل مجموعة. يمكن أن يؤدي إنشاء ملف التقرير إلى إضافة
وقت معالجة كبير.
Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups
Specifies whether the tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2
through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed. This is
the default.
13.Evaluate Optimal Number of Groups (optional) تقييم العدد الأمثل للمجموعات (اختياري)
Specifies whether the
tool will assess the optimal number of groups, 2 through 15.
·Checked—Groupings from 2 to 15 will be evaluated.
·Unchecked—No evaluation of the number of groups will be performed.
This is the default.
تحدد ما إذا كانت الأداة ستقوم بتقييم العدد
الأمثل للمجموعات ، من 2 إلى 15.
• تم التحديد - سيتم
تقييم المجموعات من 2 إلى 15.
• غير محدد - لن يتم
إجراء تقييم لعدد المجموعات. هذا هو الافتراضي.
اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:
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