إنشاء شبكة Create Fishnet

القائمة الرئيسية


إنشاء شبكة Create Fishnet

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Create Fishnet Tool

أداة إنشاء شبكة

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to Create Fishnet Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء شبكة ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء شبكة ؟؟

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Create Fishnet Tool, Sampling Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox

Create Fishnet Tool


Create Fishnet

Creates a fishnet of rectangular cells. The output can be polyline or polygon features.

ينشئ شبكة من الخلايا المستطيلة. يمكن أن يكون الإخراج عبارة عن ميزات متعددة الخطوط أو مضلع.

1.    Output Feature Class فئة ميزة الإخراج

The output feature class containing the fishnet of rectangular cells.

فئة ميزة الإخراج التي تحتوي على شبكة للخلايا المستطيلة.

Template Extent (optional)

Specify the extent of the fishnet. The extent can be entered by specifying the coordinates or using a template dataset.

Fishnet Origin Coordinate

The starting pivot point of the fishnet.

Y-Axis Coordinate

The Y-axis coordinate is used to orient the fishnet. The fishnet is rotated by the same angle as defined by the line connecting the origin and the y-axis coordinate.

Cell Size Width

Determines the width of each cell. If you want the width to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Rows parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the width will be calculated when the tool is run.

Cell Size Height

Determines the height of each cell. If you want the height to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Columns parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the height will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Rows

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Columns

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

2.    Template Extent (optional) مدى القالب (اختياري)

Specify the extent of the fishnet. The extent can be entered by specifying the coordinates or using a template dataset.

· Left—XMin value

· Right—XMax value

· Bottom—YMin value

· Top—YMax value

حدد مدى شبكة. يمكن إدخال المدى عن طريق تحديد الإحداثيات أو استخدام مجموعة بيانات نموذجية.

• اليسار - قيمة XMin

• اليمين - قيمة XMax

• أسفل - قيمة YMin

• أعلى قيمة YMax

Fishnet Origin Coordinate

The starting pivot point of the fishnet.

Y-Axis Coordinate

The Y-axis coordinate is used to orient the fishnet. The fishnet is rotated by the same angle as defined by the line connecting the origin and the y-axis coordinate.

Cell Size Width

Determines the width of each cell. If you want the width to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Rows parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the width will be calculated when the tool is run.

Cell Size Height

Determines the height of each cell. If you want the height to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Columns parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the height will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Rows

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Columns

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

3.    Fishnet Origin Coordinate تنسيق أصل الشبكة

The starting pivot point of the fishnet.

نقطة البداية المحورية للشبكة.

Y-Axis Coordinate

The Y-axis coordinate is used to orient the fishnet. The fishnet is rotated by the same angle as defined by the line connecting the origin and the y-axis coordinate.

Cell Size Width

Determines the width of each cell. If you want the width to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Rows parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the width will be calculated when the tool is run.

Cell Size Height

Determines the height of each cell. If you want the height to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Columns parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the height will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Rows

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Columns

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

4.    Y-Axis Coordinate تنسيق المحور ص

The Y-axis coordinate is used to orient the fishnet. The fishnet is rotated by the same angle as defined by the line connecting the origin and the y-axis coordinate.

يتم استخدام إحداثيات المحور ص لتوجيه الشبكة. يتم تدوير الشبكة بنفس الزاوية المحددة بواسطة الخط الذي يربط بين الأصل وإحداثيات المحور y.

Cell Size Width

Determines the width of each cell. If you want the width to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Rows parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the width will be calculated when the tool is run.

Cell Size Height

Determines the height of each cell. If you want the height to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Columns parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the height will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Rows

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Columns

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

5.    Cell Size Width عرض حجم الخلية

Determines the width of each cell. If you want the width to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Rows parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the width will be calculated when the tool is run.

تحدد عرض كل خلية. إذا كنت تريد حساب العرض تلقائيًا باستخدام القيمة الموجودة في معلمة عدد الصفوف ، فاترك هذه المعلمة فارغة أو عيِّن القيمة إلى الصفر — سيتم حساب العرض عند تشغيل الأداة.

