كل ما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) وأي شخص مهتم في مجال علم نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وخاصةً برامج ArcGIS يستفيد من هذا الموقع، هناك الكثير من البرنامج التي يتم شرح طريقة تنزيلها بالإضافة الى مقالات كثيرة في نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، تستطيع من خلالها التعلم وتبادل العلم والمعرفة في مجال هذا العلم ، يمكن لأي شخص متابعة هذا الموقع ومتابعة أي مقال جديد لحظة بلحظة، هناك دورات مجانية وبمستويات متعددة لتعلم على برامج ArcGIS وأي برامج تهتم في GIS.
تقسيم الخط من خلال نقط، انقسام الخط من خلال نقط رؤوس الحد، جدول الى شكل بيضاوي Split Line at Point, Split Line at Vertices, Table to Ellipse
Husam Jubeh
Split Line at Point, Split Line at Vertices, Table to Ellipse Tools
Split Line at Point
أداةتقسيم الخط
من خلال نقط
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Split Line at PointTool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
كيفية استخدام أداة تقسيم الخط من خلال نقط ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ؟؟
to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة
Line at PointTool, FeatureToolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Split Line at Point
Splits line features
based on intersection or proximity to point features.
يقسم ميزات الخط بناءً على التقاطع أو القرب من
المعالم النقطية.
1.Input Features ميزات الإدخال
The input line features
to be split.
ميزات الخط المراد تقسيمها.
The input point features whose locations will be used to split the input
Feature Class
The new feature class that will be created containing the split lines.
Radius (optional)
Used to split lines by their proximity to point features. Points within
the search distance to an input line will be used to split those lines at the
nearest location to the point along the line segment.
If this parameter is unspecified, the single nearest point will be used to
split the line feature. If a radius is specified, all points within the radius
will be used to split the line.
2.Point Features ميزات النقط
The input point features
whose locations will be used to split the input lines.
معالم نقطة الإدخال التي سيتم استخدام مواقعها
لتقسيم خطوط الإدخال.
Feature Class
The new feature class that will be created containing the split lines.
Radius (optional)
Used to split lines by their proximity to point features. Points within
the search distance to an input line will be used to split those lines at the
nearest location to the point along the line segment.
If this parameter is unspecified, the single nearest point will be used to
split the line feature. If a radius is specified, all points within the radius
will be used to split the line.
3.Output Feature Class فئة ميزة
The new feature class
that will be created containing the split lines.
فئة الميزة الجديدة التي سيتم إنشاؤها والتي تحتوي
على الخطوط المنقسمة.
Radius (optional)
Used to split lines by their proximity to point features. Points within
the search distance to an input line will be used to split those lines at the
nearest location to the point along the line segment.
If this parameter is unspecified, the single nearest point will be used to
split the line feature. If a radius is specified, all points within the radius
will be used to split the line.
4.Search Radius (optional) نصف قطر
البحث (اختياري)
Used to split lines by
their proximity to point features. Points within the search distance to an
input line will be used to split those lines at the nearest location to the
point along the line segment.
If this parameter is
unspecified, the single nearest point will be used to split the line feature.
If a radius is specified, all points within the radius will be used to split
the line.
تستخدم لفصل الخطوط عن طريق قربها من المعالم
النقطية. سيتم استخدام النقاط الموجودة ضمن مسافة البحث إلى سطر الإدخال لتقسيم
تلك الخطوط في أقرب موقع للنقطة على طول مقطع الخط.
إذا كانت هذه المعلمة غير محددة ، فسيتم استخدام
أقرب نقطة مفردة لتقسيم معلم الخط. إذا تم تحديد نصف قطر ، فسيتم استخدام جميع
النقاط داخل نصف القطر لتقسيم الخط.
Split Line at Vertices
أداةانقسام الخط
من خلال نقط رؤوس الحد
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Split Line at
VerticesTool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
كيفية استخدام أداة انقسام الخط من خلال نقط رؤوس الحد ArcToolbox ArcMap
ArcGIS ؟؟
to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة
Line at VerticesTool, FeatureToolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Split Line at Vertices
Creates a feature class
containing lines that are generated by splitting input lines or polygon
boundaries at their vertices.
يُنشئ فئة معلم تحتوي على خطوط تم إنشاؤها عن طريق
تقسيم خطوط الإدخال أو حدود المضلع عند الرؤوس.
1.Input Features ميزات الإدخال
The input features that
can be line or polygon.
ميزات الإدخال التي يمكن أن تكون خطية أو مضلعة.
Feature Class
The output line feature class.
2.Output Feature Class فئة ميزة
The output line feature
فئة ميزة خط الإخراج.
Table to Ellipse
أداةجدول الى شكل
ArcMap ArcGIS
How to Table to EllipseTool in ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
كيفية استخدام أداة جدول الى شكل بيضاوي ArcToolbox ArcMap ArcGIS ؟؟
to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة
to EllipseTool, FeatureToolset, Data Management Tools Toolbox
Table to Ellipse
Creates a new feature
class containing geodetic ellipse features constructed based on the values in
an x-coordinate field, y-coordinate field, major-axis field, minor-axis field,
and azimuth field of a table.
ينشئ فئة معالم جديدة تحتوي على معالم بيضاوية
جيوديسية تم إنشاؤها بناءً على القيم الموجودة في مجال إحداثيات س ، ومجال
إحداثيات ص ، وحقل المحور الرئيسي ، وحقل المحور الثانوي ، وحقل السمت للجدول.
1.Input Table جدول الإدخال
The input table that can
be a text file, CSV file, Excel file, dBASE table, or geodatabase table.
