البحث عن أفضل مسار Find Routes

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البحث عن أفضل مسار Find Routes

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 Find Routes Tool

أداة البحث عن أفضل مسار

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to use Find Routes Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة البحث عن أفضل مسار ؟؟

كيفية استخدام أداة البحث عن أفضل مسار ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Find Routes Tool, Server Toolset, Network Analyst Tools Toolbox

 Find Routes Tool

Find Routes

يمكن أن يعني البحث عن تحليل المسار تحديد أسرع أو أقصر طريقة للتنقل بين المواقع. قد ترغب في استخدام هذه الأداة لإنشاء اتجاهات القيادة لزيارة محطات متعددة أو لقياس المسافة أو وقت السفر بين المواقع. الأداة قادرة على إيجاد طرق لمركبة واحدة أو أكثر في كل مرة يتم تشغيلها ، بحيث يمكنك تحديد أفضل الطرق للعديد من السائقين لزيارة التوقفات المعينة مسبقًا ، على سبيل المثال ، أو القياس في حل واحد لمسافة الرحلات من المنزل إلى العمل للعديد من الركاب.

تتشابه أداتا Find Routes و Make Route Layer ، لكنهما مصممتان لأغراض مختلفة. استخدم البحث عن المسارات إذا كنت تقوم بإعداد خدمة معالجة جغرافية ؛ يبسط عملية الإعداد ؛ خلاف ذلك ، استخدم Make Route Layer.

لإنشاء خدمة معالجة جغرافية للتوجيه باستخدام البحث عن المسارات ، ما عليك سوى إعداد أداة واحدة ، ويمكنك نشر الأداة مباشرة كخدمة. في المقابل ، تحتاج إلى إنشاء نموذج باستخدام أداة Make Routes Layer ، وتوصيله بشكل صحيح بالعديد من الأدوات الأخرى ، ونشر النموذج لإنشاء خدمة معالجة جغرافية. راجع نظرة عامة على أمثلة خدمة المعالجة الجغرافية لمحلل الشبكة لمعرفة كيفية إعداد أقرب خدمة منشأة باستخدام بيانات البرنامج التعليمي.

هناك خيار آخر يجب مراعاته وهو خدمة ArcGIS Online Find Routes. تعمل الخدمة كأداة معالجة جغرافية في ArcMap ، ويمكن الوصول إليها من تطبيقات أخرى ، وتتضمن بيانات طريق عالية الجودة لمعظم أنحاء العالم.

1.    Stops توقف

تقوم هذه الأداة بالتوجيه بين المحطات المحددة في هذه المعلمة. ما لا يقل عن محطتي توقف ضرورية لحل التحليل.

عند تحديد نقاط التوقف ، يمكنك تعيين خصائص لكل واحدة ، مثل الاسم أو وقت الخدمة ، باستخدام السمات. يمكن تحديد المحطات بالسمات التالية:

OBJECTID— ​​حقل المعرف الذي يديره النظام.

الشكل — الحقل الهندسي الذي يشير إلى الموقع الجغرافي للحادث.

الاسم — اسم المحطة. الاسم مستخدم في اتجاهات القيادة. إذا لم يتم تحديد الاسم ، فسيتم إنشاء اسم فريد مسبوقًا بالموقع تلقائيًا في محطات الإخراج والمسارات والاتجاهات.

اسم الطريق — اسم المسار الذي تم تعيين المحطة له. يؤدي تعيين اسم المسار نفسه لمحطات مختلفة إلى تجميع هذه المحطات معًا وزيارتها من خلال نفس المسار. يمكنك إنشاء العديد من المسارات في حل واحد عن طريق تعيين أسماء مسارات فريدة لمجموعات مختلفة من نقاط التوقف. باستخدام هذه الأداة ، يمكنك تجميع ما يصل إلى 150 محطة في مسار واحد.

التسلسل — ستزور مسارات الإخراج المحطات بالترتيب الذي تحدده باستخدام هذه السمة. ضمن مجموعة التوقفات التي لها نفس قيمة اسم المسار ، يجب أن يكون الرقم التسلسلي أكبر من 0 ولكن ليس أكبر من العدد الإجمالي للتوقف. أيضا ، لا ينبغي تكرار الرقم التسلسلي.

