Focal Statistics Tool
أداة الاحصائيات البؤرية
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Focal Statistics Tool, Neighborhood
Toolset, Spatial Analyst Tools Toolbox
Focal Statistics
Calculates for each
input cell location a statistic of the values within a specified neighborhood
around it.
تحسب لكل موقع خلية إدخال إحصائية للقيم الموجودة
داخل حي محدد حولها.
Input raster أدخل البيانات النقطية
The raster on which the
focal statistics will be calculated.
البيانات النقطية التي سيتم حساب الإحصائيات
البؤرية عليها.
Output raster
The output focal statistics raster.
Neighborhood (optional)
Specifies the shape of the area around each cell used to calculate the
Once the neighborhood type is selected, other parameters can be set to
define the shape of that neighborhood, the size, and the units.
· Annulus Inner radius Outer radius Units
A torus (donut-shaped) neighborhood defined
by an inner radius and an outer radius. The default annulus is an inner radius
of one cell and an outer radius of three cells.
· Circle Radius Units
A circular neighborhood with the given
radius. The default radius is three cells.
· Rectangle Height Width Units
A rectangular neighborhood defined by
the height and width. The default is a square with a height and width of three
· Wedge Radius Start angle End angle Units
A wedge-shaped neighborhood defined by a
radius, the start angle, and the end angle. The wedge extends counterclockwise
from the starting angle to the ending angle. Angles are specified in degrees,
with 0 or 360 representing east. Negative angles can be used. The default wedge
is from 0 to 90 degrees, with a radius of 3 cells.
· Irregular Kernel file
A custom neighborhood with
specifications set by a user-defined file.
· Weight Kernel file
A custom neighborhood with
specifications set by a user-defined file, which can apply weights to the
members of the neighborhood.
The distance units for the parameters can be specified in cell units or
map units. Cell units is the default.
The default neighborhood is a square rectangle with a width and height of
three cells.
Statistics type (optional)
Specifies the statistic type to be calculated.
· MEAN—Calculates the mean (average value) of the cells in the neighborhood.
· MAJORITY—Calculates the majority (value that occurs most often) of the
cells in the neighborhood.
· MAXIMUM—Calculates the maximum (largest value) of the cells in the
· MEDIAN—Calculates the median of the cells in the neighborhood.
· MINIMUM—Calculates the minimum (smallest value) of the cells in the
· MINORITY—Calculates the minority (value that occurs least often) of the
cells in the neighborhood.
· PERCENTILE—Calculates a percentile of the cells in the neighborhood. The
90th percentile is calculated by default. You can specify other values (from 0
to 100) using the Percentile value parameter.
· RANGE—Calculates the range (difference between largest and smallest value)
of the cells in the neighborhood.
· STD—Calculates the standard deviation of the cells in the neighborhood.
· SUM—Calculates the sum (total of all values) of the cells in the neighborhood.
· VARIETY—Calculates the variety (the number of unique values) of the cells
in the neighborhood.
The default statistic type is MEAN.
If the input raster is integer, all the statistics types are available. If
the input raster is floating point, only the MEAN, MAXIMUM, MEDIAN, MINIMUM,
PERCENTILE, RANGE, STD, and SUM statistic types are available.
Percentile value (optional)
The percentile to calculate. The default is 90, for the 90th percentile.
The values can range from 0 to 100. The 0th percentile is essentially
equivalent to the Minimum statistic, and the 100th percentile is equivalent to
Maximum. A value of 50 will produce essentially the same result as the Median
This option is only available if the Statistics type parameter is set to Percentile.
Ignore NoData in calculations
Specifies whether NoData values will be ignored by the statistic
· Checked—If a NoData value exists within a neighborhood, the NoData value
will be ignored. Only cells within the neighborhood that have data values will
be used in determining the output value. This means that if the processing cell
value is NoData, the processing cell may receive a value in the output raster
if this parameter is checked, provided at least one cell within the neighborhood
has a valid value. This is the default.
· Unchecked—If any cell in a neighborhood has a value of NoData, including
the processing cell, the output for the processing cell will be NoData. If this
parameter is not checked, the presence of a NoData value implies that there is
insufficient information to determine the statistic value for the neighborhood.
