تجريبي بايزي كريجينج Empirical Bayesian Kriging

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تجريبي بايزي كريجينج Empirical Bayesian Kriging

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Empirical Bayesian Kriging Tool

أداة تجريبي بايزي كريجينج

ArcMap ArcGIS

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كيفية استخدام أداة تجريبي بايزي كريجينج ؟؟

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Empirical Bayesian Kriging Tool, Interpolation Toolset, Geostatistical Analyst Tools Toolbox


Empirical Bayesian Kriging

Empirical Bayesian kriging is an interpolation method that accounts for the error in estimating the underlying semivariogram through repeated simulations.

kriging البايزي التجريبي هو طريقة استيفاء تفسر الخطأ في تقدير مخطط semivariogram الأساسي من خلال عمليات المحاكاة المتكررة.

1.    Input features أدخل المعالم

The input point features containing the z-values to be interpolated.

معالم نقطة الإدخال التي تحتوي على قيم z المطلوب استكمالها.

Z value field

Field that holds a height or magnitude value for each point. This can be a numeric field or the Shape field if the input features contain z-values or m-values.

Output geostatistical layer (optional)

The geostatistical layer produced. This layer is required output only if no output raster is requested.

Output raster (optional)

The output raster. This raster is required output only if no output geostatistical layer is requested.

Output cell size (optional)

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set under Raster Analysis from the Environment Settings.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

Data transformation type (optional)

Type of transformation to be applied to the input data.

Semivariogram model type (optional)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

The available choices depend on the value of the Data transformation type parameter.

If the transformation type is set to NONE, only the first three semivariograms are available. If the type is EMPIRICAL or LOGEMPIRICAL, the last six semivariograms are available.

For more information about choosing an appropriate semivariogram for your data, see the topic What is Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

2.    Z value field حقل قيمة الإرتفاع

Field that holds a height or magnitude value for each point. This can be a numeric field or the Shape field if the input features contain z-values or m-values.

الحقل الذي يحتوي على قيمة ارتفاع أو مقدار لكل نقطة. يمكن أن يكون هذا حقلاً رقميًا أو حقل الشكل إذا كانت ميزات الإدخال تحتوي على قيم z أو قيم m.

Output geostatistical layer (optional)

The geostatistical layer produced. This layer is required output only if no output raster is requested.

Output raster (optional)

The output raster. This raster is required output only if no output geostatistical layer is requested.

Output cell size (optional)

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set under Raster Analysis from the Environment Settings.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

Data transformation type (optional)

Type of transformation to be applied to the input data.

Semivariogram model type (optional)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

The available choices depend on the value of the Data transformation type parameter.

If the transformation type is set to NONE, only the first three semivariograms are available. If the type is EMPIRICAL or LOGEMPIRICAL, the last six semivariograms are available.

For more information about choosing an appropriate semivariogram for your data, see the topic What is Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

3.    Output geostatistical layer (optional) طبقة إحصائية الإخراج (اختياري)

The geostatistical layer produced. This layer is required output only if no output raster is requested.

أنتجت الطبقة الجيوإحصائية. هذه الطبقة مطلوبة فقط في حالة عدم طلب الناتج النقطي.

Output raster (optional)

The output raster. This raster is required output only if no output geostatistical layer is requested.

Output cell size (optional)

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set under Raster Analysis from the Environment Settings.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

Data transformation type (optional)

Type of transformation to be applied to the input data.

Semivariogram model type (optional)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

The available choices depend on the value of the Data transformation type parameter.

If the transformation type is set to NONE, only the first three semivariograms are available. If the type is EMPIRICAL or LOGEMPIRICAL, the last six semivariograms are available.

For more information about choosing an appropriate semivariogram for your data, see the topic What is Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

4.    Output raster (optional) النقطية المخرجة (اختياري)

The output raster. This raster is required output only if no output geostatistical layer is requested.

النقطية الإخراج. مطلوب إخراج هذا النقطية فقط في حالة عدم طلب طبقة إحصائية جغرافية ناتجة.

Output cell size (optional)

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set under Raster Analysis from the Environment Settings.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

Data transformation type (optional)

Type of transformation to be applied to the input data.

Semivariogram model type (optional)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

The available choices depend on the value of the Data transformation type parameter.

If the transformation type is set to NONE, only the first three semivariograms are available. If the type is EMPIRICAL or LOGEMPIRICAL, the last six semivariograms are available.

For more information about choosing an appropriate semivariogram for your data, see the topic What is Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

5.    Output cell size (optional) حجم خلية الإخراج (اختياري)

The cell size at which the output raster will be created.

This value can be explicitly set under Raster Analysis from the Environment Settings.

If not set, it is the shorter of the width or the height of the extent of the input point features, in the input spatial reference, divided by 250.

حجم الخلية التي سيتم إنشاء البيانات النقطية للإخراج بها.

يمكن تعيين هذه القيمة بشكل صريح ضمن تحليل البيانات النقطية من إعدادات البيئة.