إذا تم تحديد "إعادة ترتيب التوقفات للعثور على المسارات المثلى" (صواب) ، فسيتم تجاهل جميع قيم التسلسل الأولى والأخيرة لكل اسم مسار ، باستثناء قيمتي التسلسل الأول والأخير ، حتى تتمكن الأداة من العثور على التسلسل الذي يقلل السفر الإجمالي لكل مسار. (تحدد إعدادات الاحتفاظ بترتيب التوقفات والعودة إلى البداية ما إذا كان سيتم تجاهل قيم التسلسل الأولى أو الأخيرة لكل مسار.)

الوقت الإضافي — مقدار الوقت المستغرق في المحطة ، والذي تتم إضافته إلى إجمالي وقت المسار. يتم تحديد وحدات قيمة السمة هذه بواسطة معلمة وحدات القياس. يتم تضمين قيمة السمة في التحليل فقط عندما تكون وحدات القياس قائمة على الوقت. القيمة الافتراضية هي 0.

بشكل عام ، موقع المحطة ، مثل المنزل ، ليس بالضبط على الشارع ؛ انها تراجعت نوعا ما عن الطريق. يمكن استخدام قيمة السمة هذه لنمذجة المسافة بين موقع التوقف الفعلي وموقعه في الشارع ، إذا كان من المهم تضمين تلك المسافة في إجمالي مسافة السفر.

المسافة الإضافية - المسافة الإضافية المقطوعة عند المحطات ، والتي تتم إضافتها إلى إجمالي مسافة المسار. يتم تحديد وحدات قيمة السمة هذه بواسطة معلمة وحدات القياس. يتم تضمين قيمة البيانات الجدولية في التحليل فقط عندما تكون وحدات القياس قائمة على المسافة. القيمة الافتراضية هي 0.

بشكل عام ، موقع المحطة ، مثل المنزل ، ليس بالضبط على الشارع ؛ انها تراجعت نوعا ما عن الطريق. يمكن استخدام قيمة السمة هذه لنمذجة المسافة بين موقع التوقف الفعلي وموقعه في الشارع ، إذا كان من المهم تضمين تلك المسافة في إجمالي مسافة السفر.

TimeWindowStart— أقرب وقت يمكن زيارة المحطة. تأكد من تحديد القيمة كقيمة للتاريخ والوقت ، مثل 12/8/2015 12:15 م. من خلال تحديد وقت البدء والانتهاء للإطار الزمني للتوقف ، فأنت تحدد متى يجب أن يزور الطريق المحطة. طالما تم التحقق من Use Time Windows وقمت باختيار وحدة تستند إلى الوقت لوحدات القياس ، ستحاول الأداة إيجاد حل يقلل السفر الكلي ويصل إلى نقطة التوقف خلال النافذة الزمنية المحددة.

عند حل مشكلة تمتد عبر مناطق زمنية متعددة ، تشير قيم الإطار الزمني إلى المنطقة الزمنية التي يقع فيها التوقف.

يمكن أن يحتوي هذا الحقل على قيمة فارغة ؛ تشير القيمة الفارغة إلى إمكانية وصول التوجيه في أي وقت قبل الوقت المشار إليه في سمة TimeWindowEnd. في حالة وجود قيمة خالية أيضًا في TimeWindowEnd ، يمكن للمسار زيارة المحطة في أي وقت.

TimeWindowEnd - آخر مرة يمكن فيها زيارة المحطة. تأكد من تحديد القيمة كقيمة للتاريخ والوقت ، مثل 12/8/2015 12:15 م. من خلال تحديد وقت البدء والانتهاء للإطار الزمني للتوقف ، فأنت تحدد متى يجب أن يزور الطريق المحطة. طالما تم التحقق من Use Time Windows وقمت باختيار وحدة تستند إلى الوقت لوحدات القياس ، ستحاول الأداة إيجاد حل يقلل السفر الكلي ويصل إلى نقطة التوقف خلال النافذة الزمنية المحددة.

عند حل مشكلة تمتد عبر مناطق زمنية متعددة ، تشير قيم الإطار الزمني إلى المنطقة الزمنية التي يقع فيها التوقف.