Output raster البيانات النقطية
The output focal
statistics raster.
الناتج الإحصائي النقطي البؤري.
Neighborhood (optional)
Specifies the shape of the area around each cell used to calculate the
Once the neighborhood type is selected, other parameters can be set to
define the shape of that neighborhood, the size, and the units.
· Annulus Inner radius Outer radius Units
A torus (donut-shaped) neighborhood
defined by an inner radius and an outer radius. The default annulus is an inner
radius of one cell and an outer radius of three cells.
· Circle Radius Units
A circular neighborhood with the given
radius. The default radius is three cells.
· Rectangle Height Width Units
A rectangular neighborhood defined by
the height and width. The default is a square with a height and width of three
· Wedge Radius Start angle End angle Units
A wedge-shaped neighborhood defined by a
radius, the start angle, and the end angle. The wedge extends counterclockwise
from the starting angle to the ending angle. Angles are specified in degrees,
with 0 or 360 representing east. Negative angles can be used. The default wedge
is from 0 to 90 degrees, with a radius of 3 cells.
· Irregular Kernel file
A custom neighborhood with
specifications set by a user-defined file.
· Weight Kernel file
A custom neighborhood with
specifications set by a user-defined file, which can apply weights to the
members of the neighborhood.
The distance units for the parameters can be specified in cell units or
map units. Cell units is the default.
The default neighborhood is a square rectangle with a width and height of
three cells.
Statistics type (optional)
Specifies the statistic type to be calculated.
· MEAN—Calculates the mean (average value) of the cells in the neighborhood.
· MAJORITY—Calculates the majority (value that occurs most often) of the
cells in the neighborhood.
· MAXIMUM—Calculates the maximum (largest value) of the cells in the
· MEDIAN—Calculates the median of the cells in the neighborhood.
· MINIMUM—Calculates the minimum (smallest value) of the cells in the
· MINORITY—Calculates the minority (value that occurs least often) of the
cells in the neighborhood.
· PERCENTILE—Calculates a percentile of the cells in the neighborhood. The
90th percentile is calculated by default. You can specify other values (from 0
to 100) using the Percentile value parameter.
· RANGE—Calculates the range (difference between largest and smallest value)
of the cells in the neighborhood.
· STD—Calculates the standard deviation of the cells in the neighborhood.
· SUM—Calculates the sum (total of all values) of the cells in the
· VARIETY—Calculates the variety (the number of unique values) of the cells
in the neighborhood.
The default statistic type is MEAN.
If the input raster is integer, all the statistics types are available. If
the input raster is floating point, only the MEAN, MAXIMUM, MEDIAN, MINIMUM,
PERCENTILE, RANGE, STD, and SUM statistic types are available.
Percentile value (optional)
The percentile to calculate. The default is 90, for the 90th percentile.
The values can range from 0 to 100. The 0th percentile is essentially
equivalent to the Minimum statistic, and the 100th percentile is equivalent to
Maximum. A value of 50 will produce essentially the same result as the Median
This option is only available if the Statistics type parameter is set to
Ignore NoData in calculations
Specifies whether NoData values will be ignored by the statistic
· Checked—If a NoData value exists within a neighborhood, the NoData value
will be ignored. Only cells within the neighborhood that have data values will
be used in determining the output value. This means that if the processing cell
value is NoData, the processing cell may receive a value in the output raster
if this parameter is checked, provided at least one cell within the
neighborhood has a valid value. This is the default.
· Unchecked—If any cell in a neighborhood has a value of NoData, including
the processing cell, the output for the processing cell will be NoData. If this
parameter is not checked, the presence of a NoData value implies that there is
insufficient information to determine the statistic value for the neighborhood.
Neighborhood (optional) المنطقة
المجاورة (اختياري)
Specifies the shape of
the area around each cell used to calculate the statistic.
Once the neighborhood
type is selected, other parameters can be set to define the shape of that
neighborhood, the size, and the units.
Annulus Inner radius Outer radius Units
A torus (donut-shaped) neighborhood defined by an inner radius and
an outer radius. The default annulus is an inner radius of one cell and an
outer radius of three cells.