إذا لم يتم تعيينه ، فهو أقصر عرض أو ارتفاع مدى معالم نقطة الإدخال ، في الإسناد المكاني للإدخال ، مقسومًا على 250.

Data transformation type (optional)

Type of transformation to be applied to the input data.

Semivariogram model type (optional)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

The available choices depend on the value of the Data transformation type parameter.

If the transformation type is set to NONE, only the first three semivariograms are available. If the type is EMPIRICAL or LOGEMPIRICAL, the last six semivariograms are available.

For more information about choosing an appropriate semivariogram for your data, see the topic What is Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

6.    Data transformation type (optional) نوع تحويل البيانات (اختياري)

Type of transformation to be applied to the input data.

· NONE—Do not apply any transformation. This is the default.

· EMPIRICAL—Multiplicative Skewing transformation with Empirical base function.

· LOGEMPIRICAL—Multiplicative Skewing transformation with Log Empirical base function. All data values must be positive. If this option is chosen, all predictions will be positive.

نوع التحويل الذي سيتم تطبيقه على بيانات الإدخال.

• لا شيء - لا تقم بتطبيق أي تحويل. هذا هو الافتراضي.

• تجريبي - تحويل الانحراف المضاعف مع وظيفة القاعدة التجريبية.

LOGEMPIRICAL - تحويل الانحراف المضاعف مع وظيفة قاعدة Log التجريبية. يجب أن تكون جميع قيم البيانات موجبة. إذا تم اختيار هذا الخيار ، فستكون جميع التوقعات إيجابية.

Semivariogram model type (optional)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

The available choices depend on the value of the Data transformation type parameter.

If the transformation type is set to NONE, only the first three semivariograms are available. If the type is EMPIRICAL or LOGEMPIRICAL, the last six semivariograms are available.

For more information about choosing an appropriate semivariogram for your data, see the topic What is Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

7.    Semivariogram model type (optional) نوع نموذج شبه مجسم (اختياري)

The semivariogram model that will be used for the interpolation.

نموذج semivariogram الذي سيتم استخدامه في الاستيفاء.

POWER - الطاقة شبه مخطط

LINEAR - خطي شبه مخطط

THIN_PLATE_SPLINE — شبه مخطط شريحة رفيعة للوحة الرقيقة

EXPONENTIAL - مخطط نصف أسي

EXPONENTIAL_DETRENDED - مخطط شبه أسي مع إزالة اتجاه من الدرجة الأولى

WHITTLE - ويتل semivariogram

WHITTLE_DETRENDED - مخطط شبه صغير مع إزالة الاتجاه من الدرجة الأولى

K_BESSEL —K-Bessel semivariogram

K_BESSEL_DETRENDED - مخطط شبه K-Bessel مع إزالة الاتجاه من الدرجة الأولى

تعتمد الاختيارات المتاحة على قيمة معلمة نوع تحويل البيانات.

إذا تم تعيين نوع التحويل على NONE ، فلن تتوفر سوى أول ثلاثة مخططات نصفية. إذا كان النوع تجريبيًا أو منطقيًا ، فستتوفر آخر ستة مخططات شبه مجهرية.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول اختيار مخطط semivariogram المناسب لبياناتك ، راجع موضوع ما هو Empirical Bayesian Kriging.

Maximum number of points in each local model (optional)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

8.    Maximum number of points in each local model (optional) الحد الأقصى لعدد النقاط في كل نموذج محلي (اختياري)

The input data will automatically be divided into groups that do not have more than this number of points.

سيتم تقسيم بيانات الإدخال تلقائيًا إلى مجموعات لا تحتوي على أكثر من هذا العدد من النقاط.

Local model area overlap factor (optional)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

9.    Local model area overlap factor (optional) عامل التداخل في منطقة النموذج المحلي (اختياري)

A factor representing the degree of overlap between local models (also called subsets). Each input point can fall into several subsets, and the overlap factor specifies the average number of subsets that each point will fall into. A high value of the overlap factor makes the output surface smoother, but it also increases processing time. Typical values vary between 0.01 and 5.

عامل يمثل درجة التداخل بين النماذج المحلية (وتسمى أيضًا المجموعات الفرعية). يمكن أن تقع كل نقطة إدخال في عدة مجموعات فرعية ، ويحدد عامل التداخل متوسط عدد المجموعات الفرعية التي ستقع فيها كل نقطة. تجعل القيمة العالية لعامل التداخل سطح الإخراج أكثر سلاسة ، ولكنها تزيد أيضًا من وقت المعالجة. تختلف القيم النموذجية بين 0.01 و 5.

Number of simulated semivariograms (optional)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

10. Number of simulated semivariograms (optional) عدد المحاكاة شبه المجسمة (اختياري)

The number of simulated semivariograms of each local model.

عدد الأشكال شبه المجهرية المحاكاة لكل نموذج محلي.

Search neighborhood (optional)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

Smooth Circular

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

11. Search neighborhood (optional) البحث في الحي (اختياري)

Defines which surrounding points will be used to control the output. Standard Circular is the default.

