Build Stereo Model Tool
أداة بناء نموذج
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Build Stereo Model Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
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Stereo Model Tool, Ortho Mapping Toolset, Raster
Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Build Stereo Model
Builds a stereo model of
a mosaic dataset based on a user-provided stereo pair.
A stereo model of a
mosaic dataset is required for stereo feature collection and 3D point cloud
generation. A stereo model, as one of the tables within a mosaic dataset,
defines the stereo pairs. The stereo model stores the overlapping polygons, the
corresponding image identifiers, and image IDs that comprise each pair. The
stereo model can be accessed from the context menu of a mosaic dataset.
ينشئ نموذجًا مجسمًا لمجموعة بيانات دمج الصور
بناءً على زوج استريو يوفره المستخدم.
مطلوب نموذج استريو لمجموعة بيانات دمج الصور
لتجميع ميزات الاستريو وإنشاء سحابة نقطية ثلاثية الأبعاد. يحدد نموذج الاستريو ،
كأحد الجداول داخل مجموعة بيانات دمج الصور ، أزواج الاستريو. يخزن نموذج الاستريو
المضلعات المتداخلة ومعرفات الصور المقابلة ومعرفات الصور التي تتكون منها كل زوج.
يمكن الوصول إلى نموذج الاستريو من قائمة السياق لمجموعة بيانات دمج الصور.
Mosaic Dataset
The mosaic dataset on which to build the stereo model.
Running Apply Block Adjustment on the input mosaic dataset first will help
create a more accurate stereo model.
Minimum Intersection
Angle (in degree) (optional)
The value, in degrees, that defines the minimum angle the stereo pair must
meet. The default is 10.
Intersection Angle (in degree) (optional)
The value, in degrees, that defines the maximum angle the stereo pair must
meet. The default is 70.
Area Overlap (optional)
The percentage of the overlapping area over the whole image. The default
is 0.5.
Omega/Phi Difference (in degree) (optional)
The maximum threshold for the Omega/Phi difference between the two image
pairs. The Omega values and Phi values for the image pairs are compared. If the
difference between either the two Omega or the two Phi values is above the
threshold, the pairs will not be formatted as a stereo pair.
GSD Difference (optional)
The threshold for the maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two
images in a pair. If the resolution ratio between the two images is greater
than the threshold value, the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The
default is 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined
by a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Input Mosaic Dataset أدخل مجموعة
بيانات دمج الصور
The mosaic dataset on
which to build the stereo model.
Running Apply Block
Adjustment on the input mosaic dataset first will help create a more accurate
stereo model.
مجموعة البيانات الفسيفسائية التي يتم بناء نموذج
الاستريو عليها.
سيساعد تشغيل Apply Block Adjustment على مجموعة بيانات دمج الصور الإدخال أولاً في إنشاء نموذج استريو
أكثر دقة.
Intersection Angle (in degree) (optional)
The value, in degrees, that defines the minimum angle the stereo pair must
meet. The default is 10.
Intersection Angle (in degree) (optional)
The value, in degrees, that defines the maximum angle the stereo pair must
meet. The default is 70.
Area Overlap (optional)
The percentage of the overlapping area over the whole image. The default
is 0.5.
Maximum Omega/Phi
Difference (in degree) (optional)
The maximum threshold for the Omega/Phi difference between the two image
pairs. The Omega values and Phi values for the image pairs are compared. If the
difference between either the two Omega or the two Phi values is above the
threshold, the pairs will not be formatted as a stereo pair.
GSD Difference (optional)
The threshold for the maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two
images in a pair. If the resolution ratio between the two images is greater
than the threshold value, the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The
default is 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined
by a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Minimum Intersection Angle (in degree) (optional) زاوية التقاطع الدنيا (بالدرجة) (اختياري)
The value, in degrees,
that defines the minimum angle the stereo pair must meet. The default is 10.
القيمة ، بالدرجات ، التي تحدد الحد الأدنى
للزاوية التي يجب أن يلتقي بها زوج الاستريو. الافتراضي هو 10.
Intersection Angle (in degree) (optional)
The value, in degrees, that defines the maximum angle the stereo pair must
meet. The default is 70.
