إنشاء مجموعة البيانات النقطية Create Raster Dataset

القائمة الرئيسية


إنشاء مجموعة البيانات النقطية Create Raster Dataset

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Create Raster Dataset Tool

أداة إنشاء مجموعة البيانات النقطية

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to Create Raster Dataset Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء مجموعة البيانات النقطية ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء مجموعة البيانات النقطية ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Create Raster Dataset Tool, Raster Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Create Raster Dataset Tool

Create Raster Dataset

Creates an empty raster dataset.

ينشئ مجموعة بيانات نقطية فارغة.

1.    Output Location موقع الإخراج

The output location to store the raster dataset.

موقع الإخراج لتخزين مجموعة البيانات النقطية.

Raster Dataset Name with Extension

The name, location and format for the dataset you are creating.

When storing the raster dataset in a file format, you need to specify the file extension:

When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset.

When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, a TIFF file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression Type and Compression Quality in the geoprocessing Environments.

Cellsize (optional)

The cell size for the new raster dataset.

Pixel Type

The bit-depth (radiometric resolution) of the output raster dataset. If this is not specified, your raster dataset will be created with a default pixel type of 8-bit unsigned integer.

Not all data types are supported by all raster formats. Check the Supported raster dataset file formats help topic to be sure the format you are using will support the data type you need.

Spatial Reference for Raster (optional)

The coordinate system for the output raster dataset.

If this is not specified, the coordinate system set in the environment settings will be used.

Number of Bands

The number of bands that the output raster dataset will have.

Configuration Keyword (optional)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

2.    Raster Dataset Name with Extension اسم مجموعة البيانات النقطية بامتداد

The name, location and format for the dataset you are creating.

When storing the raster dataset in a file format, you need to specify the file extension:

اسم وموقع وتنسيق مجموعة البيانات التي تقوم بإنشائها.

عند تخزين مجموعة البيانات النقطية بتنسيق ملف ، تحتاج إلى تحديد امتداد الملف:

· .bil—Esri BIL

· .bip—Esri BIP

· .bmp—BMP

· .bsq—Esri BSQ

· .dat—ENVI DAT

· .gif—GIF


· .jpg—JPEG

· .jp2—JPEG 2000

· .png—PNG

· .tif—TIFF

· .mrf—MRF

· .crf—CRF

· No extension for Esri Grid

When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset.

When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, a TIFF file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression Type and Compression Quality in the geoprocessing Environments.

عند تخزين مجموعة بيانات نقطية في قاعدة بيانات جغرافية ، لا تضف امتداد ملف إلى اسم مجموعة البيانات النقطية.

عند تخزين مجموعة البيانات النقطية في ملف JPEG أو ملف JPEG 2000 أو ملف TIFF أو قاعدة بيانات جغرافية ، يمكنك تحديد نوع الضغط وجودة الضغط في بيئات المعالجة الجغرافية.

Cellsize (optional)

The cell size for the new raster dataset.

Pixel Type

The bit-depth (radiometric resolution) of the output raster dataset. If this is not specified, your raster dataset will be created with a default pixel type of 8-bit unsigned integer.

Not all data types are supported by all raster formats. Check the Supported raster dataset file formats help topic to be sure the format you are using will support the data type you need.

Spatial Reference for Raster (optional)

The coordinate system for the output raster dataset.

If this is not specified, the coordinate system set in the environment settings will be used.

Number of Bands

The number of bands that the output raster dataset will have.

Configuration Keyword (optional)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

3.      Cellsize (optional) حجم الخلايا (اختياري)

The cell size for the new raster dataset.

حجم الخلية لمجموعة البيانات النقطية الجديدة.

Pixel Type

The bit-depth (radiometric resolution) of the output raster dataset. If this is not specified, your raster dataset will be created with a default pixel type of 8-bit unsigned integer.

Not all data types are supported by all raster formats. Check the Supported raster dataset file formats help topic to be sure the format you are using will support the data type you need.

Spatial Reference for Raster (optional)

The coordinate system for the output raster dataset.

If this is not specified, the coordinate system set in the environment settings will be used.

