تدفق دارسي Darcy Flow

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Darcy Flow Tool

أداة تدفق دارسي

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Darcy Flow Tool, Groundwater Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox

Darcy Flow Tool 

Darcy Flow

Calculates the groundwater volume balance residual and other outputs for steady flow in an aquifer.

تحسب المتبقي من حجم المياه الجوفية والمخرجات الأخرى للتدفق الثابت في الخزان الجوفي.

1.    Input groundwater head elevation raster أدخل البيانات النقطية لارتفاع رأس المياه الجوفية

The input raster where each cell value represents the groundwater head elevation at that location.

The head is typically an elevation above some datum, such as mean sea level.

البيانات النقطية المدخلة حيث تمثل كل قيمة خلية ارتفاع رأس المياه الجوفية في ذلك الموقع.

عادةً ما يكون الرأس ارتفاعًا فوق بعض الإسناد ، مثل متوسط مستوى سطح البحر.

Input effective formation porosity raster

The input raster where each cell value represents the effective formation porosity at that location.

Input saturated thickness raster

The input raster where each cell value represents the saturated thickness at that location.

The value for the thickness is interpreted from geological properties of the aquifer.

Input formation transmissivity raster

The input raster where each cell value represents the formation transmissivity at that location.

The transmissivity of an aquifer is defined as the hydraulic conductivity K times the saturated aquifer thickness b, as units of length squared over time. This property is generally estimated from field experimental data such as pumping tests. Tables 1 and 2 in How Darcy Flow and Darcy Velocity work list ranges of hydraulic conductivities for some generalized geologic materials.

Output groundwater volume balance residual raster

The output volume balance residual raster.

Each cell value represents the groundwater volume balance residual for steady flow in an aquifer, as determined by Darcy's Law.

Output direction raster (optional)

The output flow direction raster.

Each cell value represents the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.

Output magnitude raster (optional)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

2.    Input effective formation porosity raster أدخل تشكيل البيانات النقطية المسامية فعالة

The input raster where each cell value represents the effective formation porosity at that location.

البيانات النقطية المدخلة حيث تمثل كل قيمة خلية المسامية الفعالة للتكوين في هذا الموقع.

Input saturated thickness raster

The input raster where each cell value represents the saturated thickness at that location.

The value for the thickness is interpreted from geological properties of the aquifer.

Input formation transmissivity raster

The input raster where each cell value represents the formation transmissivity at that location.

The transmissivity of an aquifer is defined as the hydraulic conductivity K times the saturated aquifer thickness b, as units of length squared over time. This property is generally estimated from field experimental data such as pumping tests. Tables 1 and 2 in How Darcy Flow and Darcy Velocity work list ranges of hydraulic conductivities for some generalized geologic materials.

Output groundwater volume balance residual raster

The output volume balance residual raster.

Each cell value represents the groundwater volume balance residual for steady flow in an aquifer, as determined by Darcy's Law.

Output direction raster (optional)

The output flow direction raster.

Each cell value represents the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.

Output magnitude raster (optional)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

3.    Input saturated thickness raster أدخل سمك البيانات النقطية المشبعة

The input raster where each cell value represents the saturated thickness at that location.

The value for the thickness is interpreted from geological properties of the aquifer.

البيانات النقطية المدخلة حيث تمثل كل قيمة خلية السُمك المشبع في ذلك الموقع.

يتم تفسير قيمة السماكة من الخصائص الجيولوجية لطبقة المياه الجوفية.

Input formation transmissivity raster

The input raster where each cell value represents the formation transmissivity at that location.

The transmissivity of an aquifer is defined as the hydraulic conductivity K times the saturated aquifer thickness b, as units of length squared over time. This property is generally estimated from field experimental data such as pumping tests. Tables 1 and 2 in How Darcy Flow and Darcy Velocity work list ranges of hydraulic conductivities for some generalized geologic materials.

Output groundwater volume balance residual raster

The output volume balance residual raster.

Each cell value represents the groundwater volume balance residual for steady flow in an aquifer, as determined by Darcy's Law.

Output direction raster (optional)

The output flow direction raster.

Each cell value represents the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.

Output magnitude raster (optional)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

4.    Input formation transmissivity raster أدخل نفاذية التكوين للبيانات النقطية

The input raster where each cell value represents the formation transmissivity at that location.

The transmissivity of an aquifer is defined as the hydraulic conductivity K times the saturated aquifer thickness b, as units of length squared over time. This property is generally estimated from field experimental data such as pumping tests. Tables 1 and 2 in How Darcy Flow and Darcy Velocity work list ranges of hydraulic conductivities for some generalized geologic materials.

البيانات النقطية المدخلة حيث تمثل كل قيمة خلية نفاذية التكوين في ذلك الموقع.

يتم تعريف نفاذية طبقة المياه الجوفية على أنها الموصلية الهيدروليكية K مضروبة في سمك الخزان الجوفي المشبع ب ، كوحدات طول مربعة بمرور الوقت. يتم تقدير هذه الخاصية بشكل عام من البيانات التجريبية الميدانية مثل اختبارات الضخ. يسرد الجدولان 1 و 2 في How Darcy Flow و Darcy Velocity نطاقات الموصلية الهيدروليكية لبعض المواد الجيولوجية المعممة.

Output groundwater volume balance residual raster

The output volume balance residual raster.

Each cell value represents the groundwater volume balance residual for steady flow in an aquifer, as determined by Darcy's Law.

Output direction raster (optional)

The output flow direction raster.

Each cell value represents the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.

Output magnitude raster (optional)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

5.    Output groundwater volume balance residual raster توازن حجم المياه الجوفية المتبقية للبيانات النقطية المخرجة

The output volume balance residual raster.

Each cell value represents the groundwater volume balance residual for steady flow in an aquifer, as determined by Darcy's Law.

حجم الإخراج توازن النقطية المتبقية.

تمثل كل قيمة خلية توازن حجم المياه الجوفية المتبقية للتدفق الثابت في خزان جوفي ، على النحو الذي يحدده قانون دارسي.

Output direction raster (optional)

The output flow direction raster.

Each cell value represents the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.

Output magnitude raster (optional)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

6.    Output direction raster (optional) اتجاه البيانات النقطية المخرجة (اختياري)

The output flow direction raster.

Each cell value represents the direction of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output magnitude raster to describe the flow vector.

اتجاه تدفق الإخراج النقطية.

تمثل كل قيمة خلية اتجاه متجه سرعة التسرب (متوسط السرعة الخطية) في مركز الخلية ، محسوبة على أنها متوسط قيمة سرعة التسرب عبر الوجوه الأربعة للخلية.

يتم استخدامه مع نقطية حجم الإخراج لوصف متجه التدفق.

Output magnitude raster (optional)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

7.    Output magnitude raster (optional) حجم البيانات النقطية المخرج (اختياري)

An optional output raster where each cell value represents the magnitude of the seepage velocity vector (average linear velocity) at the center of the cell, calculated as the average value of the seepage velocity through the four faces of the cell.

It is used with the output direction raster to describe the flow vector.

نقطية إخراج اختيارية حيث تمثل كل قيمة خلية حجم متجه سرعة التسرب (متوسط السرعة الخطية) في مركز الخلية ، محسوبًا على أنه متوسط قيمة سرعة التسرب عبر الوجوه الأربعة للخلية.

يتم استخدامه مع خطوط اتجاه الإخراج لوصف متجه التدفق.

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