يمكن أن يحتوي هذا الحقل على قيمة فارغة ؛ تشير القيمة الفارغة إلى إمكانية وصول التوجيه في أي وقت بعد الوقت المشار إليه في سمة TimeWindowStart. في حالة وجود قيمة خالية أيضًا في TimeWindowStart ، يمكن للمسار زيارة المحطة في أي وقت.

CurbApproach - يحدد الاتجاه الذي قد تصل إليه السيارة وتغادر منها. يتم تحديد قيمة الحقل كأحد الأعداد الصحيحة التالية (استخدم الرمز الرقمي ، وليس الاسم بين قوسين):

• 0 (على أي من جانبي السيارة) - يمكن للمركبة الاقتراب والمغادرة من نقطة التوقف في أي من الاتجاهين ، لذلك يُسمح بالدوران على شكل حرف U عند التوقف. يمكن اختيار هذا الإعداد إذا كان ممكنًا وعمليًا لمركبتك

Measurement Units

Specify the units that should be used to measure and report the total travel time or travel distance for the output routes.

The units you choose for this parameter determine whether the tool will measure distance or time to find the best routes. Choose a time unit to minimize travel time for your chosen travel mode (driving or walking time, for instance). To minimize travel distance for the given travel mode, choose a distance unit. Your choice also determines in which units the tool will report total time or distance in the results. The choices include the following:

The tool chooses whether to use the network cost attribute specified in the Time Attribute or Distance Attribute parameter depending on whether the chosen measurement units are time or distance based.

The tool performs the necessary unit conversion when the Measurement Units value differs from the units of the corresponding time or distance cost attribute.

Network Dataset

The network dataset on which the analysis will be performed. Network datasets most often represent street networks but may represent other kinds of transportation networks as well. The network dataset needs at least one time-based and one distance-based cost attribute.

Output Geodatabase

The output workspace. This workspace must already exist. The default output workspace is in_memory.

Output Routes Name

The name of the output feature class containing routes or the lines that connect stops. This feature class also contains, as an attribute, the total travel time or distance.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Route Edges Name

The name of the output feature class containing the route edges. Route edges represent the individual street features that are traversed by a route.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Directions Name

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

2.    Measurement Units وحدات القياس

Specify the units that should be used to measure and report the total travel time or travel distance for the output routes.

حدد الوحدات التي يجب استخدامها لقياس إجمالي وقت السفر أو مسافة السفر لمسارات الإخراج والإبلاغ عنها.

تحدد الوحدات التي تختارها لهذه المعلمة ما إذا كانت الأداة ستقيس المسافة أو الوقت للعثور على أفضل المسارات. اختر وحدة زمنية لتقليل وقت السفر لوضع السفر الذي اخترته (القيادة أو وقت المشي ، على سبيل المثال). لتقليل مسافة الانتقال لوضع السفر المحدد ، اختر وحدة مسافة. يحدد اختيارك أيضًا الوحدات التي ستبلغ فيها الأداة عن إجمالي الوقت أو المسافة في النتائج. تشمل الاختيارات ما يلي:

• أمتار

• كيلومترات


• ساحات



• ثواني




تختار الأداة ما إذا كنت تريد استخدام سمة تكلفة الشبكة المحددة في معلمة سمة الوقت أو سمة المسافة بناءً على ما إذا كانت وحدات القياس المختارة تعتمد على الوقت أو المسافة.

تقوم الأداة بإجراء تحويل الوحدة الضروري عندما تختلف قيمة وحدات القياس عن وحدات سمة تكلفة المسافة أو الوقت المقابلة.

Network Dataset

The network dataset on which the analysis will be performed. Network datasets most often represent street networks but may represent other kinds of transportation networks as well. The network dataset needs at least one time-based and one distance-based cost attribute.

Output Geodatabase

The output workspace. This workspace must already exist. The default output workspace is in_memory.

Output Routes Name

The name of the output feature class containing routes or the lines that connect stops. This feature class also contains, as an attribute, the total travel time or distance.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Route Edges Name

The name of the output feature class containing the route edges. Route edges represent the individual street features that are traversed by a route.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Directions Name

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

3.    Network Dataset مجموعة بيانات الشبكة

The network dataset on which the analysis will be performed. Network datasets most often represent street networks but may represent other kinds of transportation networks as well. The network dataset needs at least one time-based and one distance-based cost attribute.

