إنشاء إتصال مجموعة البيانات Create Database Connection

القائمة الرئيسية


إنشاء إتصال مجموعة البيانات Create Database Connection

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Create Database Connection Tool

أداة إنشاء إتصال مجموعة البيانات

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to Create Database Connection Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء إتصال محموعة البيانات ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء إتصال محموعة البيانات ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Create Database Connection Tool, Workspace Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Database Connection Tool

Create Database Connection

Creates a file that ArcGIS uses to connect to a database or an enterprise, a workgroup, or a desktop geodatabase.

ينشئ ملفًا يستخدمه ArcGIS للاتصال بقاعدة بيانات أو مؤسسة أو مجموعة عمل أو قاعدة بيانات جغرافية لسطح المكتب.

1.    Connection File Location موقع ملف الإتصال

The folder path where the database connection file (.sde file) will be stored.

مسار المجلد حيث سيتم تخزين ملف اتصال قاعدة البيانات (ملف .sde).

Connection File Name

The name of the database connection file. The output file will have the extension .sde.

Database Platform

Specifies the database management system platform to which you will be connecting. The following are valid options:


The database server or instance to which you will connect.

The value you choose from the Database Platform drop-down list indicates the type of database to which you want to connect. The information you provide for the Instance parameter varies, depending on the connection type you choose.

See below for further information on what to provide for each database platform.

Database Authentication (optional)

Specifies the type of authentication that will be used.

Username (optional)

The database user name that will be used when using database authentication.

Password (optional)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

2.    Connection File Name اسم ملف الإتصال

The name of the database connection file. The output file will have the extension .sde.

اسم ملف اتصال قاعدة البيانات. سيكون لملف الإخراج الامتداد .sde.

Database Platform

Specifies the database management system platform to which you will be connecting. The following are valid options:


The database server or instance to which you will connect.

The value you choose from the Database Platform drop-down list indicates the type of database to which you want to connect. The information you provide for the Instance parameter varies, depending on the connection type you choose.

See below for further information on what to provide for each database platform.

Database Authentication (optional)

Specifies the type of authentication that will be used.

Username (optional)

The database user name that will be used when using database authentication.

Password (optional)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

3.    Database Platform منصة قاعدة البيانات

Specifies the database management system platform to which you will be connecting. The following are valid options:

يحدد النظام الأساسي لنظام إدارة قاعدة البيانات الذي ستتصل به. الخيارات التالية صالحة:

DAMENG - للاتصال بـ Dameng

DB2 - للاتصال بـ IBM Db2 لنظام Linux أو UNIX أو Windows

DB2ZOS - للاتصال بنظام التشغيل IBM Db2 for z

INFORMIX - للاتصال بـ IBM Informix

ORACLE - للاتصال بـ Oracle

POSTGRESQL - للاتصال بـ PostgreSQL

SAP HANA - للاتصال بـ SAP HANA

SQL_SERVER - للاتصال بـ Microsoft SQL Server أو Microsoft Azure SQL Database أو Amazon Relational Database Service لـ SQL Server

TERADATA - للاتصال بـ Teradata Data Warehouse Appliance


The database server or instance to which you will connect.

The value you choose from the Database Platform drop-down list indicates the type of database to which you want to connect. The information you provide for the Instance parameter varies, depending on the connection type you choose.

See below for further information on what to provide for each database platform.

Database Authentication (optional)

Specifies the type of authentication that will be used.

Username (optional)

The database user name that will be used when using database authentication.

Password (optional)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

4.    Instance مثل

The database server or instance to which you will connect.

The value you choose from the Database Platform drop-down list indicates the type of database to which you want to connect. The information you provide for the Instance parameter varies, depending on the connection type you choose.

See below for further information on what to provide for each database platform.

خادم قاعدة البيانات أو المثيل الذي ستتصل به.

تشير القيمة التي تختارها من القائمة المنسدلة Database Platform إلى نوع قاعدة البيانات التي تريد الاتصال بها. تختلف المعلومات التي تقدمها لمعلمة المثيل ، بناءً على نوع الاتصال الذي تختاره.

انظر أدناه للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات حول ما يجب توفيره لكل منصة قاعدة بيانات.

