Add Edge-Junction and Edge
Connectivity Rule to Geometric Network Tools
Add Edge-Edge Connectivity Rule to
Geometric Network
أداة أضف الحواف
الى الشبكة الهندسية
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Add Edge-Edge
Connectivity Rule to Geometric Network Tool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
كيفية استخدام أداة أضف الحواف الى الشبكة الهندسيةArcToolbox ArcMap
ArcGIS ؟؟
to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة
Edge-Edge Connectivity Rule to Geometric Network Tool, Geometric Network Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Add Edge-Edge Connectivity Rule to
Geometric Network
Adds an edge-edge
connectivity rule to a geometric network.
يضيف قاعدة اتصال حافة إلى شبكة هندسية.
Geometric Network الشبكة الهندسية
The geometric network to
which the connectivity rule will be added.
الشبكة الهندسية التي ستتم إضافة قاعدة الاتصال
From Edge
Feature Class
The name of the from edge feature class.
From Edge
The subtype description for the from edge feature class. If subtypes do
not exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
To Edge
Feature Class
The name of the to edge feature class.
To Edge
The subtype description for the to edge feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
The junction feature classes and subtypes through which these edge feature
classes or subtypes will be permitted to connect.
Junction Subtype
Junction Subtype that will serve as the default junction subtype for the
edge-edge connectivity rule.
From Edge Feature Class من فئة
ميزات الحافة
The name of the from
edge feature class.
اسم من فئة ميزات الحافة.
From Edge
The subtype description for the from edge feature class. If subtypes do
not exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
To Edge
Feature Class
The name of the to edge feature class.
To Edge
The subtype description for the to edge feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
The junction feature classes and subtypes through which these edge feature
classes or subtypes will be permitted to connect.
Junction Subtype
Junction Subtype that will serve as the default junction subtype for the
edge-edge connectivity rule.
From Edge Subtype من نوع الحافة
The subtype description
for the from edge feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the feature class,
use the feature class name.
وصف النوع الفرعي لفئة ميزات الحافة. إذا لم تكن
الأنواع الفرعية موجودة في فئة الميزة ، فاستخدم اسم فئة الميزة.
To Edge Feature Class إلى حافة فئة
The name of the to edge
feature class.
اسم فئة الميزة إلى الحافة.
To Edge
The subtype description for the to edge feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
The junction feature classes and subtypes through which these edge feature
classes or subtypes will be permitted to connect.
Junction Subtype
Junction Subtype that will serve as the default junction subtype for the
edge-edge connectivity rule.
To Edge Subtype إلى حافة النوع
The subtype description
for the to edge feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the feature class,
use the feature class name.
وصف النوع الفرعي لفئة ميزات الحافة. إذا لم تكن
الأنواع الفرعية موجودة في فئة الميزة ، فاستخدم اسم فئة الميزة.
The junction feature classes and subtypes through which these edge feature
classes or subtypes will be permitted to connect.
Junction Subtype
Junction Subtype that will serve as the default junction subtype for the
edge-edge connectivity rule.
Junction Subtypes الأنواع الفرعية
The junction feature
classes and subtypes through which these edge feature classes or subtypes will
be permitted to connect.
فئات ميزات الوصلات والأنواع الفرعية التي من
خلالها يُسمح لهذه الفئات أو الأنواع الفرعية لميزات الحافة بالاتصال.
Junction Subtype
Junction Subtype that will serve as the default junction subtype for the
edge-edge connectivity rule.
Default Junction Subtype النوع
الفرعي للتقاطع الافتراضي
Junction Subtype that
will serve as the default junction subtype for the edge-edge connectivity rule.
النوع الفرعي للتقاطع الذي سيكون بمثابة النوع
الفرعي الافتراضي للتقاطع لقاعدة اتصال الحافة.
Add Edge-Junction Connectivity Rule
to Geometric Network
أداة أضف قاعدة
حواف التقاطع الى الشبكة الهندسية
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Add Edge-Junction
Connectivity Rule to Geometric Network
Tool in
ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
كيفية استخدام أداة أضف قاعدة حواف التقاطع الى الشبكة الهندسيةArcToolbox ArcMap
ArcGIS ؟؟
to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة
Edge-Junction Connectivity Rule to Geometric Network Tool,
Geometric Network Toolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Add Edge-Junction Connectivity Rule
to Geometric Network
Adds an edge-junction
connectivity rule to a geometric network.
يضيف قاعدة اتصال تقاطع حافة إلى شبكة هندسية.
Geometric Network الشبكة الهندسية
The geometric network to
which the connectivity rule will be added.
الشبكة الهندسية التي ستتم إضافة قاعدة الاتصال
Edge Feature Class فئة ميزة الحافة
The name of the edge
feature class.
اسم فئة ميزة الحافة.
The subtype description for the edge feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
Feature Class
The name of the junction feature class.
The subtype description for the junction feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
Set as
default junction (optional)
Indicates if the junction specified in this rule will be created
automatically at a dangling endpoint of an edge in the feature class specified
as part of the rule.