Standard Circular

· Maximum neighbors—The maximum number of neighbors that will be used to estimate the value at the unknown location.

· Minimum neighbors—The minimum number of neighbors that will be used to estimate the value at the unknown location.

· Sector type—The geometry of the neighborhood.

oOne sector—Single ellipse.

oFour sectors—Ellipse divided into four sectors.

oFour sectors shifted—Ellipse divided into four sectors and shifted 45 degrees.

oEight sectors—Ellipse divided into eight sectors.

· Angle—The angle of rotation for the axis (circle) or semimajor axis (ellipse) of the moving window.

· Radius—The length of the radius of the search circle.

Smooth Circular

· Smoothing factor—The Smooth Interpolation option creates an outer ellipse and an inner ellipse at a distance equal to the Major Semiaxis multiplied by the Smoothing factor. The points that fall outside the smallest ellipse but inside the largest ellipse are weighted using a sigmoidal function with a value between zero and one.

· Radius—The length of the radius of the search circle.

يحدد النقاط المحيطة التي سيتم استخدامها للتحكم في الإخراج. التعميم القياسي هو الافتراضي.

التعميم القياسي

• الحد الأقصى من الجيران - الحد الأقصى لعدد الجيران الذي سيتم استخدامه لتقدير القيمة في موقع غير معروف.

• الحد الأدنى من الجيران - الحد الأدنى لعدد الجيران الذي سيتم استخدامه لتقدير القيمة في موقع غير معروف.

• نوع القطاع - هندسة الحي.

o قطاع واحد - قطع ناقص مفرد.

o أربعة قطاعات - Ellipse مقسمة إلى أربعة قطاعات.

o أربعة قطاعات متغيرة — Ellipse مقسمة إلى أربعة قطاعات ومزاحة 45 درجة.

o ثمانية قطاعات - Ellipse مقسمة إلى ثمانية قطاعات.

• الزاوية - زاوية الدوران للمحور (الدائرة) أو المحور شبه الرئيسي (القطع الناقص) للنافذة المتحركة.

• نصف القطر - طول نصف قطر دائرة البحث.

دائري ناعم

• عامل التجانس - يُنشئ خيار الاستيفاء المتجانس شكلًا بيضاويًا خارجيًا وقطعًا داخليًا على مسافة مساوية لـ Semiaxis الرئيسي مضروبًا في عامل التنعيم. النقاط التي تقع خارج أصغر شكل بيضاوي ولكن داخل أكبر قطع ناقص يتم ترجيحها باستخدام دالة سينية بقيمة بين صفر وواحد.

• نصف القطر - طول نصف قطر دائرة البحث.

Output surface type (optional)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

12. Output surface type (optional) نوع سطح الإخراج (اختياري)

Surface type to store the interpolation results.

· PREDICTION—Prediction surfaces are produced from the interpolated values.

· PREDICTION_STANDARD_ERROR— Standard Error surfaces are produced from the standard errors of the interpolated values.

· PROBABILITY—Probability surface of values exceeding or not exceeding a certain threshold.

· QUANTILE—Quantile surface predicting the specified quantile of the prediction distribution.

نوع السطح لتخزين نتائج الاستيفاء.

• التنبؤ - يتم إنتاج أسطح التنبؤ من القيم المحرف.

PREDICTION_STANDARD_ERROR - تنتج أسطح الأخطاء المعيارية من الأخطاء المعيارية للقيم المحرف.

• الاحتمال - سطح الاحتمالية للقيم التي تتجاوز أو لا تتجاوز عتبة معينة.

QUANTILE - السطح الكمي يتنبأ بالمقدار المحدد لتوزيع التنبؤ.

Quantile value (optional)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

13. Quantile value (optional) القيمة الكمية (اختياري)

The quantile value for which the output raster will be generated.

القيمة الكمية التي سيتم من أجلها إنشاء البيانات النقطية الناتجة.

Probability threshold type (optional)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

14. Probability threshold type (optional) نوع عتبة الاحتمالية (اختياري)

Specifies whether to calculate the probability of exceeding or not exceeding the specified threshold.

· EXCEED—Probability values exceed the threshold. This is the default.

· NOT_EXCEED—Probability values will not exceed the threshold.

يحدد ما إذا كان سيتم حساب احتمال تجاوز أو عدم تجاوز الحد المعين.

• تجاوزت - قيم الاحتمالية تتجاوز الحد. هذا هو الافتراضي.

NOT_EXCEED - لن تتجاوز قيم الاحتمالية الحد.

Probability threshold (optional)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

15. Probability threshold (optional) عتبة الاحتمالية (اختياري)

The probability threshold value. If left empty, the median (50th quantile) of the input data will be used.

قيمة عتبة الاحتمال. إذا تُركت فارغة ، فسيتم استخدام الوسيط (الكمية الخمسين) لبيانات الإدخال.

 اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:

مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE من هنا.


GIS for WE


التنقل السريع