إنشاء منطقة الاستبعاد Generate Exclude Area

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إنشاء منطقة الاستبعاد Generate Exclude Area

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Generate Exclude Area Tool

أداة إنشاء منطقة الاستبعاد

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to Generate Exclude Area Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء منطقة الاستبعاد ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة إنشاء منطقة الاستبعاد ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Generate Exclude Area Tool, Mosaic Dataset Toolset, Raster Box, Data Management Tools Toolbox


Generate Exclude Area Tool

Generate Exclude Area

Masks pixels based on their color or by clipping a range of values. The output of this tool is used as an input to the Color Balance Mosaic Dataset tool to eliminate areas such as clouds and water that can skew the statistics used to color balance multiple images.

يقنع البيكسلات بناءً على لونها أو بقص نطاق من القيم. يتم استخدام إخراج هذه الأداة كمدخل لأداة Color Balance Mosaic Dataset لإزالة مناطق مثل السحب والمياه التي يمكن أن تحرف الإحصائيات المستخدمة لموازنة ألوان صور متعددة.

1.    Input Raster البيانات النقطية المدخلة

The raster or mosaic dataset layer that you want to mask.

طبقة مجموعة البيانات النقطية أو دمج الصور التي تريد إخفاءها.

Output Raster Dataset

The name, location and format for the dataset you are creating. When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset. When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression type and Compression Quality within the Environment Settings.

Pixel Type

Choose the pixel depth of your input raster dataset. 8-bit is the default value; however, raster datasets with a greater bit-depth will need to have the color mask and histogram values scaled accordingly.

Generate Method

Create your mask based on the color of the pixels or by clipping high and low values.

Maximum Red (optional)

The maximum red value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Green (optional)

The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Blue (optional)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

2.    Output Raster Dataset إخراج مجموعة البيانات النقطية

The name, location and format for the dataset you are creating. When storing a raster dataset in a geodatabase, do not add a file extension to the name of the raster dataset. When storing your raster dataset to a JPEG file, a JPEG 2000 file, or a geodatabase, you can specify a Compression type and Compression Quality within the Environment Settings.

اسم وموقع وتنسيق مجموعة البيانات التي تقوم بإنشائها. عند تخزين مجموعة بيانات نقطية في قاعدة بيانات جغرافية ، لا تضف امتداد ملف إلى اسم مجموعة البيانات النقطية. عند تخزين مجموعة البيانات النقطية في ملف JPEG أو ملف JPEG 2000 أو قاعدة بيانات جغرافية ، يمكنك تحديد نوع الضغط وجودة الضغط ضمن إعدادات البيئة.

Pixel Type

Choose the pixel depth of your input raster dataset. 8-bit is the default value; however, raster datasets with a greater bit-depth will need to have the color mask and histogram values scaled accordingly.

Generate Method

Create your mask based on the color of the pixels or by clipping high and low values.

Maximum Red (optional)

The maximum red value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Green (optional)

The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Blue (optional)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

3.    Pixel Type نوع البكسل

Choose the pixel depth of your input raster dataset. 8-bit is the default value; however, raster datasets with a greater bit-depth will need to have the color mask and histogram values scaled accordingly.

اختر عمق البكسل لمجموعة البيانات النقطية المدخلة. 8 بت هي القيمة الافتراضية ؛ ومع ذلك ، فإن مجموعات البيانات النقطية ذات عمق بت أكبر ستحتاج إلى قياس قناع اللون وقيم الرسم البياني وفقًا لذلك.

· 8_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 255. This is the default.

· 11_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 2047.

· 12_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 4095.

· 16_BIT—The input raster dataset has values from 0 to 65535.


Generate Method

Create your mask based on the color of the pixels or by clipping high and low values.

Maximum Red (optional)

The maximum red value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Green (optional)

The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Blue (optional)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

4.    Generate Method توليد الطريقة

Create your mask based on the color of the pixels or by clipping high and low values.

· COLOR_MASK—Set the maximum color values to include in the output. This is the default.

· HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE—Remove a percentage of high and low pixel values.

قم بإنشاء قناعك بناءً على لون وحدات البكسل أو عن طريق قص القيم العالية والمنخفضة.

COLOR MASK - اضبط أقصى قيم للألوان لتضمينها في الإخراج. هذا هو الافتراضي.

• نسبة HISTOGRAM PERCENTAGE - إزالة نسبة مئوية من قيم البكسل العالية والمنخفضة.

Maximum Red (optional)

The maximum red value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Green (optional)

The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Blue (optional)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

5.    Maximum Red (optional) الحد الأقصى الأحمر (اختياري)

The maximum red value to exclude. The default is 255.

أقصى قيمة حمراء لاستبعادها. الافتراضي هو 255.

Maximum Green (optional)

The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Blue (optional)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

6.    Maximum Green (optional) الحد الأقصى الإخضر (اختياري)

The maximum green value to exclude. The default is 255.


Maximum Blue (optional)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

7.    Maximum Blue (optional) الحد الأقصى الأزرق (اختياري)

The maximum blue value to exclude. The default is 255.


Maximum White (optional)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

8.    Maximum White (optional) الحد الأقصى الأبيض (اختياري)

The maximum white value to exclude. The default is 255.


Maximum Black (optional)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.

Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

9.    Maximum Black (optional) الحد الأقصى الأسود (اختياري)

The maximum black value to exclude. The default is 0.


Maximum Magenta (optional)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

10. Maximum Magenta (optional) الحد الأقصى للأرجواني (اختياري)

The maximum magenta value to exclude. The default is 255.


Maximum Cyan (optional)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.

Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

11. Maximum Cyan (optional) أقصى سماوي (اختياري)

The maximum cyan value to exclude. The default is 255.


Maximum Yellow (optional)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.

Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

12. Maximum Yellow (optional) أقصى الأصفر (اختياري)

The maximum yellow value to exclude. The default is 255.


Low Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

13. Low Percentage (optional) نسبة منخفضة (اختياري)

Exclude this percentage of the lowest pixel values. The default is 0.

استبعد هذه النسبة المئوية لأقل قيم البكسل. الافتراضي هو 0.

High Percentage (optional)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

14. High Percentage (optional) نسبة عالية (اختياري)

Exclude this percentage of the highest pixel values. The default is 100.

استبعد هذه النسبة المئوية لأعلى قيم البكسل. الافتراضي هو 100.

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