مجموعة بيانات الشبكة التي سيتم إجراء التحليل عليها. غالبًا ما تمثل مجموعات بيانات الشبكة شبكات الشوارع ولكنها قد تمثل أيضًا أنواعًا أخرى من شبكات النقل. تحتاج مجموعة بيانات الشبكة إلى سمة تكلفة واحدة تستند إلى الوقت وواحدة على الأقل تستند إلى المسافة.

Output Geodatabase

The output workspace. This workspace must already exist. The default output workspace is in_memory.

Output Routes Name

The name of the output feature class containing routes or the lines that connect stops. This feature class also contains, as an attribute, the total travel time or distance.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Route Edges Name

The name of the output feature class containing the route edges. Route edges represent the individual street features that are traversed by a route.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Directions Name

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

4.    Output Geodatabase قاعدة البيانات الجغرافية الناتجة

The output workspace. This workspace must already exist. The default output workspace is in_memory.

مساحة عمل الإخراج. يجب أن تكون مساحة العمل هذه موجودة بالفعل. مساحة عمل الإخراج الافتراضية هي in_memory.

Output Routes Name

The name of the output feature class containing routes or the lines that connect stops. This feature class also contains, as an attribute, the total travel time or distance.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Route Edges Name

The name of the output feature class containing the route edges. Route edges represent the individual street features that are traversed by a route.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Directions Name

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

5.    Output Routes Name مخرج اسم المسارات

The name of the output feature class containing routes or the lines that connect stops. This feature class also contains, as an attribute, the total travel time or distance.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

اسم فئة معلم الإخراج الذي يحتوي على المسارات أو الخطوط التي تربط المحطات. تحتوي فئة الميزة هذه أيضًا ، كسمة ، على إجمالي وقت السفر أو المسافة.

يصف الإخراج من Find Routes مخطط فئة ميزة الإخراج هذه.

Output Route Edges Name

The name of the output feature class containing the route edges. Route edges represent the individual street features that are traversed by a route.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Directions Name

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

6.    Output Route Edges Name اسم حواف مسار الإخراج

The name of the output feature class containing the route edges. Route edges represent the individual street features that are traversed by a route.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

اسم فئة معلم الإخراج الذي يحتوي على حواف المسار. تمثل حواف المسار ميزات الشارع الفردية التي يتم اجتيازها بواسطة المسار.

يصف الإخراج من Find Routes مخطط فئة ميزة الإخراج هذه.

Output Directions Name

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

7.    Output Directions Name اسم اتجاهات الإخراج

The name of the output feature class containing directions.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

اسم فئة معلم الإخراج الذي يحتوي على الاتجاهات.

يصف الإخراج من Find Routes مخطط فئة ميزة الإخراج هذه.

Output Stops Name

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

8.    Output Stops Name اسم توقف الإخراج

The name of the output feature class containing the output stops.

Output from Find Routes describes the schema of this output feature class.

اسم فئة معلم الإخراج الذي يحتوي على توقف الإخراج.

يصف الإخراج من Find Routes مخطط فئة ميزة الإخراج هذه.

Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

The tool determines the sequence that will minimize overall travel distance or time. It can reorder stops and account for time windows at stops. Additional parameters allow you to preserve the first or last stops while allowing the tool to reorder the intermediary stops.

The stops are visited in the order you define. This is the default option. You can set the order of stops using a Sequence attribute in the input stops features or let the sequence be determined by the Object ID of the stops.

Finding the optimal stop order and the best routes is commonly known as solving the traveling salesman problem (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

9.    Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes (optional) أعد ترتيب التوقفات للعثور على المسارات المثلى (اختياري)

Specify whether to visit the stops in the order you define or the order the tool determines will minimize overall travel.

حدد ما إذا كنت تريد زيارة محطات التوقف بالترتيب الذي تحدده أو أن الترتيب الذي تحدده الأداة سيقلل السفر الكلي.

تم التحديد (صواب):

تحدد الأداة التسلسل الذي سيقلل من مسافة السفر الإجمالية أو الوقت. يمكنه إعادة ترتيب التوقفات وحساب نوافذ الوقت عند التوقفات. تتيح لك المعلمات الإضافية الاحتفاظ بمحطات التوقف الأولى أو الأخيرة مع السماح للأداة بإعادة ترتيب التوقفات الوسيطة.