Area Overlap (optional)
The percentage of the overlapping area over the whole image. The default
is 0.5.
Omega/Phi Difference (in degree) (optional)
The maximum threshold for the Omega/Phi difference between the two image
pairs. The Omega values and Phi values for the image pairs are compared. If the
difference between either the two Omega or the two Phi values is above the
threshold, the pairs will not be formatted as a stereo pair.
GSD Difference (optional)
The threshold for the maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two
images in a pair. If the resolution ratio between the two images is greater
than the threshold value, the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The
default is 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined by
a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Maximum Intersection Angle (in degree) (optional) زاوية التقاطع القصوى (بالدرجة) (اختياري)
The value, in degrees,
that defines the maximum angle the stereo pair must meet. The default is 70.
القيمة ، بالدرجات ، التي تحدد الزاوية القصوى
التي يجب أن يلتقي بها زوج الاستريو. الافتراضي هو 70.
Area Overlap (optional)
The percentage of the overlapping area over the whole image. The default
is 0.5.
Omega/Phi Difference (in degree) (optional)
The maximum threshold for the Omega/Phi difference between the two image
pairs. The Omega values and Phi values for the image pairs are compared. If the
difference between either the two Omega or the two Phi values is above the
threshold, the pairs will not be formatted as a stereo pair.
GSD Difference (optional)
The threshold for the maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two
images in a pair. If the resolution ratio between the two images is greater
than the threshold value, the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The
default is 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined
by a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Minimum Area Overlap (optional) الحد
الأدنى من تداخل المنطقة (اختياري)
The percentage of the
overlapping area over the whole image. The default is 0.5.
النسبة المئوية للمساحة المتداخلة على الصورة
بأكملها. الافتراضي هو 0.5.
Omega/Phi Difference (in degree) (optional)
The maximum threshold for the Omega/Phi difference between the two image
pairs. The Omega values and Phi values for the image pairs are compared. If the
difference between either the two Omega or the two Phi values is above the
threshold, the pairs will not be formatted as a stereo pair.
GSD Difference (optional)
The threshold for the maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two
images in a pair. If the resolution ratio between the two images is greater
than the threshold value, the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The
default is 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined
by a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Maximum Omega/Phi Difference (in degree) (optional) أقصى فرق أوميغا / فاي (في الدرجة) (اختياري)
The maximum threshold
for the Omega/Phi difference between the two image pairs. The Omega values and
Phi values for the image pairs are compared. If the difference between either
the two Omega or the two Phi values is above the threshold, the pairs will not
be formatted as a stereo pair.
الحد الأقصى لاختلاف أوميغا / فاي بين زوجي الصور.
تتم مقارنة قيم أوميغا وقيم فاي لأزواج الصور. إذا كان الاختلاف بين قيمتي أوميغا
أو قيمتي Phi أعلى من الحد ، فلن يتم تنسيق الأزواج كزوج استريو.
GSD Difference (optional)
The threshold for the maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two
images in a pair. If the resolution ratio between the two images is greater
than the threshold value, the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The
default is 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined
by a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Maximum GSD Difference (optional) أقصى
فرق (اختياري)
The threshold for the
maximum ground sample distance (GSD) between two images in a pair. If the
resolution ratio between the two images is greater than the threshold value,
the pairs will not be built as a stereo pair. The default is 2.
عتبة المسافة القصوى لعينة الأرض (GSD) بين
صورتين في زوج. إذا كانت نسبة الدقة بين الصورتين أكبر من قيمة العتبة ، فلن يتم
إنشاء الأزواج كزوج استريو. الافتراضي هو 2.
Group by
Builds the stereo model from raster items within the same group, defined
by a mosaic dataset field such as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
Group by (optional) تجميع حسب
Builds the stereo model
from raster items within the same group, defined by a mosaic dataset field such
as RGB, Panchromatic, or Infrared.
ينشئ نموذج الاستريو من عناصر نقطية داخل نفس
المجموعة ، محددًا بواسطة حقل مجموعة بيانات دمج الصور مثل RGB أو Panchromatic أو الأشعة تحت الحمراء.
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