جدول الإدخال الذي يمكن أن يكون ملفًا نصيًا أو
ملف CSV أو ملف Excel أو جدول dBASE أو
جدول قاعدة بيانات جغرافية.
Feature Class
The output feature class containing geodetic ellipses as densified
X Field
A numerical field in the input table containing the x coordinates (or
longitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output
coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.
Y Field
A numerical field in the input table containing the y coordinates (or
latitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output
coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.
A numerical field in the input table containing major axis lengths of the
A numerical field in the input table containing minor axis lengths of the
The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
2.Output Feature Class فئة ميزة
The output feature class
containing geodetic ellipses as densified polylines.
فئة معلم الإخراج التي تحتوي على علامات حذف
جيوديسية مثل خطوط متعددة مكثفة.
X Field
A numerical field in the input table containing the x coordinates (or
longitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output
coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.
Y Field
A numerical field in the input table containing the y coordinates (or
latitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output
coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.
A numerical field in the input table containing major axis lengths of the
A numerical field in the input table containing minor axis lengths of the
The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
3.X Field حقل س
A numerical field in the
input table containing the x coordinates (or longitudes) of the center points
of ellipses to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the
Spatial Reference parameter.
حقل رقمي في جدول الإدخال يحتوي على إحداثيات x (أو
خطوط الطول) للنقاط المركزية للأشكال البيضاوية التي سيتم وضعها في نظام إحداثيات
الإخراج المحدد بواسطة معلمة الإسناد المكاني.
Y Field
A numerical field in the input table containing the y coordinates (or
latitudes) of the center points of ellipses to be positioned in the output
coordinate system specified by the Spatial Reference parameter.
A numerical field in the input table containing major axis lengths of the
A numerical field in the input table containing minor axis lengths of the
The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
4.Y Field حقل ص
A numerical field in the
input table containing the y coordinates (or latitudes) of the center points of
ellipses to be positioned in the output coordinate system specified by the
Spatial Reference parameter.
حقل رقمي في جدول الإدخال يحتوي على إحداثيات y(أو خطوط العرض) لنقاط مركز القطع الناقص التي سيتم وضعها في نظام
إحداثيات الإخراج المحدد بواسطة معلمة الإسناد المكاني.
A numerical field in the input table containing major axis lengths of the
A numerical field in the input table containing minor axis lengths of the
The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
5.Major Field حقل رئيسي
A numerical field in the
input table containing major axis lengths of the ellipses.
حقل رقمي في جدول الإدخال يحتوي على أطوال المحاور
الرئيسية للأشكال البيضاوية.
A numerical field in the input table containing minor axis lengths of the
The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
6.Minor Field حقل ثانوي
A numerical field in the
input table containing minor axis lengths of the ellipses.
حقل رقمي في جدول الإدخال يحتوي على أطوال محاور
ثانوية للأشكال البيضاوية.
The units for the values in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
7.Distance Units وحدات المسافة
The units for the values
in Major Field and Minor Field.
·NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles
·US_SURVEY_FEET—US survey feet
وحدات القيم في الحقل الرئيسي والحقل الفرعي.
• أمتار - أمتار
• كيلومترات - كيلومترات
• أميال - أميال
• NAUTICAL_MILES - أميال بحرية
• قدم - قدم
• US_SURVEY_FEET - قدم الاستطلاع الأمريكية
Field (optional)
A numerical field in the input table containing azimuth angle values for
the major axis rotations of the output ellipses. The values are measured
clockwise from North.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
8.Azimuth Field (optional) حقل السمت
A numerical field in the
input table containing azimuth angle values for the major axis rotations of the
output ellipses. The values are measured clockwise from North.
حقل رقمي في جدول الإدخال يحتوي على قيم زاوية
السمت لدورات المحور الرئيسي للقطع الناقص الناتج. يتم قياس القيم في اتجاه عقارب
الساعة من الشمال.
Units (optional)
The units of the values in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
9.Azimuth Units (optional) وحدات
السمت (اختياري)
The units of the values
in the Azimuth Field.
·DEGREES—Values in decimal degrees; this is the default.
·MILS—Values in mils.
·RADS—Values in radians.
·GRADS—Values in gradians.
وحدات القيم في حقل السمت.
• DEGREES — قيم بالدرجات العشرية. هذا هو الافتراضي.
• ميل - القيم بالمل.
• RADS -
القيم بالتقدير الدائري.
القيم في Gradians.
A field in the input table; this field and the values are included in the
output and can be used to join the output features with the records in the
input table.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
10.ID (optional) المعرف (اختياري)
A field in the input
table; this field and the values are included in the output and can be used to
join the output features with the records in the input table.
حقل في جدول الإدخال ؛ يتم تضمين هذا الحقل والقيم
في الإخراج ويمكن استخدامها لضم ميزات الإخراج مع السجلات في جدول الإدخال.
Reference (optional)
The spatial reference of the output feature class. On the Spatial
Reference Properties dialog box you can Select, Import, or Create a New
coordinate system. The default is GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system
if it is not Unknown.
The spatial reference of
the output feature class. On the Spatial Reference Properties dialog box you
can Select, Import, or Create a New coordinate system. The default is
GCS_WGS_1984 or the input coordinate system if it is not Unknown.
الإسناد المكاني لفئة ميزة الإخراج. في مربع
الحوار خصائص المرجع المكاني ، يمكنك تحديد أو استيراد أو إنشاء نظام إحداثي جديد.
الافتراضي هو GCS_WGS_1984 أو نظام إحداثيات
الإدخال إذا لم يكن غير معروف.
اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:
إرسال تعليق