لم يتم التحقق منه (خطأ):

تتم زيارة المحطات بالترتيب الذي تحدده. هذا هو الخيار الافتراضي. يمكنك تعيين ترتيب التوقفات باستخدام سمة التسلسل في ميزات توقف الإدخال أو السماح بتحديد التسلسل بواسطة معرف الكائن للتوقفات.

يُعرف العثور على أمر الإيقاف الأمثل وأفضل الطرق باسم حل مشكلة البائع المتجول (TSP).

Preserve Terminal Stops (optional)

When Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is checked (or True), you have options to preserve the starting or ending stops and the tool can reorder the rest.

The first and last stops are determined by their Sequence attribute values or, if the Sequence values are null, by their Object ID values.

Preserve Terminal Stops is ignored when Reorder Stops to Find Optimal Routes is unchecked (or False).

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

10. Preserve Terminal Stops (optional) الحفاظ على محطات التوقف (اختياري)

عند تحديد "إعادة ترتيب التوقفات للعثور على المسارات المثلى" (أو "صواب") ، يكون لديك خيارات للاحتفاظ بإيقافات البداية أو النهاية ويمكن للأداة إعادة ترتيب الباقي.

يتم تحديد المحطتين الأولى والأخيرة من خلال قيم سمات التسلسل الخاصة بهم أو ، إذا كانت قيم التسلسل خالية ، من خلال قيم معرف الكائن الخاصة بهم.

PRESERVE_BOTH - يحتفظ بمحطات التوقف الأولى والأخيرة بترتيب الإدخال كأول وآخر توقف في المسار.

PRESERVE_FIRST - يحافظ على المحطة الأولى بترتيب الإدخال باعتبارها المحطة الأولى في المسار ، ولكن المحطة الأخيرة مجانية لإعادة الترتيب.

PRESERVE_LAST - يحافظ على المحطة الأخيرة بترتيب الإدخال باعتبارها المحطة الأخيرة في المسار ، ولكن المحطة الأولى مجانية لإعادة ترتيبها.

PRESERVE_NONE —تحرير كل من المحطتين الأولى والأخيرة لإعادة ترتيبهما.

يتم تجاهل الاحتفاظ بإيقافات المحطة الطرفية عند إلغاء تحديد (أو خطأ) إعادة ترتيب التوقفات للعثور على المسارات المثلى.

Return to Start (optional)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

The starting location of the route is the stop feature with the lowest value in the Sequence attribute. If the Sequence values are null, it is the stop feature with the lowest Object ID value.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

11. Return to Start (optional) العودة إلى البداية (اختياري)

Choose whether routes should start and end at the same location. With this option you can avoid duplicating the first stop feature and sequencing the duplicate stop at the end.

اختر ما إذا كان يجب أن تبدأ المسارات وتنتهي في نفس الموقع. باستخدام هذا الخيار ، يمكنك تجنب تكرار ميزة التوقف الأول وتسلسل التوقف المكرر في النهاية.

موقع بدء المسار هو ميزة الإيقاف ذات القيمة الأقل في سمة التسلسل. إذا كانت قيم التسلسل خالية ، فهي ميزة الإيقاف التي تحتوي على أدنى قيمة لمعرف الكائن.

• تم التحديد (صواب) - يجب أن يبدأ المسار وينتهي عند خاصية التوقف الأول. هذه هي القيمة الافتراضية.

• لم يتم تحديده (خطأ) - لن يبدأ المسار وينتهي عند ميزة التوقف الأول.

Travel Mode (optional)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

A travel mode is defined on a network dataset and provides override values for parameters that, together, model cars, trucks, pedestrians, or other modes of travel. By choosing a travel mode here, you don't need to provide values for the following parameters, which are overridden by values specified in the network dataset:

Use Time Windows (optional)

Check this option (or set it to True) if any input stops have time windows that specify when the route should reach the stop. You can add time windows to input stops by entering time values in the TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd attributes.

The input stops have time windows and you want the tool to try to honor them.

The input stops don't have time windows, or if they do, you don't want the tool to try to honor them. This is the default value.

The tool will take slightly longer to run when Use Time Windows is checked (or True), even when none of the input stops have time windows, so it is recommended to uncheck this option (set to False) if possible.

Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time and date at which the routes should begin.