Circle Radius Units
A circular neighborhood with the given radius. The default radius
is three cells.
Rectangle Height Width Units
A rectangular neighborhood defined by the height and width. The
default is a square with a height and width of three cells.
Wedge Radius Start angle End angle Units
A wedge-shaped neighborhood defined by a radius, the start angle,
and the end angle. The wedge extends counterclockwise from the starting angle
to the ending angle. Angles are specified in degrees, with 0 or 360
representing east. Negative angles can be used. The default wedge is from 0 to
90 degrees, with a radius of 3 cells.
Irregular Kernel file
A custom neighborhood with specifications set by a user-defined
Weight Kernel file
A custom neighborhood with specifications set by a user-defined
file, which can apply weights to the members of the neighborhood.
The distance units for
the parameters can be specified in cell units or map units. Cell units is the
The default neighborhood
is a square rectangle with a width and height of three cells.
تحدد شكل المنطقة حول كل خلية تُستخدم لحساب
بمجرد تحديد نوع الحي ، يمكن تعيين معلمات أخرى
لتحديد شكل هذا الحي والحجم والوحدات.
• وحدات نصف القطر
الخارجي الحلقة
حي طارة (على شكل دونات) محدد بنصف قطر داخلي ونصف
قطر خارجي. الحلقة الافتراضية هي نصف القطر الداخلي لخلية واحدة ونصف القطر
الخارجي لثلاث خلايا.
• وحدات دائرة نصف قطرها
حي دائري بنصف قطر محدد. نصف القطر الافتراضي هو
ثلاث خلايا.
• وحدات عرض ارتفاع
حي مستطيل يحدده الارتفاع والعرض. الافتراضي هو
مربع بارتفاع وعرض ثلاث خلايا.
• إسفين نصف قطر زاوية
البداية وحدات زاوية النهاية
حي على شكل إسفين محدد بنصف قطر وزاوية البداية
وزاوية النهاية. يمتد الإسفين عكس اتجاه عقارب الساعة من زاوية البداية إلى زاوية
النهاية. يتم تحديد الزوايا بالدرجات ، حيث يمثل 0 أو 360 الشرق. يمكن استخدام
الزوايا السلبية. الإسفين الافتراضي هو من 0 إلى 90 درجة ، بنصف قطر 3 خلايا.
• ملف Kernel غير
حي مخصص بمواصفات محددة بواسطة ملف محدد من قبل
• ملف وزن النواة
حي مخصص بمواصفات تم تعيينها بواسطة ملف محدد من
قبل المستخدم ، والذي يمكنه تطبيق أوزان على أعضاء الحي.
يمكن تحديد وحدات المسافة للمعلمات في وحدات
الخلية أو وحدات الخريطة. وحدات الخلايا هي الافتراضي.
الحي الافتراضي هو مستطيل مربع بعرض وارتفاع ثلاث
Statistics type (optional)
Specifies the statistic type to be calculated.
· MEAN—Calculates the mean (average value) of the cells in the neighborhood.
· MAJORITY—Calculates the majority (value that occurs most often) of the
cells in the neighborhood.
· MAXIMUM—Calculates the maximum (largest value) of the cells in the
· MEDIAN—Calculates the median of the cells in the neighborhood.
· MINIMUM—Calculates the minimum (smallest value) of the cells in the
· MINORITY—Calculates the minority (value that occurs least often) of the
cells in the neighborhood.
· PERCENTILE—Calculates a percentile of the cells in the neighborhood. The
90th percentile is calculated by default. You can specify other values (from 0
to 100) using the Percentile value parameter.
· RANGE—Calculates the range (difference between largest and smallest value)
of the cells in the neighborhood.
· STD—Calculates the standard deviation of the cells in the neighborhood.
· SUM—Calculates the sum (total of all values) of the cells in the
· VARIETY—Calculates the variety (the number of unique values) of the cells
in the neighborhood.
The default statistic type is MEAN.
If the input raster is integer, all the statistics types are available. If
the input raster is floating point, only the MEAN, MAXIMUM, MEDIAN, MINIMUM,
PERCENTILE, RANGE, STD, and SUM statistic types are available.
Percentile value (optional)
The percentile to calculate. The default is 90, for the 90th percentile.
