قم بإنشاء طبقة الطريق Make Route Layer

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قم بإنشاء طبقة الطريق Make Route Layer

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Make Route Layer Tool

أداة قم بإنشاء طبقة الطريق

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to use Make Route Layer Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة قم بإنشاء طبقة الطريق؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة قم بإنشاء طبقة الطريق؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Make Route Layer Tool, Analysis Toolset, Network Analyst Tools Toolbox


Make Route Layer Tool

Make Route Layer

Makes a route network analysis layer and sets its analysis properties. A route analysis layer is useful for determining the best route between a set of network locations based on a specified network cost.

يقوم بإنشاء طبقة تحليل شبكة الطرق وتعيين خصائص التحليل الخاصة بها. تُعد طبقة تحليل الطرق مفيدة لتحديد أفضل طريق بين مجموعة مواقع الشبكة بناءً على تكلفة الشبكة المحددة.

1.    Input Analysis Network أدخل تحليل الشبكة

The network dataset on which the route analysis will be performed.

مجموعة بيانات الشبكة التي سيتم إجراء تحليل الطريق عليها.

Output Layer Name

Name of the route network analysis layer to create.

Impedance Attribute

The cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Route (optional)

Preserve Ordering of Stops (optional)

Specifies the ordering of stops when Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter is checked.

Use Time Windows (optional)

Specifies whether time windows will be used at the stops.

Start Time (optional)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.

2.    Output Layer Name اسم طبقة الإخراج

Name of the route network analysis layer to create.

اسم طبقة تحليل شبكة الطريق المراد إنشاؤها.

Impedance Attribute

The cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Route (optional)

Preserve Ordering of Stops (optional)

Specifies the ordering of stops when Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter is checked.

Use Time Windows (optional)

Specifies whether time windows will be used at the stops.

Start Time (optional)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.

3.    Impedance Attribute جدول المعاوقة

The cost attribute to be used as impedance in the analysis.

جدول التكلفة التي سيتم استخدامها كمعاوقة في التحليل.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Route (optional)

Preserve Ordering of Stops (optional)

Specifies the ordering of stops when Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter is checked.

Use Time Windows (optional)

Specifies whether time windows will be used at the stops.

Start Time (optional)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.

4.    Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Route (optional) أعد ترتيب التوقفات للعثور على الطريق الأمثل (اختياري)

· Checked—The stops will be reordered to find the optimal route. This option changes the route analysis from a shortest-path problem to a traveling salesperson problem (TSP).

· Unchecked—The stops will be visited in the input order. This is the default.

• تم التحديد - ستتم إعادة ترتيب نقاط التوقف للعثور على الطريق الأمثل. يغير هذا الخيار تحليل الطريق من مشكلة أقصر طريق إلى مشكلة مندوب مبيعات متنقل (TSP).

• غير محدد - ستتم زيارة المحطات في ترتيب الإدخال. هذا هو الافتراضي.

Preserve Ordering of Stops (optional)

Specifies the ordering of stops when Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter is checked.

Use Time Windows (optional)

Specifies whether time windows will be used at the stops.

Start Time (optional)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.

5.    Preserve Ordering of Stops (optional) الحفاظ على ترتيب التوقفات (اختياري)

Specifies the ordering of stops when Reorder stops to find optimal route parameter is checked.

· PRESERVE_BOTH—Preserves the first and last stops by input order as the first and last stops in the route.

· PRESERVE_FIRST—Preserves the first stop by input order as the first stop in the route, but the last stop is free to be reordered.

· PRESERVE_LAST—Preserves the last stop by input order as the last stop in the route, but the first stop is free to be reordered.

· PRESERVE_NONE—Frees both the first and last stop to be reordered.

يحدد ترتيب التوقفات عند تحديد توقف Reorder للعثور على معلمة المسار الأمثل.

PRESERVE_BOTH - يحتفظ بمحطات التوقف الأولى والأخيرة بترتيب الإدخال كأول وآخر توقف في المسار.

PRESERVE_FIRST - يحافظ على المحطة الأولى بترتيب الإدخال باعتبارها المحطة الأولى في المسار ، ولكن المحطة الأخيرة مجانية لإعادة ترتيبها.

PRESERVE_LAST - يحافظ على المحطة الأخيرة بترتيب الإدخال باعتبارها المحطة الأخيرة في المسار ، ولكن المحطة الأولى مجانية لإعادة ترتيبها.

PRESERVE_NONE —تحرير كل من المحطتين الأولى والأخيرة لإعادة ترتيبهما.

Use Time Windows (optional)

Specifies whether time windows will be used at the stops.

Start Time (optional)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.

6.    Use Time Windows (optional) استخدام نافذة الوقت (اختياري)

Specifies whether time windows will be used at the stops.