Dameng - اسم الخادم حيث تم تثبيت قاعدة بيانات Dameng

DB2 - اسم قاعدة بيانات Db2 المفهرسة

DB2 for Z / OS - اسم قاعدة بيانات Db2 المفهرسة

Informix - اسم مصدر بيانات اتصال قواعد البيانات المفتوح (ODBC) لقاعدة بيانات Informix

Oracle - إما اسم TNS أو سلسلة Oracle Easy Connection للاتصال بقاعدة بيانات Oracle

PostgreSQL - اسم الخادم المثبت عليه PostgreSQL أو اسم مثيل خدمة قاعدة بيانات PostgreSQL

SAP HANA - اسم مصدر بيانات ODBC لقاعدة بيانات SAP HANA

SQL Server - اسم مثيل SQL Server أو قاعدة بيانات SQL

Teradata - اسم مصدر بيانات ODBC لقاعدة بيانات Teradata

Database Authentication (optional)

Specifies the type of authentication that will be used.

Username (optional)

The database user name that will be used when using database authentication.

Password (optional)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

5.    Database Authentication (optional) مصادقة قاعدة البيانات (اختياري)

Specifies the type of authentication that will be used.

· Checked—Database authentication will be used. An internal database user name and a password are used to connect to the database. You aren't required to type your user name and password to create a connection; however, if you don't, you will be prompted to enter them when a connection is established.

· Unchecked—Operating system authentication will be used. You do not need to type a user name and password. The connection will be made with the user name and password that were used to log in to the operating system. If the login used for the operating system is not a valid geodatabase login, the connection will fail.

يحدد نوع المصادقة التي سيتم استخدامها.

• محدد - سيتم استخدام مصادقة قاعدة البيانات. يتم استخدام اسم مستخدم قاعدة البيانات الداخلية وكلمة مرور للاتصال بقاعدة البيانات. لست مطالبًا بكتابة اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور لإنشاء اتصال ؛ ومع ذلك ، إذا لم تقم بذلك ، فسيُطلب منك إدخالها عند إنشاء اتصال.

• غير محدد - سيتم استخدام مصادقة نظام التشغيل. لا تحتاج إلى كتابة اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور. سيتم إجراء الاتصال باستخدام اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور اللذين تم استخدامهما لتسجيل الدخول إلى نظام التشغيل. إذا لم يكن تسجيل الدخول المستخدم لنظام التشغيل بمثابة تسجيل دخول صالح لقاعدة البيانات الجغرافية ، فسيفشل الاتصال.

Username (optional)

The database user name that will be used when using database authentication.

Password (optional)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

6.    Username (optional) اسم المستخدم (اختياري)

The database user name that will be used when using database authentication.

اسم مستخدم قاعدة البيانات الذي سيتم استخدامه عند استخدام مصادقة قاعدة البيانات.

7.    Password (optional) كلمة المرور (اختياري)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

كلمة مرور مستخدم قاعدة البيانات التي سيتم استخدامها عند استخدام مصادقة قاعدة البيانات.

8.    Save username and password (optional) حفظ اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور (اختياري)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

· Checked—The user name and password will be saved in the connection file. This is the default. If the connection file you are creating will provide ArcGIS services with access to the database or geodatabase, or if you want to use the Catalog search to locate data accessed through this connection file, you must save the user name and password.

· Unchecked—The user name and password will not be saved in the file. Every time you attempt to connect using the file, you will be prompted for the user name and password.

يحدد ما إذا كان سيتم حفظ اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور.

• تم التحديد - سيتم حفظ اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور في ملف الاتصال. هذا هو الافتراضي. إذا كان ملف الاتصال الذي تقوم بإنشائه سيوفر خدمات ArcGIS بإمكانية الوصول إلى قاعدة البيانات أو قاعدة البيانات الجغرافية ، أو إذا كنت تريد استخدام بحث الكتالوج لتحديد موقع البيانات التي يتم الوصول إليها من خلال ملف الاتصال هذا ، فيجب عليك حفظ اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور.

• غير محدد - لن يتم حفظ اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور في الملف. في كل مرة تحاول الاتصال باستخدام الملف ، سيُطلب منك اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور.

9.    Database (optional) قاعدة بيانات (اختياري)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

اسم قاعدة البيانات التي ستتصل بها. تنطبق هذه المعلمة فقط على الأنظمة الأساسية PostgreSQL و SQL Server.

10. Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional) المخطط (قواعد البيانات الجغرافية لمخطط مستخدم Oracle فقط) (اختياري)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

قاعدة البيانات الجغرافية لمخطط المستخدم التي ستتصل بها. ستحدد الأداة ما إذا كانت متصلة بقاعدة بيانات Oracle التي تحتوي على قاعدة بيانات جغرافية لمخطط المستخدم. إذا كانت قاعدة بيانات Oracle تحتوي على مخطط مستخدم ، فسيكون هذا الخيار نشطًا ؛ وإلا ، فإنه يظل غير نشط. الخيار الافتراضي لهذه المعلمة هو استخدام قاعدة البيانات الجغرافية لمخطط sde (الرئيسي).

