فترات تعقب للمعلم Track Intervals to Feature

القائمة الرئيسية


فترات تعقب للمعلم Track Intervals to Feature

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Track Intervals to Feature Tool

أداة فترات تعقب للمعلم

ArcMap ArcGIS

How to use Track Intervals to Feature Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??

كيفية استخدام أداة فترات تعقب للمعلم ؟؟
Track Intervals to Feature Tool

How to use Track Intervals to Feature Tool in Arc Toolbox ArcMap ArcGIS??
Track Intervals to Feature 2 Tool 

كيفية استخدام أداة فترات تعقب للمعلم ؟؟

Path to access the toolمسار الوصول الى الأداة


Track Intervals to Feature Tool, Tracking Analyst Tools Toolbox

Track Intervals to Feature Tool 

Track Intervals to Feature

Calculates values that are computed from the difference between successively ordered features in a track. New fields are added to the input feature class or layer to store the calculated values (distance, duration, speed, and course).

لحساب القيم التي يتم حسابها من الفرق بين المعالم المرتبة تباعاً في المسار. تتم إضافة الحقول الجديدة إلى فئة أو طبقة معالم الإدخال لتخزين القيم المحسوبة (المسافة ، والمدة ، والسرعة ، والمسار).

1. Input Features ادخل المعالم

The input feature class or layer.

فئة أو طبقة معلم الإدخال.

Time Field

The field in the input feature class or layer that contains date and time information. This tool requires date and time information to be contained in the same field, and the data type of the field must be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or Date.

Track ID Field (optional)

The field that contains data values which are used to group the input features into tracks. The data type of the field can be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or OID.

Calculate Intervals Between (optional)

Specifies which interval is used to calculate values for each feature.

Distance Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the distance field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Duration Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Speed Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

2. Time Field حقل الوقت

The field in the input feature class or layer that contains date and time information. This tool requires date and time information to be contained in the same field, and the data type of the field must be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or Date.

الحقل في فئة أو طبقة المعالم المدخلة التي تحتوي على معلومات التاريخ والوقت. تتطلب هذه الأداة تضمين معلومات التاريخ والوقت في نفس الحقل ، ويجب أن يكون نوع بيانات الحقل قصير أو طويل أو عائم أو مزدوج أو نص أو تاريخ.

Track ID Field (optional)

The field that contains data values which are used to group the input features into tracks. The data type of the field can be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or OID.

Calculate Intervals Between (optional)

Specifies which interval is used to calculate values for each feature.

Distance Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the distance field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Duration Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Speed Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

3. Track ID Field (optional) حقل معرف المسار (اختياري)

The field that contains data values which are used to group the input features into tracks. The data type of the field can be Short, Long, Float, Double, Text, or OID.

الحقل الذي يحتوي على قيم البيانات المستخدمة لتجميع ميزات الإدخال في مسارات. يمكن أن يكون نوع بيانات الحقل قصير أو طويل أو عائم أو مزدوج أو نص أو OID.

Calculate Intervals Between (optional)

Specifies which interval is used to calculate values for each feature.

Distance Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the distance field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Duration Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Speed Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

4. Calculate Intervals Between (optional) حساب الفترات بين (اختياري)

Specifies which interval is used to calculate values for each feature.

· PREVIOUS_AND_CURRENT_FEATURE—Values are calculated using the interval between each feature and the previous feature in the track.

· CURRENT_AND_NEXT_FEATURE—Values are calculated using the interval between each feature and the next feature in the track.

يحدد الفاصل الزمني المستخدم لحساب القيم لكل معلم.

PREVIOUS_AND_CURRENT_FEATURE - يتم حساب القيم باستخدام الفاصل الزمني بين كل ميزة والميزة السابقة في المسار.

CURRENT_AND_NEXT_FEATURE — يتم حساب القيم باستخدام الفاصل الزمني بين كل ميزة والميزة التالية في المسار.

Distance Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the distance field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Duration Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Speed Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

5. Distance Field Name (optional) اسم حقل المسافة (اختياري)

Specifies the name of the distance field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

يحدد اسم حقل المسافة الذي سيتم إضافته إلى طبقة أو فئة معلم الإدخال. إذا لم يتم تحديد اسم حقل ، فسيتم اختيار الاسم تلقائيًا.

Duration Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Speed Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

6. Duration Field Name (optional) اسم حقل المدة (اختياري)

Specifies the name of the duration field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

يحدد اسم حقل المدة الذي سيتم إضافته إلى طبقة أو فئة معلم الإدخال. إذا لم يتم تحديد اسم حقل ، فسيتم اختيار الاسم تلقائيًا.

Speed Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

7. Speed Field Name (optional) اسم حقل السرعة (اختياري)

Specifies the name of the speed field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

يحدد اسم حقل السرعة الذي سيتم إضافته إلى فئة أو طبقة معالم الإدخال. إذا لم يتم تحديد اسم حقل ، فسيتم اختيار الاسم تلقائيًا.

Course Field Name (optional)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

8. Course Field Name (optional) اسم حقل الدورة (اختياري)

Specifies the name of the course field that will be added to the input feature class or layer. If no field name is specified, a name will automatically be chosen.

يحدد اسم حقل الدورة التدريبية الذي سيتم إضافته إلى طبقة أو فئة معلم الإدخال. إذا لم يتم تحديد اسم حقل ، فسيتم اختيار الاسم تلقائيًا.