· Checked—Create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for this rule.
· Unchecked—Do not create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for
this rule. This is the default.
Min Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Edge Subtype نوع الحافة الفرعي
The subtype description
for the edge feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the feature class, use
the feature class name.
وصف النوع الفرعي لفئة ميزة الحافة. إذا لم تكن
الأنواع الفرعية موجودة في فئة الميزة ، فاستخدم اسم فئة الميزة.
Feature Class
The name of the junction feature class.
The subtype description for the junction feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
Set as
default junction (optional)
Indicates if the junction specified in this rule will be created
automatically at a dangling endpoint of an edge in the feature class specified
as part of the rule.
· Checked—Create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for this rule.
· Unchecked—Do not create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for
this rule. This is the default.
Min Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Feature Class فئة ميزة
The name of the junction
feature class.
اسم فئة ميزة الوصلة.
The subtype description for the junction feature class. If subtypes do not
exist on the feature class, use the feature class name.
Set as
default junction (optional)
Indicates if the junction specified in this rule will be created
automatically at a dangling endpoint of an edge in the feature class specified
as part of the rule.
· Checked—Create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for this rule.
· Unchecked—Do not create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for
this rule. This is the default.
Min Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Subtype نوع التقاطع الفرعي
The subtype description
for the junction feature class. If subtypes do not exist on the feature class,
use the feature class name.
وصف النوع الفرعي لفئة ميزة الوصلة. إذا لم تكن
الأنواع الفرعية موجودة في فئة الميزة ، فاستخدم اسم فئة الميزة.
Set as
default junction (optional)
Indicates if the junction specified in this rule will be created
automatically at a dangling endpoint of an edge in the feature class specified
as part of the rule.
· Checked—Create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for this rule.
· Unchecked—Do not create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for
this rule. This is the default.
Min Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Set as default junction (optional) تعيين
كتقاطع افتراضي (اختياري)
Indicates if the junction
specified in this rule will be created automatically at a dangling endpoint of
an edge in the feature class specified as part of the rule.
Checked—Create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges for this
Unchecked—Do not create a junction at a dangling endpoint of edges
for this rule. This is the default.
يشير إلى ما إذا كان سيتم إنشاء الوصلة المحددة في
هذه القاعدة تلقائيًا عند نقطة نهاية متدلية لحافة في فئة الميزة المحددة كجزء من
• تم التحديد - قم بإنشاء
تقاطع عند نقطة نهاية متدلية من الحواف لهذه القاعدة.
• غير محدد — لا تقم
بإنشاء تقاطع عند نقطة نهاية متدلية من الحواف لهذه القاعدة. هذا هو الافتراضي.
Min Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Min Edge Cardinality (optional) الحد
الأدنى من العلاقة الأساسية (اختياري)
The minimum number of
edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing is specified, then it will
be valid to have any number of edges connected to a single junction for the
feature class or subtype pair.
الحد الأدنى لعدد الحواف التي يمكن توصيلها بكل
تقاطع. إذا لم يتم تحديد أي شيء ، فسيكون من الصحيح أن يكون لديك أي عدد من الحواف
متصلة بتقاطع واحد لفئة الميزة أو زوج النوع الفرعي.
Max Edge
Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of edges connected to a
single junction for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Edge Cardinality (optional) أقصى
حافة من العلاقة الأساسية (اختياري)
The maximum number of
edges that can connect to each junction. If nothing is specified, then it will
be valid to have any number of edges connected to a single junction for the feature
class or subtype pair.
أقصى عدد من الحواف التي يمكن توصيلها بكل تقاطع.
إذا لم يتم تحديد أي شيء ، فسيكون من الصحيح أن يكون لديك أي عدد من الحواف متصلة
بتقاطع واحد لفئة الميزة أو زوج النوع الفرعي.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The minimum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Min Junction Cardinality (optional) أدنى تقاطع من العلاقة الأساسية
The minimum number of
junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing is specified, then it will
be valid to have any number of junctions connected to a single edge for the
feature class or subtype pair.
الحد الأدنى لعدد الوصلات التي يمكن توصيلها بكل
حافة. إذا لم يتم تحديد أي شيء ، فسيكون من الصحيح أن يكون لديك أي عدد من الوصلات
المتصلة بحافة واحدة لفئة الميزة أو زوج النوع الفرعي.
Junction Cardinality (optional)
The maximum number of junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing
is specified, then it will be valid to have any number of junctions connected
to a single edge for the feature class or subtype pair.
Max Junction Cardinality (optional) أقصى تقاطع من العلاقة الأساسية
The maximum number of
junctions that can connect to each edge. If nothing is specified, then it will
be valid to have any number of junctions connected to a single edge for the
feature class or subtype pair.
أقصى عدد من الوصلات التي يمكن أن تتصل بكل حافة.
إذا لم يتم تحديد أي شيء ، فسيكون من الصحيح أن يكون لديك أي عدد من الوصلات
المتصلة بحافة واحدة لفئة الميزة أو زوج النوع الفرعي.
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