11. Version Type (optional) نوع الإصدار (اختياري)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

· TRANSACTIONAL—Connect to a transactional version. If Transactional is selected, the The following version will be used parameter will be populated with a list of transactional versions, and the Date and Time parameter will be inactive. This is the default.

· HISTORICAL—Connect to an historical marker. If Historical is selected, the The following version will be used parameter will be populated with a list of historical markers, and the Date and Time parameter will be inactive.

· POINT_IN_TIME—Connect to a specific point in time. If Point in time is selected, the The following version will be used parameter will be inactive, and the Date and Time parameter will become active.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

يحدد نوع الإصدار الذي ستتصل به. تنطبق هذه المعلمة فقط عند الاتصال بقاعدة بيانات جغرافية.

• المعاملات - الاتصال بنسخة المعاملات. إذا تم تحديد المعاملات ، فسيتم ملء معلمة الإصدار التالي بقائمة إصدارات المعاملات ، وستكون معلمة التاريخ والوقت غير نشطة. هذا هو الافتراضي.

• تاريخي - الاتصال بعلامة تاريخية. إذا تم تحديد "تاريخي" ، فسيتم ملء معلمة "الإصدار التالي" بقائمة من العلامات التاريخية ، وستكون معلمة "التاريخ والوقت" غير نشطة.

POINT_IN_TIME - الاتصال بنقطة زمنية محددة. إذا تم تحديد نقطة في الوقت المناسب ، فسيكون الإصدار التالي الذي سيتم استخدامه معلمة غير نشطة ، وستصبح معلمة التاريخ والوقت نشطة.

إذا تم تحديد HISTORICAL ولم يتم توفير اسم في معلمة الإصدار ، فسيتم استخدام إصدار المعاملات الافتراضي. إذا تم تحديد POINT_IN_TIME ولم يتم توفير تاريخ في معلمة التاريخ ، فسيتم استخدام إصدار المعاملات الافتراضي.

12. The following version will be used (optional) سيتم استخدام الإصدار التالي (اختياري)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

إصدار معاملات قاعدة البيانات الجغرافية أو العلامة التاريخية المراد الاتصال بها. يستخدم الخيار الافتراضي إصدار المعاملات الافتراضي.

13. Date and Time (optional) التاريخ والوقت (اختياري)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

القيمة التي تمثل التاريخ والوقت اللذين سيتم استخدامهما للاتصال بقاعدة البيانات. يُستخدم هذا الخيار مع البيانات التي تدعم الأرشفة. استخدم منتقي الوقت لاختيار التاريخ المناسب.

في حالة إدخال تاريخ يدويًا ، يمكن استخدام التنسيقات التالية:

• 9/6/2011 4:20:15 مساءً

• 9/6/2011 16:20:15

• 6/9/2011

• 4:20:15 مساءً

• 16:20:15

• إذا تم إدخال وقت بدون تاريخ ، فسيتم استخدام التاريخ الافتراضي في 30 ديسمبر 1899.

إذا تم إدخال تاريخ بدون وقت ، فسيتم استخدام الوقت الافتراضي وهو 12:00:00 صباحًا.The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:

Password (optional)

The database user password that will be used when using database authentication.

Save username and password (optional)

Specifies whether the user name and password will be saved.

Database (optional)

The name of the database to which you will connect. This parameter only applies to PostgreSQL and SQL Server platforms.

Schema (Oracle user schema geodatabases only) (optional)

The user schema geodatabase to which you will connect. The tool will determine if it is connecting to an Oracle database that contains a user–schema geodatabase. If the Oracle database contains a user schema, this option is active; otherwise, it remains inactive. The default option for this parameter is to use the sde schema (master) geodatabase.

Version Type (optional)

Specifies the type of version to which you will connect. This parameter only applies when connecting to a geodatabase.

If HISTORICAL is selected and a name is not provided in the version parameter, the default transactional version will be used. If POINT_IN_TIME is selected and a date is not provided in the date parameter, the default transactional version is used.

The following version will be used (optional)

The geodatabase transactional version or historical marker to connect to. The default option uses the default transactional version.

Date and Time (optional)

The value representing the date and time that will be used to connect to the database. This option is used with archive-enabled data. Use the time picker to choose the appropriate date.

If manually entering a date, the following formats can be used:


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