· Checked—The route will consider time windows on the stops. If a stop is arrived at before its time window, there will be wait time until the time window starts. If a stop is arrived at after its time window, there will be a time window violation. Total time window violation is balanced against adding impedance when computing the route. This option is enabled only when the impedance is in time units.

· Unchecked—The route will ignore time windows on the stops. This is the default.

يحدد ما إذا كان سيتم استخدام النوافذ الزمنية عند المحطات.

• تم التحديد - سيأخذ المسار بعين الاعتبار الإطارات الزمنية على المحطات. إذا تم الوصول إلى نقطة توقف قبل نافذة الوقت ، فسيكون هناك وقت انتظار حتى تبدأ نافذة الوقت. إذا تم الوصول إلى نقطة توقف بعد نافذتها الزمنية ، فسيكون هناك انتهاك للإطار الزمني. تمت موازنة إجمالي انتهاك النافذة الزمنية مقابل إضافة مقاومة عند حساب المسار. يتم تمكين هذا الخيار فقط عندما تكون المقاومة بوحدات زمنية.

• غير محدد — سيتجاهل المسار النوافذ الزمنية على المحطات. هذا هو الافتراضي.

Start Time (optional)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.

7.    Start Time (optional) وقت البدء (اختياري)

Specifies a start date and time for the route. Route start time is typically used to find routes based on the impedance attribute that varies with the time of the day. For example, a start time of 7 a.m. could be used to find a route that considers the rush hour traffic. The default value for this parameter is 8:00 a.m. A date and time can be specified as 10/21/05 10:30 AM. If the route spans multiple days and only the start time is specified, the current date is used.

Instead of using a particular date, a day of the week can be specified using the following dates:

· Today—12/30/1899

· Sunday—12/31/1899

· Monday—1/1/1900

· Tuesday—1/2/1900

· Wednesday—1/3/1900

· Thursday—1/4/1900

· Friday—1/5/1900

· Saturday—1/6/1900

For example, to specify that travel should begin at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, specify the parameter value as 1/2/1900 5:00 PM.

After the solve, the start and end time of the route are populated in the output routes. These start and end times are also used when directions are generated.

يحدد تاريخ ووقت بدء المسار. يتم استخدام وقت بدء المسار عادةً للعثور على المسارات بناءً على سمة المعاوقة التي تختلف باختلاف الوقت من اليوم. على سبيل المثال ، يمكن استخدام وقت بدء الساعة 7 صباحًا للعثور على مسار يأخذ في الاعتبار حركة المرور في ساعة الذروة. القيمة الافتراضية لهذه المعلمة هي 8:00 صباحًا. يمكن تحديد التاريخ والوقت على أنهما 10/21/05 10:30 صباحًا. إذا امتد المسار لعدة أيام وتم تحديد وقت البدء فقط ، فسيتم استخدام التاريخ الحالي.

بدلاً من استخدام تاريخ معين ، يمكن تحديد يوم من أيام الأسبوع باستخدام التواريخ التالية:

اليوم - 12/30/1899

الأحد - 12/31/1899

الاثنين - 1/1/1900

الثلاثاء - 1/2/1900

الأربعاء - 1/3/1900

الخميس - 1/4/1900

الجمعة - 1/5/1900

السبت - 1/6/1900

على سبيل المثال ، لتحديد أن السفر يجب أن يبدأ في الساعة 5:00 مساءً. في يوم الثلاثاء ، حدد قيمة المعلمة كـ 1/2/1900 5:00 مساءً.

بعد الحل ، يتم ملء وقت بدء المسار وانتهائه في مسارات الإخراج. يتم استخدام أوقات البدء والانتهاء هذه أيضًا عند إنشاء الاتجاهات.Accumulators (optional)

A list of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Impedance Attribute parameter to calculate the route.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[Impedance] property is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

Hierarchy Rank Settings (optional)

Prior to version 10, this parameter allowed you to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis from the default hierarchy ranges established in the network dataset. At version 10, this parameter is no longer supported. If you want to change the hierarchy ranges for your analysis, update the default hierarchy ranges in the network dataset.

Output Path Shape (optional)

Specifies the shape type for the route features that are output by the analysis.

No matter which output shape type is chosen, the best route is always determined by the network impedance, never Euclidean distance. This means only the route shapes are different, not the underlying traversal of the network.

U-Turn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate this, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

If you need a more precisely defined U-turn policy, consider adding a global turn delay evaluator to a network cost attribute, or adjusting its settings if one exists, and pay particular attention to the configuration of reverse turns. Also, look at setting the CurbApproach property of your network locations.

Restrictions (optional)

A list of restriction attributes to apply during the analysis.


      Accumulators التراكم

      Hierarchy تسلسل

      Output Option خيارات الإخراج

      Restrictions قيود

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