If your network dataset contains live or historical traffic data, specifying a time-of-day results in a more accurate estimation of travel time between stops because the travel times account for the traffic conditions that are applicable for that date and time.

The Time Zone for Time of Day parameter specifies whether this time and date refer to UTC or the time zone in which the stop is located.

The tool ignores this parameter when Measurement Units isn't set to a time-based unit.

Time Zone for Time of Day (optional)

Specifies the time zone of the Time of Day parameter.

Time Zone for Time Windows (optional)

Specifies the time zone for the time window values on stops. The time windows are specified as part of TimeWindowStart and TimeWindowEnd fields on stops. This parameter is applicable only when the Use Time Windows parameter is checked (or set to True).

Overrides (optional)

Specify additional settings that can influence the behavior of the solver when finding solutions for the network analysis problems.

The value for this parameter needs to be specified in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). For example, a valid value is of the following form {"overrideSetting1" : "value1", "overrideSetting2" : "value2"}. The override setting name is always enclosed in double quotation marks. The values can be a number, Boolean, or a string.

The default value for this parameter is no value, which indicates not to override any solver settings.

Overrides are advanced settings that should be used only after careful analysis of the results obtained before and after applying the settings. A list of supported override settings for each solver and their acceptable values can be obtained by contacting Esri Technical Support.

Point Barriers (optional)

Specifies point barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and added cost point barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal across or add impedance to points on the network. The point barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the point features determine whether they are restriction or added cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or adds cost when traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 2 for Added Cost.


Indicates how much travel time is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. This field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.


Indicates how much distance is added when the barrier is traversed. This field is applicable only for added-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The field value must be greater than or equal to zero, and its units are the same as those specified in the Measurement Units parameter.

Line Barriers (optional)

Specifies line barriers, which temporarily restrict traversal across them. The line barriers are defined by a feature set. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.

Polygon Barriers (optional)

Specifies polygon barriers, which are split into two types: restriction and scaled cost polygon barriers. They temporarily restrict traversal or scale impedance on the parts of the network they cover. The polygon barriers are defined by a feature set, and the attribute values you specify for the polygon features determine whether they are restriction or scaled cost barriers. The fields in the attribute table are listed and described below.


The system-managed ID field.


The geometry field indicating the geographic location of the network analysis object.


The name of the barrier.


Specifies whether the barrier restricts travel completely or scales the cost of traveling through it. There are two options:

Use the value 0 for Restriction and 1 for Scaled Cost.


This is the factor by which the travel time of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This field is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are time based. The field value must be greater than zero.


This is the factor by which the distance of the streets intersected by the barrier is multiplied. This attribute is applicable only for scaled-cost barriers and only if the measurement units are distance based. The attribute value must be greater than zero.

UTurn Policy (optional)

The U-Turn policy at junctions. Allowing U-turns implies the solver can turn around at a junction and double back on the same street. Given that junctions represent street intersections and dead ends, different vehicles may be able to turn around at some junctions but not at others—it depends on whether the junction represents an intersection or dead end. To accommodate, the U-turn policy parameter is implicitly specified by how many edges, or streets, connect to the junction, which is known as junction valency. The acceptable values for this parameter are listed below; each is followed by a description of its meaning in terms of junction valency.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Time Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a time unit.

The tool performs the necessary time-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the time units of the default cutoff and the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Time Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute (optional)

Defines the network cost attribute to use when the measurement units value is a distance unit.

The tool performs the necessary distance-unit conversion when the measurement units value differs from the units of the cost attribute defined here. In other words, the measurement units and the distance units of the network cost attribute don't need to be the same.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than Custom.

Distance Attribute Units (optional)

The units of the network cost attribute specified by the Distance Attribute parameter. This is merely an informational parameter that cannot be changed without directly editing the network dataset. It is also unnecessary to change since the unit conversions between measurement units and the cost attribute are handled for you.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode is set to any value other than Custom.

Use Hierarchy in Analysis (optional)

Specify whether hierarchy should be used when finding the shortest routes between points.

The parameter is disabled if a hierarchy attribute is not defined on the network dataset used to perform the analysis.

You can use the Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance parameter to force the solver to use hierarchy even if Use Hierarchy in Analysis is set to false.