The values can range from 0 to 100. The 0th percentile is essentially
equivalent to the Minimum statistic, and the 100th percentile is equivalent to
Maximum. A value of 50 will produce essentially the same result as the Median
This option is only available if the Statistics type parameter is set to
Ignore NoData in calculations
Specifies whether NoData values will be ignored by the statistic
· Checked—If a NoData value exists within a neighborhood, the NoData value
will be ignored. Only cells within the neighborhood that have data values will
be used in determining the output value. This means that if the processing cell
value is NoData, the processing cell may receive a value in the output raster
if this parameter is checked, provided at least one cell within the
neighborhood has a valid value. This is the default.
· Unchecked—If any cell in a neighborhood has a value of NoData, including
the processing cell, the output for the processing cell will be NoData. If this
parameter is not checked, the presence of a NoData value implies that there is
insufficient information to determine the statistic value for the neighborhood.
Statistics type (optional) نوع
الإحصاء (اختياري)
Specifies the statistic
type to be calculated.
MEAN—Calculates the mean (average value) of the cells in the
MAJORITY—Calculates the majority (value that occurs most often) of
the cells in the neighborhood.
MAXIMUM—Calculates the maximum (largest value) of the cells in the
MEDIAN—Calculates the median of the cells in the neighborhood.
MINIMUM—Calculates the minimum (smallest value) of the cells in
the neighborhood.
MINORITY—Calculates the minority (value that occurs least often)
of the cells in the neighborhood.
PERCENTILE—Calculates a percentile of the cells in the
neighborhood. The 90th percentile is calculated by default. You can specify
other values (from 0 to 100) using the Percentile value parameter.
RANGE—Calculates the range (difference between largest and
smallest value) of the cells in the neighborhood.
STD—Calculates the standard deviation of the cells in the
SUM—Calculates the sum (total of all values) of the cells in the
VARIETY—Calculates the variety (the number of unique values) of
the cells in the neighborhood.
The default statistic
type is MEAN.
If the input raster is
integer, all the statistics types are available. If the input raster is
STD, and SUM statistic types are available.
يحدد النوع الإحصائي المطلوب حسابه.
• MEAN -
لحساب متوسط (متوسط القيمة) للخلايا في الحي.
• MAJORITY - لحساب غالبية (القيمة التي تحدث في أغلب الأحيان) من الخلايا في
• الحد الأقصى — لحساب
الحد الأقصى (أكبر قيمة) للخلايا في الحي.
لحساب متوسط الخلايا في الحي.
• MINIMUM - لحساب الحد الأدنى (أصغر قيمة) من الخلايا في الحي.
• MINORITY - لحساب الأقلية (القيمة التي تحدث في كثير من الأحيان) من
الخلايا في الحي.
• PERCENTILE - حساب النسبة المئوية للخلايا في الحي. يتم احتساب النسبة
المئوية التسعين بشكل افتراضي. يمكنك تحديد قيم أخرى (من 0 إلى 100) باستخدام
معلمة قيمة النسبة المئوية.
لحساب النطاق (الاختلاف بين أكبر وأصغر قيمة) للخلايا الموجودة في الحي.
• STD -
لحساب الانحراف المعياري للخلايا في الحي.
• SUM -
لحساب مجموع (إجمالي جميع القيم) للخلايا الموجودة في الحي.
• VARIETY - لحساب مجموعة متنوعة (عدد القيم الفريدة) للخلايا في الحي.
النوع الإحصائي الافتراضي هو MEAN.
إذا كان إدخال البيانات النقطية عددًا صحيحًا ،
فستتوفر جميع أنواع الإحصائيات. إذا كانت البيانات النقطية المدخلة هي النقطة
العائمة ، فلن تتوفر سوى الأنواع الإحصائية MEAN و MAXIMUM و MEDIAN و MINIMUM و PERCENTILE و RANGE و STD و SUM.
Percentile value (optional)
The percentile to calculate. The default is 90, for the 90th percentile.