Number of Bands

The number of bands that the output raster dataset will have.

Configuration Keyword (optional)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

4.    Pixel Type نوع البيكسل

The bit-depth (radiometric resolution) of the output raster dataset. If this is not specified, your raster dataset will be created with a default pixel type of 8-bit unsigned integer.

Not all data types are supported by all raster formats. Check the Supported raster dataset file formats help topic to be sure the format you are using will support the data type you need.

· 1_BIT—A 1-bit unsigned integer. The values can be 0 or 1.

· 2_BIT—A 2-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 3.

· 4_BIT—A 4-bit unsigned integer. The values supported can be from 0 to 15.

· 8_BIT_UNSIGNED—An unsigned 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from 0 to 255.

· 8_BIT_SIGNED—A signed 8-bit data type. The values supported can be from -128 to 127.

· 16_BIT_UNSIGNED—A 16-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 65,535.

· 16_BIT_SIGNED—A 16-bit signed data type. The values can range from -32,768 to 32,767.

· 32_BIT_UNSIGNED—A 32-bit unsigned data type. The values can range from 0 to 4,294,967,295.

· 32_BIT_SIGNED—A 32-bit signed data type. The values can range from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

· 32_BIT_FLOAT—A 32-bit data type supporting decimals.

· 64_BIT—A 64-bit data type supporting decimals.

عمق البت (الدقة الراديومترية) لمجموعة البيانات النقطية للإخراج. إذا لم يتم تحديد ذلك ، فسيتم إنشاء مجموعة البيانات النقطية بنوع بكسل افتراضي من عدد صحيح بدون إشارة 8 بت.

ليست كل أنواع البيانات مدعومة من قبل كل تنسيقات البيانات النقطية. تحقق من موضوع التعليمات الخاص بتنسيقات ملفات مجموعة البيانات النقطية المدعومة للتأكد من أن التنسيق الذي تستخدمه سيدعم نوع البيانات الذي تحتاجه.

• 1_BIT - عدد صحيح من 1 بت بدون إشارة. يمكن أن تكون القيم 0 أو 1.

• 2_BIT - عدد صحيح من 2 بت بدون إشارة. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم المدعومة من 0 إلى 3.

• 4_BIT - عدد صحيح بدون إشارة 4 بت. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم المدعومة من 0 إلى 15.

• 8_BIT_UNSIGNED - نوع بيانات 8 بت بدون إشارة. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم المدعومة من 0 إلى 255.

• 8_BIT_SIGNED - نوع بيانات 8 بت موقّع. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم المدعومة من -128 إلى 127.

• 16_BIT_UNSIGNED - نوع بيانات 16 بت غير موقعة. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم من 0 إلى 65535.

• 16_BIT_SIGNED - نوع بيانات موقعة 16 بت. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم من -32768 إلى 32767.

• 32_BIT_UNSIGNED - نوع بيانات 32 بت غير موقعة. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم من 0 إلى 4294.967.295.

• 32_BIT_SIGNED - نوع بيانات موقعة 32 بت. يمكن أن تتراوح القيم من -2،147،483،648 إلى 2،147،483،647.

• 32_BIT_FLOAT - نوع بيانات 32 بت يدعم الكسور العشرية.

• 64_BIT - نوع بيانات 64 بت يدعم الكسور العشرية.

Spatial Reference for Raster (optional)

The coordinate system for the output raster dataset.

If this is not specified, the coordinate system set in the environment settings will be used.

Number of Bands

The number of bands that the output raster dataset will have.

Configuration Keyword (optional)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

5.    Spatial Reference for Raster (optional) المرجع المكاني للنقطية (اختياري)

The coordinate system for the output raster dataset.

If this is not specified, the coordinate system set in the environment settings will be used.

النظام الإحداثي لمجموعة البيانات النقطية للإخراج.

إذا لم يتم تحديد ذلك ، فسيتم استخدام النظام الإحداثي المعين في إعدادات البيئة.

Number of Bands

The number of bands that the output raster dataset will have.

Configuration Keyword (optional)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

6.    Number of Bands عدد النطاقات

The number of bands that the output raster dataset will have.