This parameter is ignored unless Travel Mode is set to Custom. When modeling a custom walking mode, it is recommended to turn off hierarchy since the hierarchy is designed for motorized vehicles.

Restrictions (optional)

Indicates which network restriction attributes are respected during solve time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Attribute Parameter Values (optional)

Specifies the parameter values for network attributes that have parameters. The record set has two columns that work together to uniquely identify parameters and another column that specifies the parameter value.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

The attribute parameter values record set has associated attributes. The fields in the attribute table are listed below and described.


The system-managed ID field.


The name of the network attribute whose attribute parameter is set by the table row.


The name of the attribute parameter whose value is set by the table row. (Object type parameters cannot be updated using this tool.)


The value you want for the attribute parameter. If a value is not specified, the attribute parameter is set to null.

Route Line Simplification Tolerance (optional)

Specify by how much you want to simplify the route geometry.

The tool ignores this parameter if the Route Shape parameter isn't set to True lines with measures or True lines without measures.

Simplification maintains critical points on a route, such as turns at intersections, to define the essential shape of the route and removes other points. The simplification distance you specify is the maximum allowable offset that the simplified line can deviate from the original line. Simplifying a line reduces the number of vertices that are part of the route geometry. This improves the tool execution time.

The value of this parameter is overridden when Travel Mode (Travel_Mode in Python) is set to any value other than custom.

Accumulate Attributes (optional)

List of cost attributes to be accumulated during analysis. These accumulation attributes are purely for reference; the solver only uses the cost attribute specified by the Time Attribute (Time_Attribute in Python) or Distance Attribute (Distance_Attribute in Python) parameter to calculate the shortest paths.

For each cost attribute that is accumulated, a Total_[attribute] field is added to the routes that are output by the solver.

Maximum Snap Tolerance (optional)

The maximum snap tolerance is the furthest distance that Network Analyst searches when locating or relocating a point onto the network. The search looks for suitable edges or junctions and snaps the point to the nearest one. If a suitable location isn't found within the maximum snap tolerance, the object is marked as unlocated.

Feature Locator WHERE Clause (optional)

A SQL expression used to select a subset of source features that limits on which network elements stops can be located. The syntax for this parameter consists of two parts: the first is the source feature class name (followed by a space) and the second is the SQL expression. To write a SQL expression for two or more source feature classes, separate them with a semicolon.

To ensure facilities are not located on limited-access highways, for example, write a SQL expression like the following to exclude those source features: "Streets" "FUNC_CLASS not in('1', '2')".

Note that barriers ignore the feature locator WHERE clause when loading.

Route Shape (optional)

Specify the type of route features that are output by the tool. The parameter can be specified using one of the following values:

When the Route Shape parameter is set to True Shape, the generalization of the route shape can be further controlled using the appropriate value for the Route Line Simplification Tolerance parameter.

No matter which value you choose for the Route Shape parameter, the best route is always determined by minimizing the travel time or the travel distance, never using the straight-line distance between stops. This means that only the route shapes are different, not the underlying streets that are searched when finding the route.

Populate Route Edges (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate edges for each route. Route edges represent the individual street features or other similar features that are traversed by a route. The output Route Edges layer is commonly used to see which streets or paths are traveled on the most or least by the resultant routes.

Generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is populated with line features.

Don't generate route edges. The output Route Edges layer is returned, but it is empty.

Populate Directions (optional)

Specify whether the tool should generate driving directions for each route.

Indicates that the directions will be generated and configured based on the values for the Directions Language, Directions Style Name, and Directions Distance Units parameters.

Directions are not generated, and the tool returns an empty Directions layer.

Directions Language (optional)

Specify the language that should be used when generating driving directions.

This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

The directions languages that are available depend on what ArcGIS language packs you have installed on your computer. The values are entered in two- or five-character language codes, for example, en for English or zh-CN for simplified Chinese.

If an unsupported language code is specified, the tool returns the directions using the default language, English.

Directions Distance Units (optional)

Specify the units for displaying travel distance in the driving directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True.

