Select Layer by Location Tool
أداة تحديد طبقة
من خلال الموقع
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Select Layer by
Location Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
كيفية استخدام أداة تحديد طبقة من خلال الموقعArcToolbox ArcMap
ArcGIS ؟؟
to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة
Layer by Location Tool, Layers and Table Views Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Select Layer by Location
Selects features in a
layer based on a spatial relationship to features in another layer.
Each feature in the
Input Feature Layer is evaluated against the features in the Selecting Features
layer or feature class; if the specified Relationship is met, the input feature
is selected.
يحدد المعالم في طبقة بناءً على علاقة مكانية
بالمعالم في طبقة أخرى.
يتم تقييم كل ميزة في طبقة ميزات الإدخال مقابل
الميزات الموجودة في طبقة تحديد المعالم أو فئة المعالم ؛ إذا تم استيفاء العلاقة
المحددة ، يتم تحديد ميزة الإدخال.
Input Feature Layer طبقة ميزة
The layer containing the
features that will be evaluated against the Selecting Features. The selection
will be applied to this layer. The input cannot be the path to a feature class
on disk.
الطبقة التي تحتوي على المعالم التي سيتم تقييمها
مقابل تحديد المعالم. سيتم تطبيق التحديد على هذه الطبقة. لا يمكن أن يكون الإدخال
هو المسار إلى فئة ميزة على القرص.
2. Relationship (optional) العلاقة
العلاقة المكانية المراد تقييمها.
• INTERSECT - سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا تقاطعت مع
معلم محدد. هذا هو الافتراضي.
• INTERSECT_3D - سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت تتقاطع مع معلم
محدد في مساحة ثلاثية الأبعاد (x ، y ، و z).
• WITHIN_A_DISTANCE - سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت ضمن مسافة محددة
من معلم محدد. حدد مسافة في معلمة Search Distance.
• WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D - سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت ضمن مسافة محددة
لمعلم محدد في مساحة ثلاثية الأبعاد. حدد مسافة في معلمة Search Distance.
• WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC - سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت ضمن مسافة محددة
من معلم محدد. سيتم حساب المسافة بين المعالم باستخدام طريقة جيوديسية تأخذ في
الاعتبار انحناء الأرض وتتعامل بشكل صحيح مع البيانات بالقرب من خط التاريخ والأقطاب
• CONTAINS - سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت تحتوي
على معلم محدد.
• COMPLETELY_CONTAINS - سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت تحتوي بالكامل على
معلم تحديد.
• CONTAINS_CLEMENTINI - ينتج عن هذه العلاقة المكانية نفس النتائج مثل COMPLETELY_CONTAINS مع الاستثناء التالي: إذا كانت ميزة التحديد تقع بالكامل على حدود
ميزة الإدخال (لا يوجد جزء في الداخل أو الخارج بشكل صحيح) ، فلن يتم تحديد
الميزة. يعرّف Clementini مضلع الحدود على أنه
الخط الفاصل بين الداخل والخارج ، ويتم تعريف حدود الخط كنقاط نهايته ، وحدود
النقطة فارغة دائمًا.
• داخل - سيتم تحديد
المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت ضمن معلم محدد.
• COMPLETELY_WITHIN - سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت موجودة
بالكامل داخل معلم تحديد أو احتوت عليها.
• WITHIN_CLEMENTINI - ستكون النتيجة مطابقة لـ WITHIN
باستثناء أنه إذا كانت كل المعالم في طبقة الإدخال على حدود المعلم في الطبقة
المحددة ، فلن يتم تحديد الميزة. يعرّف Clementini مضلع
الحدود على أنه الخط الفاصل بين الداخل والخارج ، ويتم تعريف حدود الخط كنقاط نهايته
، وحدود النقطة فارغة دائمًا.
• ARE_IDENTICAL_TO - سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت متطابقة
(في الهندسة) مع معلم محدد.
• BOUNDARY_TOUCHES - سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت لها حدود
تلامس معلمًا محددًا. عندما تكون معالم المدخلات خطوطًا أو مضلعات ، فإن حدود ميزة
الإدخال يمكن أن تلامس فقط حدود ميزة التحديد ، ولا يمكن لأي جزء من عنصر الإدخال
تجاوز حدود عنصر التحديد.
• SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH — سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا كانت تشترك في
مقطع خط مع معلم محدد. يجب أن يكون الإدخال وتحديد المعالم خطًا أو مضلعًا.
• CROSSED_BY_THE_OUTLINE_OF - سيتم تحديد المعالم الموجودة في طبقة الإدخال إذا تم تجاوزها
بواسطة مخطط معلم محدد. يجب أن يكون الإدخال وتحديد المعالم خطوطًا أو مضلعات. إذا
تم استخدام المضلعات لطبقة الإدخال أو التحديد ، فسيتم استخدام حدود (خط) المضلع.
سيتم تحديد الخطوط التي تتقاطع عند نقطة ما ، وليس الخطوط التي تشترك في مقطع خطي.
• HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN - سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة الإدخال إذا كان مركزها يقع ضمن
معلم محدد. يتم حساب مركز الميزة على النحو التالي: بالنسبة إلى المضلع والنقاط
المتعددة ، يتم استخدام النقطة المركزية للهندسة ، وبالنسبة لإدخال الخط ، يتم
استخدام نقطة الوسط الهندسية.
Selecting Features (optional) تحديد
الميزات (اختياري)
The features in the
input feature layer will be selected based on their relationship to the
features from this layer or feature class.
سيتم تحديد المعالم في طبقة المعالم المدخلة بناءً
على علاقتها بالمعالم من هذه الطبقة أو فئة المعالم.
Search Distance (optional) مسافة
البحث (اختياري)
This parameter is only
valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one of the following:
If the
WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC option is used, a linear unit such as Kilometers or
Miles should be used.
تكون هذه المعلمة صالحة فقط إذا تم تعيين معلمة
إذا تم استخدام خيار WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC ، فيجب استخدام وحدة خطية مثل الكيلومترات أو الأميال.
Selection type (optional) نوع
التحديد (اختياري)
Determines how the
selection will be applied to the input and how to combine with an existing
selection. Note that there is no option here to clear an existing selection. To
clear a selection, use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on the Select Layer By
Attribute tool.
NEW_SELECTION—The resulting selection replaces any existing
selection. This is the default.
ADD_TO_SELECTION—The resulting selection is added to an existing
selection, if one exists. If no selection exists, this is the same as the
REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION—The resulting selection is removed from an
existing selection. If no selection exists, the operation will have no effect.
SUBSET_SELECTION—The resulting selection is combined with the
existing selection. Only records that are common to both remain selected.
SWITCH_SELECTION—Switches the selection. All records that were
selected are removed from the selection, and all records that were not selected
are added to the selection. The Selecting Features and Relationship parameters
are ignored when this option is selected.
يحدد كيفية تطبيق التحديد على الإدخال وكيفية دمجه
مع تحديد موجود. لاحظ أنه لا يوجد خيار هنا لمسح تحديد موجود. لمسح التحديد ،
استخدم الخيار CLEAR_SELECTION في أداة Select Layer By Attribute.
• NEW_SELECTION — التحديد الناتج يحل محل أي تحديد موجود. هذا هو الافتراضي.
• ADD_TO_SELECTION - تتم إضافة التحديد الناتج إلى تحديد موجود ، إن وجد. في حالة
عدم وجود تحديد ، يكون هذا هو نفس الخيار NEW_SELECTION.
• REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION - تتم إزالة التحديد الناتج من التحديد الموجود. في حالة عدم وجود
تحديد ، لن يكون للعملية أي تأثير.
• SUBSET_SELECTION - يتم دمج التحديد الناتج مع التحديد الحالي. تظل السجلات
المشتركة لكليهما فقط محددة.
• SWITCH_SELECTION - يقوم بتبديل التحديد. تتم إزالة كافة السجلات التي تم تحديدها
من التحديد ، وتتم إضافة كافة السجلات التي لم يتم تحديدها إلى التحديد. يتم تجاهل
معلمات تحديد المعالم والعلاقة عند تحديد هذا الخيار.
Invert Spatial Relationship (optional) عكس العلاقة المكانية (اختياري)
After the spatial
relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the result should be used
as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used to quickly get a list
of features that do not intersect or are not within a distance of features in
another dataset.
Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is
the default.
Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion
occurs before the selection is combined with existing selections. Invert Spatial Relationship
بعد تقييم العلاقة المكانية ، يحدد هذا الخيار ما
إذا كان يجب استخدام النتيجة كما هي أو عكسها. على سبيل المثال ، يمكن استخدام هذا
الخيار للحصول بسرعة على قائمة بالميزات التي لا تتقاطع أو لا تقع ضمن مسافة
الميزات في مجموعة بيانات أخرى.
• غير محدد - لن يتم عكس
نتيجة الاستعلام. هذا هو الافتراضي.
• تم التحديد - سيتم عكس
نتيجة الاستعلام. يحدث الانعكاس قبل دمج التحديد مع التحديدات الموجودة.
After the spatial relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the
result should be used as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used
to quickly get a list of features that do not intersect or are not within a
distance of features in another dataset.
·Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is the
·Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion occurs
before the selection is combined with existing selections.
type (optional)
Determines how the selection will be applied to the input and how to
combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear
an existing selection. To clear a selection, use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on
the Select Layer By Attribute tool.
·NEW_SELECTION—The resulting selection replaces any existing selection.
This is the default.
·ADD_TO_SELECTION—The resulting selection is added to an existing
selection, if one exists. If no selection exists, this is the same as the
·REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION—The resulting selection is removed from an existing
selection. If no selection exists, the operation will have no effect.
·SUBSET_SELECTION—The resulting selection is combined with the existing
selection. Only records that are common to both remain selected.
·SWITCH_SELECTION—Switches the selection. All records that were selected
are removed from the selection, and all records that were not selected are
added to the selection. The Selecting Features and Relationship parameters are
ignored when this option is selected.
Spatial Relationship (optional)
After the spatial relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the
result should be used as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used
to quickly get a list of features that do not intersect or are not within a
distance of features in another dataset.
·Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is the
·Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion occurs
before the selection is combined with existing selections.
Distance (optional)
This parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one
If the WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC option is used, a linear unit such as
Kilometers or Miles should be used.
type (optional)
Determines how the selection will be applied to the input and how to
combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear
an existing selection. To clear a selection, use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on
the Select Layer By Attribute tool.
·NEW_SELECTION—The resulting selection replaces any existing selection.
This is the default.
·ADD_TO_SELECTION—The resulting selection is added to an existing
selection, if one exists. If no selection exists, this is the same as the
·REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION—The resulting selection is removed from an existing
selection. If no selection exists, the operation will have no effect.
·SUBSET_SELECTION—The resulting selection is combined with the existing
selection. Only records that are common to both remain selected.
·SWITCH_SELECTION—Switches the selection. All records that were selected
are removed from the selection, and all records that were not selected are
added to the selection. The Selecting Features and Relationship parameters are
ignored when this option is selected.
Spatial Relationship (optional)
After the spatial relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the
result should be used as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used
to quickly get a list of features that do not intersect or are not within a
distance of features in another dataset.
·Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is the
·Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion occurs
before the selection is combined with existing selections.
Features (optional)
The features in the input feature layer will be selected based on their
relationship to the features from this layer or feature class.
Distance (optional)
This parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one
If the WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC option is used, a linear unit such as
Kilometers or Miles should be used.
type (optional)
Determines how the selection will be applied to the input and how to
combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear
an existing selection. To clear a selection, use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on
the Select Layer By Attribute tool.
·NEW_SELECTION—The resulting selection replaces any existing selection.
This is the default.
·ADD_TO_SELECTION—The resulting selection is added to an existing
selection, if one exists. If no selection exists, this is the same as the NEW_SELECTION
·REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION—The resulting selection is removed from an existing
selection. If no selection exists, the operation will have no effect.
·SUBSET_SELECTION—The resulting selection is combined with the existing
selection. Only records that are common to both remain selected.
·SWITCH_SELECTION—Switches the selection. All records that were selected
are removed from the selection, and all records that were not selected are
added to the selection. The Selecting Features and Relationship parameters are
ignored when this option is selected.
Spatial Relationship (optional)
After the spatial relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the
result should be used as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used
to quickly get a list of features that do not intersect or are not within a
distance of features in another dataset.
·Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is the
·Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion occurs
before the selection is combined with existing selections.
The spatial relationship to be evaluated.
·INTERSECT—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
intersect a selecting feature. This is the default.