عدد النطاقات التي ستحتوي عليها مجموعة البيانات النقطية الناتجة.

Configuration Keyword (optional)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

7.    Configuration Keyword (optional) كلمة التكوين الرئيسية (اختياري)

Specifies the storage parameters (configuration) for a file or enterprise geodatabase. Configuration keywords are set up by your database administrator.

يحدد معلمات التخزين (التكوين) لملف أو قاعدة بيانات جغرافية مؤسسية. تم إعداد الكلمات الأساسية للتكوين من قبل مسؤول قاعدة البيانات.

Create pyramids (optional)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

8.    Create pyramids (optional) إنشاء الأهرامات (اختياري)

Creates pyramids.

For Pyramid Levels, specify a number of -1 or higher. A value of 0 will not build any pyramids, and a value of -1 will automatically determine the correct number of pyramid layers to create.

The Pyramid Resampling Technique defines how the data will be resampled when building the pyramids.

· NEAREST—Nearest neighbor should be used for nominal data or raster datasets with color maps, such as land-use or pseudo color images.

· BILINEAR—Bilinear interpolation is best used with continuous data, such as satellite imagery or aerial photography.

· CUBIC—Cubic convolution is best used with continuous data, such as satellite imagery or aerial photography. It is similar to bilinear interpolation; however, it resamples the data using a larger matrix.

The Pyramid Compression Type defines the method used when compressing the pyramids.

· DEFAULT—This uses the compression that is normally used by the raster dataset format.

· LZ77—A lossless compression. The values of the cells in the raster will not be changed.

· JPEG—A lossy compression.

· NONE—No data compression.

يصنع الأهرامات.

بالنسبة إلى Pyramid Levels ، حدد عددًا من -1 أو أعلى. القيمة 0 لن تبني أي أهرام ، وستحدد القيمة -1 تلقائيًا العدد الصحيح لطبقات الهرم المراد إنشاؤها.

تحدد تقنية إعادة تشكيل الهرم كيفية إعادة أخذ عينات البيانات عند بناء الأهرامات.

• أقرب - يجب استخدام الجار الأقرب للبيانات الاسمية أو مجموعات البيانات النقطية مع خرائط ملونة ، مثل استخدام الأراضي أو الصور الملونة الزائفة.

BILINEAR - من الأفضل استخدام الاستيفاء ثنائي الخطوط مع البيانات المستمرة ، مثل صور الأقمار الصناعية أو التصوير الجوي.

CUBIC - يفضل استخدام الالتواء المكعب مع البيانات المستمرة ، مثل صور الأقمار الصناعية أو التصوير الجوي. يشبه الاستيفاء ثنائي الخطوط ؛ ومع ذلك ، فإنه يعيد عينات البيانات باستخدام مصفوفة أكبر.

يحدد نوع ضغط الهرم الطريقة المستخدمة عند ضغط الأهرامات.

• افتراضي - يستخدم هذا الضغط المستخدم عادةً بواسطة تنسيق مجموعة البيانات النقطية.

LZ77 - ضغط بلا خسارة. لن تتغير قيم الخلايا الموجودة في البيانات النقطية.

JPEG - ضغط مع فقدان البيانات.

NONE - لا يوجد ضغط بيانات.

Tile size (optional)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

9.    Tile size (optional) الحجم (اختياري)

Specifies the size of the tiles.

The tile width controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in x. The default tile width is 128.

The tile height controls the number of pixels you can store in each tile. This is specified as a number of pixels in y. The default tile height is 128.

Only geodatabases and enterprise geodatabases use tile size.

يحدد حجم المربعات.

يتحكم عرض التجانب في عدد وحدات البكسل التي يمكنك تخزينها في كل بلاطة. يتم تحديد هذا على أنه عدد من البكسل في x. العرض الافتراضي للبلاط هو 128.

يتحكم ارتفاع البلاط في عدد وحدات البكسل التي يمكنك تخزينها في كل بلاطة. يتم تحديد هذا على أنه عدد من وحدات البكسل في y. الارتفاع الافتراضي للبلاط هو 128.