Cell Size Height

Determines the height of each cell. If you want the height to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Columns parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the height will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Rows

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Columns

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

6.    Cell Size Height ارتفاع حجم الخلية

Determines the height of each cell. If you want the height to be automatically calculated using the value in the Number of Columns parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the height will be calculated when the tool is run.

تحدد ارتفاع كل خلية. إذا كنت تريد حساب الارتفاع تلقائيًا باستخدام القيمة الموجودة في معلمة عدد الأعمدة ، فاترك هذه المعلمة فارغة أو عيِّن القيمة إلى الصفر — سيتم حساب الارتفاع عند تشغيل الأداة.

Number of Rows

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.

Number of Columns

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

7.    Number of Rows عدد الصفوف

Determines the number of rows the fishnet will have. If you want the number of rows to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Width parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of rows will be calculated when the tool is run.Number of Columns Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

يحدد عدد الصفوف التي ستحتوي عليها الشبكة. إذا كنت تريد حساب عدد الصفوف تلقائيًا باستخدام القيمة الموجودة في معلمة عرض حجم الخلية ، اترك هذه المعلمة فارغة أو عيِّن القيمة إلى صفر — سيتم حساب عدد الصفوف عند تشغيل الأداة.

Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

8.    Number of Columnsعدد الأعمدة

Determines the number of columns the fishnet will have. If you want the number of columns to be automatically calculated using the value in the Cell Size Height parameter, leave this parameter empty or set the value to zero—the number of columns will be calculated when the tool is run.

يحدد عدد الأعمدة التي ستحتوي عليها الشبكة. إذا كنت تريد حساب عدد الأعمدة تلقائيًا باستخدام القيمة الموجودة في معلمة ارتفاع حجم الخلية ، فاترك هذه المعلمة فارغة أو عيِّن القيمة إلى الصفر — سيتم حساب عدد الأعمدة عند تشغيل الأداة.

9.    Opposite corner of Fishnet (optional) الركن المقابل للشبكة (اختياري)

The opposite corner of the fishnet set by X-Coordinate and Y-Coordinate values. The values for opposite corner are automatically set if a template extent is used. This parameter becomes disabled if the origin, Y-axis, cell size, and number of rows and columns are set.

الزاوية المقابلة للشبكة التي تم تعيينها بواسطة قيم X-Coordinate و Y-Coordinate. يتم تعيين قيم الزاوية المعاكسة تلقائيًا إذا تم استخدام مدى قالب. تصبح هذه المعلمة معطلة إذا تم تعيين الأصل والمحور الصادي وحجم الخلية وعدد الصفوف والأعمدة.

Create Label Points (optional)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

10. Create Label Points (optional) إنشاء تسمية للنقط (اختياري)

Specify whether or not a point feature class will be created containing label points at the center of each fishnet cell.

· Checked—A new feature class is created with label points. This is the default.

· Unchecked—The label points feature class is not created.

حدد ما إذا كان سيتم إنشاء فئة معلم نقطية تحتوي على نقاط تسمية في مركز كل خلية الشبكة أم لا.

• تم التحديد - يتم إنشاء فئة معلم جديدة بنقاط التسمية. هذا هو الافتراضي.

• غير محدد - لم يتم إنشاء فئة معالم نقاط التسمية.

Geometry Type (optional)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

11. Geometry Type (optional) النوع الهندسي (اختياري)

Determines if the output fishnet cells will be polyline or polygon features.

· POLYLINE—Output is a polyline feature class. Each cell is defined by four line features.

· POLYGON—Output is a polygon feature class. Each cell is defined by one polygon feature.

يحدد ما إذا كانت خلايا الشبكة ستكون ميزات متعددة الخطوط أم مضلعة.

• خطوط - الإخراج هو فئة ميزة متعدد الخطوط. يتم تعريف كل خلية بأربع ميزات خطية.

• مضلع - الإخراج هو فئة معلم مضلع. يتم تحديد كل خلية بواسطة معلم مضلع واحد.

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