تحويل الى خريطة ويب MXD to Web map

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تحويل الى خريطة ويب MXD to Web map

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MXD to Web map Tool

أداة تحويل الى خريطة ويب

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to use MXD to Web map Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة تحويل الى خريطة ويب ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة تحويل الى خريطة ويب ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


MXD to Web map Tool, Publishing Toolset, Server Tools Toolbox

MXD to Web map Tool 

MXD to Web map

Creates a web map within a portal (Portal for ArcGIS or a local portal) from an MXD (map document). Requires an account that can authenticate with ArcGIS.com or a local portal to publish services and create the web map.

يُنشئ خريطة ويب داخل البوابة الإلكترونية (Portal for ArcGIS أو بوابة إلكترونية محلية) من MXD (مستند الخريطة). يتطلب حسابًا يمكنه المصادقة مع ArcGIS.com أو بوابة إلكترونية محلية لنشر الخدمات وإنشاء خريطة الويب.

1.    Input map document إدخال مستند الخريطة

The input map document of layers to convert to a web map in the portal.

مستند خريطة الإدخال للطبقات المراد تحويلها إلى خريطة ويب في البوابة الإلكترونية.

Web map name

The name of the output web map to be created.


The summary for the web map. The summary will provide information about the web map itself when found through a search.


Identifying tags for the web map. The tags will help make your web map more discoverable through searches. Enter multiple tags by using a comma to separate terms.

Layers to be published (optional)

The layers to be included in the output web map. By default, the tool tries to convert all layers found inside the map document. Invalid layer types (such as service layers, for example) will be excluded from the web map even if it was provided as input. An empty list will also attempt to create a web map with all layers from the map document.


The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

2.    Web map name اسم خريطة الويب

The name of the output web map to be created.

اسم خريطة الويب الناتجة التي سيتم إنشاؤها.


The summary for the web map. The summary will provide information about the web map itself when found through a search.


Identifying tags for the web map. The tags will help make your web map more discoverable through searches. Enter multiple tags by using a comma to separate terms.

Layers to be published (optional)

The layers to be included in the output web map. By default, the tool tries to convert all layers found inside the map document. Invalid layer types (such as service layers, for example) will be excluded from the web map even if it was provided as input. An empty list will also attempt to create a web map with all layers from the map document.


The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

3.    Summary ملخص

The summary for the web map. The summary will provide information about the web map itself when found through a search.

ملخص خريطة الويب. سيوفر الملخص معلومات حول خريطة الويب نفسها عند العثور عليها من خلال البحث.


Identifying tags for the web map. The tags will help make your web map more discoverable through searches. Enter multiple tags by using a comma to separate terms.

Layers to be published (optional)

The layers to be included in the output web map. By default, the tool tries to convert all layers found inside the map document. Invalid layer types (such as service layers, for example) will be excluded from the web map even if it was provided as input. An empty list will also attempt to create a web map with all layers from the map document.


The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

4.    Tags العلامات

Identifying tags for the web map. The tags will help make your web map more discoverable through searches. Enter multiple tags by using a comma to separate terms.

تحديد العلامات لخريطة الويب. ستساعد العلامات في جعل خريطة الويب الخاصة بك أكثر قابلية للاكتشاف من خلال عمليات البحث. أدخل علامات متعددة باستخدام فاصلة لفصل المصطلحات.

Layers to be published (optional)

The layers to be included in the output web map. By default, the tool tries to convert all layers found inside the map document. Invalid layer types (such as service layers, for example) will be excluded from the web map even if it was provided as input. An empty list will also attempt to create a web map with all layers from the map document.


The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

5.    Layers to be published (optional) الطبقات التي سيتم نشرها (اختياري)

The layers to be included in the output web map. By default, the tool tries to convert all layers found inside the map document. Invalid layer types (such as service layers, for example) will be excluded from the web map even if it was provided as input. An empty list will also attempt to create a web map with all layers from the map document.

الطبقات التي سيتم تضمينها في خريطة الويب الناتجة. بشكل افتراضي ، تحاول الأداة تحويل كل الطبقات الموجودة داخل مستند الخريطة. سيتم استبعاد أنواع الطبقات غير الصالحة (مثل طبقات الخدمة ، على سبيل المثال) من خريطة الويب حتى إذا تم توفيرها كإدخال. ستحاول القائمة الفارغة أيضًا إنشاء خريطة ويب بكل الطبقات من مستند الخريطة.


The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

6.    Basemap الخريطة الأساسية

The Esri basemap to be used in the web map.

خريطة أساس Esri لاستخدامها في خريطة الويب.

Online folder name (optional)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

7.    Online folder name (optional) اسم المجلد عبر الإنترنت (اختياري)

The portal folder in which to create the web map. If the folder does not already exist, it will be created.

مجلد البوابة المراد إنشاء خريطة الويب فيه. إذا لم يكن المجلد موجودًا بالفعل ، فسيتم إنشاؤه.

Username (optional)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

8.    Username (optional) اسم المستخدم (اختياري)

The username to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. The account must have publisher permissions.

اسم المستخدم للمصادقة مع ArcGIS.com أو Portal for ArcGIS المحلي. يجب أن يحتوي الحساب على أذونات الناشر.

Password (optional)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

9.    Password (optional) كلمة المرور (اختياري)

The password to authenticate with ArcGIS.com or your local Portal for ArcGIS. Note the password is passed as plain text but the tool will attempt to make an HTTPS connection.

كلمة المرور للمصادقة مع ArcGIS.com أو Portal for ArcGIS المحلي. لاحظ أنه يتم تمرير كلمة المرور كنص عادي ولكن الأداة ستحاول إجراء اتصال HTTPS.

Within Organization (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

10. Within Organization (optional) داخل المنظمة (اختياري)

Share the webmap and associated services within your organization.

· Checked—Webmap will be shared within your organization.

· Unchecked—Webmap will not be shared. This is the default.

شارك خريطة الويب والخدمات المرتبطة بها داخل مؤسستك.

• تم التحديد - ستتم مشاركة خريطة الويب داخل مؤسستك.

• غير محدد - لن يتم مشاركة خريطة الويب. هذا هو الافتراضي.

Everyone (optional)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

11. Everyone (optional) الجميع (اختياري)

Share the webmap and associated services with everyone. Selecting everyone will also share the items within your organization.

· Checked—Webmap will be shared with everyone.

· Unchecked—Webmap will only be available to the publisher and any selected group within your organization. This is the default.

شارك خريطة الويب والخدمات المرتبطة بها مع الجميع. سيؤدي تحديد الجميع أيضًا إلى مشاركة العناصر داخل مؤسستك.

• تم التحديد - ستتم مشاركة خريطة الويب مع الجميع.

• غير محدد - ستكون خريطة الويب متاحة فقط للناشر وأي مجموعة محددة داخل مؤسستك. هذا هو الافتراضي.

Groups (optional)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

12. Groups (optional) مجموعات (اختياري)

Select the groups to share the webmap and services with.

حدد المجموعات المراد مشاركة خريطة الويب والخدمات معها.

 اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:

مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE من هنا.


GIS for WE


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