Directions Style Name (optional)

Specify the name of the formatting style for the directions. This parameter is used only when the Populate Directions parameter is checked, or set to True. The parameter can be specified using the following values:

Save Output Network Analysis Layer (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a network analysis layer of the results. In either case, feature classes containing the results are returned. However, a server administrator may want to choose to output a network analysis layer as well so that the setup and results of the tool can be debugged using the Network Analyst controls in the ArcGIS Desktop environment. This can make the debugging process much easier.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for the network analysis layer is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment in the Python window. The output network analysis layer is stored as an LYR file whose name begins with _ags_gpna and is followed by an alphanumeric GUID.

Save Route Data (optional)

Choose whether the output includes a zip file that contains a file geodatabase holding the inputs and outputs of the analysis in a format that can be used to share route layers with ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS.

In ArcGIS Desktop, the default output location for this output file is in the scratch folder. You can determine the location of the scratch folder by evaluating the value of the arcpy.env.scratchFolder geoprocessing environment.

Maximum Features Affected by Point Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by point barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Line Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by line barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Features Affected by Polygon Barriers (optional)

Limits how many features can be affected by polygon barriers.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops (optional)

Limits how many stops can be added to the route analysis. This parameter is related to the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Maximum Stops per Route (optional)

Limits the maximum number of stops that can be assigned to each route in an analysis.

Stops are preassigned to routes using the RouteName field of points in the Stops parameter.

This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving. For example, you could assign a low value to this parameter for a free version of the service you are creating and use a higher value for a paid-subscription version of the service.

A null value indicates there is no limit.

Force Hierarchy Beyond Distance (optional)

Specifies the distance after which the solver will force hierarchy when finding routes, even if hierarchy is not enabled. The units of this parameter are the same as those shown in the Distance Attribute Units parameter.

Finding routes between stops that are far away while using the network's hierarchy tends to incur much less processing than finding the same routes without using the hierarchy. This parameter helps you govern the amount of processing that occurs when solving.

A null value indicates that the hierarchy will never be enforced and the value of the Use Hierarchy in Analysis parameter will always be honored. If the input network dataset does not support hierarchy, specifying a value for this parameter will result in an error. A null value should be used in this case.

This parameter is disabled unless the network dataset includes a hierarchy attribute.

12. Travel Mode (optional) وضع السفر (اختياري)

Choose the mode of transportation for the analysis. Custom is always a choice. For other travel mode names to appear, they must be present in the network dataset specified in the Network Dataset parameter.

اختر وسيلة النقل للتحليل. العرف هو دائما اختيار. لكي تظهر أسماء أوضاع السفر الأخرى ، يجب أن تكون موجودة في مجموعة بيانات الشبكة المحددة في معلمة مجموعة بيانات الشبكة.

يتم تحديد وضع السفر في مجموعة بيانات الشبكة ويوفر قيم تجاوز للمعلمات التي تعمل معًا على تشكيل السيارات أو الشاحنات أو المشاة أو أوضاع السفر الأخرى. باختيار وضع السفر هنا ، لا تحتاج إلى توفير قيم للمعلمات التالية ، والتي يتم تجاوزها بالقيم المحددة في مجموعة بيانات الشبكة:

• سياسة UTurn

• سمة الوقت

• وحدات سمة الوقت

• سمة المسافة

• وحدات سمات المسافة

• استخدام التسلسل الهرمي في التحليل


• قيم معلمة السمة

• التسامح تبسيط خط الطريق

CUSTOM - حدد وضع السفر الذي يناسب احتياجاتك الخاصة. عند اختيار Custom ، لا تتجاوز الأداة معلمات وضع السفر المذكورة أعلاه. هذه هي القيمة الافتراضية.

12. Advanced Analysis التحليل المتقدم

13. Barriers الحواجز
14. Custom Travel Mode وضع السفر المخصص 
15. Network Dataset مجموعة بيانات الشبكة
16. Network Location موقع الشبكة
17. Output مخرج
18. Service Capabilities قدرات الخدمة

جميع الفئات الإضافة السبعة موجود شرحهم بالتفصيل، اضغط هنا للوصول الى شرحهم

 اليك صفحه ومجموعة على الفيس بوك لتعلم أكثر بما يخص نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) و برنامج ArcGIS Pro من خلال هذه الروابط:

مجموعة على الفيس بوك ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
مجموعة على الفيس بوك GIS for WE - ArcGIS Pro من هنا.
صفحة الفيس بوك GIS for WE من هنا.


GIS for WE


التنقل السريع