تكوين مكعب وقت الفضاء عن طريق تجميع النقاط Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points

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تكوين مكعب وقت الفضاء عن طريق تجميع النقاط Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points

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Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points Tool

أداة تكوين مكعب وقت الفضاء عن طريق تجميع النقاط

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to use Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points Tool in Arc Toolbox??

كيفية استخدام أداة تكوين مكعب وقت الفضاء عن طريق تجميع النقاط ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة تكوين مكعب وقت الفضاء عن طريق تجميع النقاط ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points Tool, Space Time Pattern Mining Tools Toolbox

 Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points Tool

Create Space Time Cube By Aggregating Points

Summarizes a set of points into a netCDF data structure by aggregating them into space-time bins. Within each bin, the points are counted and specified attributes are aggregated. For all bin locations, the trend for counts and summary field values are evaluated.

يلخص مجموعة من النقاط في بنية بيانات netCDF عن طريق تجميعها في صناديق الزمكان. داخل كل سلة ، يتم حساب النقاط وتجميع السمات المحددة. بالنسبة لكافة مواقع الحاويات ، يتم تقييم اتجاه الأعداد وقيم حقول الملخص.

1.    Input Features أدخل المعالم

The input point feature class to be aggregated into space-time bins.

يتم تجميع فئة ميزة نقطة الإدخال في حاويات الزمكان.

Output Space Time Cube

The output netCDF data cube that will be created to contain counts and summaries of the input feature point data.

Time Field

The field containing the date and time (timestamp) for each point. This field must be of type Date.

Template Cube (optional)

A reference space-time cube used to define the Output Space Time Cube extent of analysis, bin dimensions, and bin alignment. Time Step Interval, Distance Interval, and Reference Time are also obtained from the template cube. This template cube must be a netCDF (.nc) file that has been created using this tool.

Time Step Interval (optional)

The number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years that will represent a single time step. All points within the same Time Step Interval and Distance Interval will be aggregated. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is ignored, and the Time Step Interval value is obtained from the template cube). Examples of valid entries for this parameter are 1 Weeks, 13 Days, or 1 Years.

Time Step Alignment (optional)

Defines how aggregation will occur based on a given Time Step Interval. If a Template Cube is provided, the Time Step Alignment associated with the Template Cube overrides this parameter setting and the Time Step Alignment of the Template Cube is used.

Reference Time (optional)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

2.    Output Space Time Cube إخراج مكعب وقت الفضاء

The output netCDF data cube that will be created to contain counts and summaries of the input feature point data.

مكعب بيانات الإخراج netCDF الذي سيتم إنشاؤه لاحتواء تعداد وملخصات بيانات نقطة معلم الإدخال.

Time Field

The field containing the date and time (timestamp) for each point. This field must be of type Date.

Template Cube (optional)

A reference space-time cube used to define the Output Space Time Cube extent of analysis, bin dimensions, and bin alignment. Time Step Interval, Distance Interval, and Reference Time are also obtained from the template cube. This template cube must be a netCDF (.nc) file that has been created using this tool.

Time Step Interval (optional)

The number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years that will represent a single time step. All points within the same Time Step Interval and Distance Interval will be aggregated. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is ignored, and the Time Step Interval value is obtained from the template cube). Examples of valid entries for this parameter are 1 Weeks, 13 Days, or 1 Years.

Time Step Alignment (optional)

Defines how aggregation will occur based on a given Time Step Interval. If a Template Cube is provided, the Time Step Alignment associated with the Template Cube overrides this parameter setting and the Time Step Alignment of the Template Cube is used.

Reference Time (optional)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

3.    Time Field حقل الوقت

The field containing the date and time (timestamp) for each point. This field must be of type Date.

الحقل الذي يحتوي على التاريخ والوقت (الطابع الزمني) لكل نقطة. يجب أن يكون هذا الحقل من نوع التاريخ.

Template Cube (optional)

A reference space-time cube used to define the Output Space Time Cube extent of analysis, bin dimensions, and bin alignment. Time Step Interval, Distance Interval, and Reference Time are also obtained from the template cube. This template cube must be a netCDF (.nc) file that has been created using this tool.

Time Step Interval (optional)

The number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years that will represent a single time step. All points within the same Time Step Interval and Distance Interval will be aggregated. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is ignored, and the Time Step Interval value is obtained from the template cube). Examples of valid entries for this parameter are 1 Weeks, 13 Days, or 1 Years.

Time Step Alignment (optional)

Defines how aggregation will occur based on a given Time Step Interval. If a Template Cube is provided, the Time Step Alignment associated with the Template Cube overrides this parameter setting and the Time Step Alignment of the Template Cube is used.

Reference Time (optional)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

4.    Template Cube (optional) قالب مكعب (اختياري)

A reference space-time cube used to define the Output Space Time Cube extent of analysis, bin dimensions, and bin alignment. Time Step Interval, Distance Interval, and Reference Time are also obtained from the template cube. This template cube must be a netCDF (.nc) file that has been created using this tool.