·INTERSECT_3D —The features in the input layer will be selected if they
intersect a selecting feature in three-dimensional space (x, y, and z).
·WITHIN_A_DISTANCE—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
are within a specified distance of a selecting feature. Specify a distance in
the Search Distance parameter.
·WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D—The features in the input layer will be selected if
they are within a specified distance of a selecting feature in
three-dimensional space. Specify a distance in the Search Distance parameter.
·WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC—The features in the input layer will be
selected if they are within a specified distance of a selecting feature.
Distance between features will be calculated using a geodesic method which
takes into account the curvature of the earth and correctly deals with data
near and across the dateline and poles.
·CONTAINS—The features in the input layer will be selected if they contain
a selecting feature.
·COMPLETELY_CONTAINS—The features in the input layer will be selected if
they completely contain a selecting feature.
·CONTAINS_CLEMENTINI—This spatial relationship yields the same results as
COMPLETELY_CONTAINS with the following exception: if the selecting feature is
entirely on the boundary of the input feature (no part is properly inside or
outside), the feature will not be selected. Clementini defines the boundary
polygon as the line separating inside and outside, the boundary of a line is defined
as its end points, and the boundary of a point is always empty.
·WITHIN—The features in the input layer will be selected if they are within
a selecting feature.
·COMPLETELY_WITHIN—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
are completely within or contained by a selecting feature.
·WITHIN_CLEMENTINI—The result will be identical to WITHIN with the
exception that if the entirety of the feature in the input layer is on the
boundary of the feature in the selecting layer, the feature will not be
selected. Clementini defines the boundary polygon as the line separating inside
and outside, the boundary of a line is defined as its end points, and the
boundary of a point is always empty.
·ARE_IDENTICAL_TO—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
are identical (in geometry) to a selecting feature.
·BOUNDARY_TOUCHES—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
have a boundary that touches a selecting feature. When the inputs features are
lines or polygons, the boundary of the input feature can only touch the
boundary of the selecting feature, and no part of the input feature can cross
the boundary of the selecting feature.
·SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH—The features in the input layer will be selected
if they share a line segment with a selecting feature. The input and selecting
features must be line or polygon.
·CROSSED_BY_THE_OUTLINE_OF—The features in the input layer will be selected
if they are crossed by the outline of a selecting feature. The input and
selecting features must be lines or polygons. If polygons are used for the
input or selecting layer, the polygon's boundary (line) will be used. Lines
that cross at a point will be selected, not lines that share a line segment.
·HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN—The features in the input layer will be selected if
their center falls within a selecting feature. The center of the feature is
calculated as follows: for polygon and multipoint, the geometry's centroid is
used, and for line input, the geometry's midpoint is used.
Features (optional)
The features in the input feature layer will be selected based on their
relationship to the features from this layer or feature class.
Distance (optional)
This parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one
If the WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC option is used, a linear unit such as
Kilometers or Miles should be used.
type (optional)
Determines how the selection will be applied to the input and how to
combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear
an existing selection. To clear a selection, use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on
the Select Layer By Attribute tool.
·NEW_SELECTION—The resulting selection replaces any existing selection.
This is the default.
·ADD_TO_SELECTION—The resulting selection is added to an existing
selection, if one exists. If no selection exists, this is the same as the
·REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION—The resulting selection is removed from an existing
selection. If no selection exists, the operation will have no effect.
·SUBSET_SELECTION—The resulting selection is combined with the existing
selection. Only records that are common to both remain selected.
·SWITCH_SELECTION—Switches the selection. All records that were selected
are removed from the selection, and all records that were not selected are
added to the selection. The Selecting Features and Relationship parameters are
ignored when this option is selected.
Spatial Relationship (optional)
After the spatial relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the
result should be used as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used
to quickly get a list of features that do not intersect or are not within a
distance of features in another dataset.
·Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is the
·Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion occurs
before the selection is combined with existing selections.
Feature Layer
The layer containing the features that will be evaluated against the
Selecting Features. The selection will be applied to this layer. The input
cannot be the path to a feature class on disk.
The spatial relationship to be evaluated.
·INTERSECT—The features in the input layer will be selected if they intersect
a selecting feature. This is the default.
·INTERSECT_3D —The features in the input layer will be selected if they
intersect a selecting feature in three-dimensional space (x, y, and z).