The values can range from 0 to 100. The 0th percentile is essentially
equivalent to the Minimum statistic, and the 100th percentile is equivalent to
Maximum. A value of 50 will produce essentially the same result as the Median
This option is only available if the Statistics type parameter is set to
Ignore NoData in calculations
Specifies whether NoData values will be ignored by the statistic
· Checked—If a NoData value exists within a neighborhood, the NoData value
will be ignored. Only cells within the neighborhood that have data values will
be used in determining the output value. This means that if the processing cell
value is NoData, the processing cell may receive a value in the output raster
if this parameter is checked, provided at least one cell within the
neighborhood has a valid value. This is the default.
· Unchecked—If any cell in a neighborhood has a value of NoData, including
the processing cell, the output for the processing cell will be NoData. If this
parameter is not checked, the presence of a NoData value implies that there is
insufficient information to determine the statistic value for the neighborhood.
Percentile value (optional) قيمة
النسبة المئوية (اختياري)
The percentile to
calculate. The default is 90, for the 90th percentile.
The values can range
from 0 to 100. The 0th percentile is essentially equivalent to the Minimum
statistic, and the 100th percentile is equivalent to Maximum. A value of 50
will produce essentially the same result as the Median statistic.
This option is only
available if the Statistics type parameter is set to Percentile.
النسبة المئوية لحساب. القيمة الافتراضية هي 90
للشريحة المئوية التسعين.
يمكن أن تتراوح القيم من 0 إلى 100. النسبة
المئوية 0 هي أساسًا مكافئة للحد الأدنى من الإحصاء ، بينما النسبة المئوية 100
تعادل الحد الأقصى. ستنتج القيمة 50 أساسًا نفس النتيجة مثل الإحصاء الوسيط.
يتوفر هذا الخيار فقط إذا تم تعيين معلمة نوع
الإحصائيات على النسبة المئوية.
Ignore NoData in calculations
Specifies whether NoData values will be ignored by the statistic
· Checked—If a NoData value exists within a neighborhood, the NoData value
will be ignored. Only cells within the neighborhood that have data values will
be used in determining the output value. This means that if the processing cell
value is NoData, the processing cell may receive a value in the output raster
if this parameter is checked, provided at least one cell within the
neighborhood has a valid value. This is the default.
· Unchecked—If any cell in a neighborhood has a value of NoData, including
the processing cell, the output for the processing cell will be NoData. If this
parameter is not checked, the presence of a NoData value implies that there is
insufficient information to determine the statistic value for the neighborhood.
Ignore NoData in calculations (optional) تجاهل عدم وجود بيانات في العمليات الحسابية (اختياري)
Specifies whether NoData
values will be ignored by the statistic calculation.
Checked—If a NoData value exists within a neighborhood, the NoData
value will be ignored. Only cells within the neighborhood that have data values
will be used in determining the output value. This means that if the processing
cell value is NoData, the processing cell may receive a value in the output
raster if this parameter is checked, provided at least one cell within the
neighborhood has a valid value. This is the default.
Unchecked—If any cell in a neighborhood has a value of NoData,
including the processing cell, the output for the processing cell will be
NoData. If this parameter is not checked, the presence of a NoData value
implies that there is insufficient information to determine the statistic value
for the neighborhood.
يحدد ما إذا كان سيتم تجاهل قيم NoData من
خلال الحساب الإحصائي.
• تم التحديد - في حالة
وجود قيمة NoData داخل أحد الأحياء ، سيتم
تجاهل قيمة NoData. سيتم استخدام الخلايا
الموجودة داخل الحي والتي تحتوي على قيم بيانات فقط في تحديد قيمة الإخراج. هذا
يعني أنه إذا كانت قيمة خلية المعالجة هي NoData ، فقد
تتلقى خلية المعالجة قيمة في البيانات النقطية للمخرجات إذا تم تحديد هذه المعلمة
، بشرط أن تحتوي خلية واحدة على الأقل داخل الحي على قيمة صالحة. هذا هو
• غير محدد - إذا كانت أي
خلية في الحي تحتوي على قيمة NoData ، بما
في ذلك خلية المعالجة ، فسيكون ناتج خلية المعالجة NoData. إذا
لم يتم تحديد هذه المعلمة ، فإن وجود قيمة NoData يعني
عدم وجود معلومات كافية لتحديد القيمة الإحصائية للحي.
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