مكعب زمكان مرجعي يُستخدم لتعريف نطاق تحليل Output Space Time Cube ، وأبعاد الحاوية ، ومحاذاة الحاوية. يتم أيضًا الحصول على فاصل الخطوة الزمنية والفاصل الزمني للمسافة والوقت المرجعي من مكعب القالب. يجب أن يكون مكعب القالب هذا ملف netCDF (.nc) تم إنشاؤه باستخدام هذه الأداة.

Time Step Interval (optional)

The number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years that will represent a single time step. All points within the same Time Step Interval and Distance Interval will be aggregated. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is ignored, and the Time Step Interval value is obtained from the template cube). Examples of valid entries for this parameter are 1 Weeks, 13 Days, or 1 Years.

Time Step Alignment (optional)

Defines how aggregation will occur based on a given Time Step Interval. If a Template Cube is provided, the Time Step Alignment associated with the Template Cube overrides this parameter setting and the Time Step Alignment of the Template Cube is used.

Reference Time (optional)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

5.    Time Step Interval (optional) الفاصل الزمني للخطوة (اختياري)

The number of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or years that will represent a single time step. All points within the same Time Step Interval and Distance Interval will be aggregated. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is ignored, and the Time Step Interval value is obtained from the template cube). Examples of valid entries for this parameter are 1 Weeks, 13 Days, or 1 Years.

عدد الثواني أو الدقائق أو الساعات أو الأيام أو الأسابيع أو السنوات التي ستمثل خطوة زمنية واحدة. سيتم تجميع جميع النقاط في نفس الفاصل الزمني للخطوة والفاصل الزمني للمسافة. (عند توفير قالب مكعب ، يتم تجاهل هذه المعلمة ، ويتم الحصول على قيمة الفاصل الزمني للخطوة من مكعب القالب). أمثلة الإدخالات الصالحة لهذه المعلمة هي أسبوع واحد أو 13 يومًا أو سنة واحدة.

Time Step Alignment (optional)

Defines how aggregation will occur based on a given Time Step Interval. If a Template Cube is provided, the Time Step Alignment associated with the Template Cube overrides this parameter setting and the Time Step Alignment of the Template Cube is used.

Reference Time (optional)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

6.    Time Step Alignment (optional) محاذاة خطوة الوقت (اختياري)

Defines how aggregation will occur based on a given Time Step Interval. If a Template Cube is provided, the Time Step Alignment associated with the Template Cube overrides this parameter setting and the Time Step Alignment of the Template Cube is used.

يحدد كيفية حدوث التجميع بناءً على فاصل زمني محدد للخطوة. إذا تم توفير مكعب قالب ، فإن محاذاة الخطوة الزمنية المرتبطة بمكعب القالب تتجاوز إعداد المعلمة هذا ويتم استخدام محاذاة خطوة الوقت لمكعب القالب.

END_TIME - محاذاة خطوات الوقت مع حدث آخر مرة وتجميعها في الوقت المناسب.

START_TIME - محاذاة خطوات الوقت مع حدث المرة الأولى وتجميعها للأمام في الوقت المناسب.

REFERENCE_TIME — تتوافق خطوات الوقت مع تاريخ / وقت معين تحدده. إذا كانت جميع النقاط في ميزات الإدخال تحتوي على طابع زمني أكبر من REFERENCE_TIME الذي توفره (أو يقع بالضبط في وقت بدء ميزات الإدخال) ، فإن فاصل الخطوة الزمنية سيبدأ بهذا الوقت المرجعي ويجمع إلى الأمام في الوقت المناسب (كما يحدث بمحاذاة START_TIME). إذا كانت جميع النقاط في ميزات الإدخال تحتوي على طابع زمني أصغر من الوقت المرجعي الذي توفره (أو يقع بالضبط في وقت انتهاء ميزات الإدخال) ، فإن فاصل الخطوة الزمنية سينتهي بذلك الوقت المرجعي ويتجمع للخلف في الوقت المناسب (مثل يحدث بمحاذاة END_TIME). إذا كانت REFERENCE_TIME التي تقدمها في منتصف النطاق الزمني لبياناتك ، فسيتم إنشاء فاصل زمني للخطوات ينتهي بالوقت المرجعي المقدم (كما يحدث مع محاذاة END_TIME) ؛ سيتم إنشاء فترات زمنية إضافية قبل وبعد الوقت المرجعي حتى يتم تغطية النطاق الكامل لبياناتك.

Reference Time (optional)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

7.    Reference Time (optional) الوقت المرجعي (اختياري)

The date/time to use to align the time-step intervals. If you want to bin your data weekly from Monday to Sunday, for example, you could set a reference time of Sunday at midnight to ensure bins break between Sunday and Monday at midnight. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the Reference Time is based on the Template Cube.)