تستخدم قواعد البيانات الجغرافية وقواعد البيانات الجغرافية الخاصة بالمؤسسة فقط حجم التجانب.

Compression (optional)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

10. Compression (optional) ضغط (اختياري)

Defines the type of compression to store the raster dataset.

· LZ77—Lossless compression that preserves all raster cell values.

· JPEG—Lossy compression that uses the public JPEG compression algorithm. If you choose JPEG, you can also specify the compression quality. The valid compression quality value ranges are from 0 to 100. This compression can be used for JPEG files and TIFF files.

· JPEG 2000—Lossy compression.

· PACKBITS—PackBits compression for TIFF files.

· LZW—Lossless compression that preserves all raster cell values.

· RLE—Run-length encoding for IMG files.

· CCITT GROUP 3—Lossless compression for 1-bit data.

· CCITT GROUP 4—Lossless compression for 1-bit data.

· CCITT (1D)—Lossless compression for 1-bit data.

· NONE—No compression will occur. This is the default.

يحدد نوع الضغط لتخزين مجموعة البيانات النقطية.

LZ77 - ضغط بدون فقد يحافظ على جميع قيم الخلايا النقطية.

JPEG - ضغط الفقد الذي يستخدم خوارزمية ضغط JPEG العامة. إذا اخترت JPEG ، يمكنك أيضًا تحديد جودة الضغط. تتراوح قيم جودة الضغط الصالحة من 0 إلى 100. يمكن استخدام هذا الضغط لملفات JPEG وملفات TIFF.

JPEG 2000 - ضغط مع فقدان البيانات.

• حزم - ضغط PackBits لملفات TIFF.

LZW - ضغط بدون فقد بيانات يحافظ على جميع قيم الخلايا النقطية.

RLE - ترميز طول التشغيل لملفات IMG.

CCITT GROUP 3 - ضغط بلا فقدان للبيانات 1 بت.

CCITT GROUP 4 - ضغط بلا فقدان للبيانات 1 بت.

CCITT (1D) - ضغط بدون فقدان للبيانات 1 بت.

NONE - لن يحدث ضغط. هذا هو الافتراضي.

Pyramid Reference Point (optional)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

11. Pyramid Reference Point (optional) نقطة مرجعية هرم (اختياري)

The origination location of the raster pyramid. It is recommended that you specify this point if you plan on building large mosaics in a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, especially if you plan on mosaicking to them over time (for example, for updating).

The pyramid reference point should be set to the upper left corner of your raster dataset.

In setting this point for a file geodatabase or enterprise geodatabase, partial pyramiding will be used when updating with a new mosaicked raster dataset. Partial pyramiding updated the parts of the pyramid that do not exist due to the new mosaicked datasets. Therefore, it is good practice to set your pyramid reference point so that your entire raster mosaic will be below and to the right of this point. However, a pyramid reference point should not be set too large either.

موقع نشأة الهرم النقطي. يوصى بتحديد هذه النقطة إذا كنت تخطط لإنشاء فسيفساء كبيرة في قاعدة بيانات جغرافية للملف أو قاعدة بيانات جغرافية مؤسسية ، خاصةً إذا كنت تخطط للانتقال إليها بمرور الوقت (على سبيل المثال ، للتحديث).

يجب تعيين النقطة المرجعية للهرم على الزاوية اليسرى العليا لمجموعة البيانات النقطية.

عند تعيين هذه النقطة لقاعدة بيانات جغرافية ملف أو قاعدة بيانات جغرافية مؤسسية ، سيتم استخدام الهرمي الجزئي عند التحديث باستخدام مجموعة بيانات نقطية موزعة جديدة. أدى الهرمي الجزئي إلى تحديث أجزاء الهرم التي لم تكن موجودة بسبب مجموعات البيانات الفسيفسائية الجديدة. لذلك ، من الأفضل تعيين النقطة المرجعية للهرم بحيث تكون الفسيفساء النقطية بالكامل أسفل هذه النقطة وعلى يمينها. ومع ذلك ، لا ينبغي تعيين نقطة مرجعية هرمية كبيرة جدًا أيضًا.

 اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:

مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE من هنا.


GIS for WE