·WITHIN_A_DISTANCE—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
are within a specified distance of a selecting feature. Specify a distance in
the Search Distance parameter.
·WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_3D—The features in the input layer will be selected if
they are within a specified distance of a selecting feature in
three-dimensional space. Specify a distance in the Search Distance parameter.
·WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC—The features in the input layer will be
selected if they are within a specified distance of a selecting feature.
Distance between features will be calculated using a geodesic method which
takes into account the curvature of the earth and correctly deals with data
near and across the dateline and poles.
·CONTAINS—The features in the input layer will be selected if they contain
a selecting feature.
·COMPLETELY_CONTAINS—The features in the input layer will be selected if
they completely contain a selecting feature.
·CONTAINS_CLEMENTINI—This spatial relationship yields the same results as
COMPLETELY_CONTAINS with the following exception: if the selecting feature is
entirely on the boundary of the input feature (no part is properly inside or
outside), the feature will not be selected. Clementini defines the boundary
polygon as the line separating inside and outside, the boundary of a line is
defined as its end points, and the boundary of a point is always empty.
·WITHIN—The features in the input layer will be selected if they are within
a selecting feature.
·COMPLETELY_WITHIN—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
are completely within or contained by a selecting feature.
·WITHIN_CLEMENTINI—The result will be identical to WITHIN with the
exception that if the entirety of the feature in the input layer is on the
boundary of the feature in the selecting layer, the feature will not be
selected. Clementini defines the boundary polygon as the line separating inside
and outside, the boundary of a line is defined as its end points, and the
boundary of a point is always empty.
·ARE_IDENTICAL_TO—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
are identical (in geometry) to a selecting feature.
·BOUNDARY_TOUCHES—The features in the input layer will be selected if they
have a boundary that touches a selecting feature. When the inputs features are
lines or polygons, the boundary of the input feature can only touch the
boundary of the selecting feature, and no part of the input feature can cross
the boundary of the selecting feature.
·SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH—The features in the input layer will be selected
if they share a line segment with a selecting feature. The input and selecting
features must be line or polygon.
·CROSSED_BY_THE_OUTLINE_OF—The features in the input layer will be selected
if they are crossed by the outline of a selecting feature. The input and
selecting features must be lines or polygons. If polygons are used for the
input or selecting layer, the polygon's boundary (line) will be used. Lines
that cross at a point will be selected, not lines that share a line segment.
·HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN—The features in the input layer will be selected if
their center falls within a selecting feature. The center of the feature is
calculated as follows: for polygon and multipoint, the geometry's centroid is
used, and for line input, the geometry's midpoint is used.
Features (optional)
The features in the input feature layer will be selected based on their
relationship to the features from this layer or feature class.
Distance (optional)
This parameter is only valid if the Relationship parameter is set to one
If the WITHIN_A_DISTANCE_GEODESIC option is used, a linear unit such as
Kilometers or Miles should be used.
type (optional)
Determines how the selection will be applied to the input and how to
combine with an existing selection. Note that there is no option here to clear
an existing selection. To clear a selection, use the CLEAR_SELECTION option on
the Select Layer By Attribute tool.
·NEW_SELECTION—The resulting selection replaces any existing selection.
This is the default.
·ADD_TO_SELECTION—The resulting selection is added to an existing
selection, if one exists. If no selection exists, this is the same as the
·REMOVE_FROM_SELECTION—The resulting selection is removed from an existing
selection. If no selection exists, the operation will have no effect.
·SUBSET_SELECTION—The resulting selection is combined with the existing
selection. Only records that are common to both remain selected.
·SWITCH_SELECTION—Switches the selection. All records that were selected
are removed from the selection, and all records that were not selected are
added to the selection. The Selecting Features and Relationship parameters are
ignored when this option is selected.
Spatial Relationship (optional)
After the spatial relationship is evaluated, this option determines if the
result should be used as is, or inverted. For example, this option can be used
to quickly get a list of features that do not intersect or are not within a
distance of features in another dataset.
·Unchecked—The result of the query will not be inverted. This is the
·Checked—The result of the query will be inverted. The inversion occurs
before the selection is combined with existing selections.
اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:
مجموعة على الفيس بوك
ArcGIS Pro من
مجموعة على الفيس بوك
GIS for WE - ArcGIS Pro من
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