التاريخ / الوقت المراد استخدامه لمحاذاة فترات الخطوات الزمنية. إذا كنت تريد تخزين بياناتك أسبوعيًا من الاثنين إلى الأحد ، على سبيل المثال ، يمكنك تعيين وقت مرجعي ليوم الأحد عند منتصف الليل لضمان انقطاع الحاويات بين الأحد والاثنين في منتصف الليل. (عند توفير قالب مكعب ، يتم تعطيل هذه المعلمة ويعتمد الوقت المرجعي على مكعب القالب.)

Distance Interval (optional)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

8.    Distance Interval (optional) فاصل المسافة (اختياري)

The size of the bins used to aggregate the Input Features. All points that fall within the same Distance Interval and Time Step Interval will be aggregated. When aggregating into a hexagon grid, this distance is used as the height to construct the hexagon polygons. (When a Template Cube is provided, this parameter is disabled and the distance interval value will be based on the Template Cube.)

حجم الحاويات المستخدمة لتجميع ميزات الإدخال. سيتم تجميع كل النقاط التي تقع ضمن نفس فاصل المسافة والفاصل الزمني للخطوة. عند التجميع في شبكة سداسية ، يتم استخدام هذه المسافة كارتفاع لبناء المضلعات السداسية. (عند توفير قالب مكعب ، يتم تعطيل هذه المعلمة وستعتمد قيمة فاصل المسافة على مكعب القالب.)

Summary Fields (optional)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

Available statistic types are:

Available fill types are:

Note: Null values present in any of the summary fields will result in those features being excluded from analysis. If having the count of points in each bin is part of your analysis strategy, you may want to consider creating separate cubes, one for the count (without summary fields) and one for summary fields. If the set of null values is different for each summary field, you may also consider creating a separate cube for each summary field.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

9.    Summary Fields (optional) حقول الملخص (اختياري)

The numeric field containing attribute values used to calculate the specified statistic when aggregating into a space-time cube. Multiple statistic and field combinations may be specified. Null values are excluded from all statistical calculations.

الحقل الرقمي الذي يحتوي على قيم البيانات الجدولية المستخدمة لحساب الإحصاء المحدد عند التجميع في مكعب الزمكان. يمكن تحديد مجموعات إحصائية وحقول متعددة. يتم استبعاد القيم الخالية من كافة الحسابات الإحصائية.

الأنواع الإحصائية المتاحة هي:

SUM - تضيف القيمة الإجمالية للحقل المحدد داخل كل حاوية.

• يعني - حساب المتوسط ​​للحقل المحدد في كل حاوية.

MIN - للبحث عن أصغر قيمة لجميع سجلات الحقل المحدد داخل كل حاوية.

MAX - يبحث عن أكبر قيمة لجميع سجلات الحقل المحدد في كل حاوية.

STD - البحث عن الانحراف المعياري للقيم الموجودة في الحقل المحدد داخل كل حاوية.

MEDIAN- البحث عن القيمة الوسطى التي تم فرزها لجميع سجلات الحقل المحدد داخل كل حاوية.

أنواع التعبئة المتاحة هي:

• الأصفار - يملأ الحاويات الفارغة بالأصفار.

SPATIAL_NEIGHBORS - يملأ الصناديق الفارغة بمتوسط ​​قيمة الجيران المكانيين

SPACE_TIME_NEIGHBORS - يملأ الصناديق الفارغة بمتوسط ​​قيمة الجيران والزمان.

TEMPORAL_TREND - يملأ الصناديق الفارغة باستخدام خوارزمية محرف أحادي المتغير.

ملاحظة: ستؤدي القيم الفارغة الموجودة في أي من حقول الملخص إلى استبعاد هذه الميزات من التحليل. إذا كان عدد النقاط في كل حاوية جزءًا من إستراتيجية التحليل الخاصة بك ، فقد ترغب في التفكير في إنشاء مكعبات منفصلة ، واحدة للعدد (بدون حقول الملخص) وواحدة لحقول الملخص. إذا كانت مجموعة القيم الخالية مختلفة لكل حقل ملخص ، يمكنك أيضًا التفكير في إنشاء مكعب منفصل لكل حقل ملخص.

Aggregation Shape Type (optional)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

10. Aggregation Shape Type (optional) نوع شكل التجميع (اختياري)

The shape of the polygon mesh the input feature point data will be aggregated into.

· FISHNET_GRID—The input features will be aggregated into a grid of square (fishnet) cells.

· HEXAGON_GRID—The input features will be aggregated into a grid of hexagonal cells.

شكل شبكة المضلع التي سيتم تجميع بيانات نقطة المعلم المدخلة فيها.

FISHNET_GRID - سيتم تجميع ميزات الإدخال في شبكة من الخلايا المربعة (شبكة صيد السمك).

HEXAGON_GRID - سيتم تجميع ميزات الإدخال في شبكة من الخلايا السداسية.

 اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:

مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE من هنا.


GIS for WE


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