Time Field Format (optional)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

9. Time Field Format (optional) تنسيق حقل الوقت (اختياري)

If the data type of the time field is anything other than Date, this parameter determines the format that will be used to interpret data values in the time field. Either a standard Esri time format can be selected from the drop-down list, or a custom format can be entered. If the data type of the time field is numeric (Short, Long, Float, or Double), a list of standard Esri numeric time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Text, a list of standard Esri text time formats is provided in the drop-down list. If the data type of the time field is Date, this parameter is not needed.

إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت هو أي شيء آخر غير التاريخ ، فإن هذه المعلمة تحدد التنسيق الذي سيتم استخدامه لتفسير قيم البيانات في حقل الوقت. يمكن تحديد تنسيق وقت Esri القياسي من القائمة المنسدلة ، أو يمكن إدخال تنسيق مخصص. إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت رقمي (قصير أو طويل أو عائم أو مزدوج) ، يتم توفير قائمة بتنسيقات Esri الرقمية للوقت في القائمة المنسدلة. إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت هو نص ، يتم توفير قائمة بتنسيقات وقت نص Esri القياسية في القائمة المنسدلة. إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت هو التاريخ ، فلن تكون هناك حاجة إلى هذه المعلمة.

Time Field Format Locale (optional)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

10. Time Field Format Locale (optional) لغة تنسيق حقل الوقت (اختياري)

If the data type of the time field is Text, this parameter determines which locale will be used to interpret data values in the time field. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed. By default, this parameter is set to the current locale of your operating system.

إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت هو نص ، فإن هذه المعلمة تحدد الإعدادات المحلية التي سيتم استخدامها لتفسير قيم البيانات في حقل الوقت. لجميع أنواع بيانات حقل الوقت بخلاف النص ، هذه المعلمة غير ضرورية. بشكل افتراضي ، يتم تعيين هذه المعلمة إلى الإعدادات المحلية الحالية لنظام التشغيل الخاص بك.

Time Field Format AM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

11. Time Field Format AM Designator (optional) محدد تنسيق حقل الوقت صباحاً (اختياري)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate AM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default AM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت نصًا وكان تنسيق الوقت عبارة عن تمثيل على مدار 12 ساعة بما في ذلك علامة الوقت ("t" أو "tt") ، فإن هذه المعلمة تحدد الحرف ("t") أو الأحرف ("tt" ) التي تحدد AM في قيم بيانات حقل الوقت. إذا لم يتم إدخال أي شيء ، فسيتم استخدام محدد AM الافتراضي للإعدادات المحلية المحددة. لجميع أنواع بيانات حقل الوقت بخلاف النص ، هذه المعلمة غير ضرورية.

Time Field Format PM Designator (optional)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

12. Time Field Format PM Designator (optional) محدد تنسيق حقل الوقت مساءً (اختياري)

If the time field data type is Text and the time format is a 12-hour clock representation including a time marker ("t" or "tt"), then this parameter determines the character ("t") or characters ("tt") that designate PM in the time field data values. If nothing is entered, then the default PM designator for the selected locale will be used. For all time field data types other than Text, this parameter is not needed.

إذا كان نوع بيانات حقل الوقت نصًا وكان تنسيق الوقت عبارة عن تمثيل على مدار 12 ساعة بما في ذلك علامة الوقت ("t" أو "tt") ، فإن هذه المعلمة تحدد الحرف ("t") أو الأحرف ("tt" ) التي تحدد PM في قيم بيانات حقل الوقت. إذا لم يتم إدخال أي شيء ، فسيتم استخدام محدد PM الافتراضي للإعدادات المحلية المحددة. لجميع أنواع بيانات حقل الوقت بخلاف النص ، هذه المعلمة غير ضرورية.

Distance Field Units (optional)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

13. Distance Field Units (optional) وحدات حقل المسافة (اختياري)

Specifies the distance units that will be used in the output distance field.

· INCHES—Inches

· FEET—Feet

· YARDS—Yards

· MILES—Miles

· NAUTICAL_MILES—Nautical miles

· MILLIMETERS—Millimeters

· CENTIMETERS—Centimeters

· METERS—Meters

· KILOMETERS—Kilometers

· DECIMETERS—Decimeters

· DECIMAL_DEGREES—Decimal degrees

· UNKNOWN_UNITS—Units are not known

· SKIP—Skips this parameter

يحدد وحدات المسافة التي سيتم استخدامها في حقل مسافة الإخراج.

• بوصة - بوصة

• قدم - قدم

• ساحات - ساحات

• أميال - أميال

NAUTICAL_MILES - أميال بحرية

• ميليمترات — مليمترات

• السنتيمتر - السنتيمتر

• أمتار — أمتار

• كيلومترات - كيلومترات

DECIMETERS - ديسيمترات

DECIMAL_DEGREES - درجات عشرية

UNKNOWN_UNITS— الوحدات غير معروفة

• تخطي — يتخطى هذه المعلمة

Duration Field Units (optional)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

Speed Field Units (optional)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

14. Duration Field Units (optional) وحدات حقل المدة (اختياري)

Specifies the time units that will be used in the output duration field.

· MILLISECONDS—Milliseconds

· SECONDS—Seconds

· MINUTES—Minutes

· HOURS—Hours

· DAYS—Days

· WEEKS—Weeks

· MONTHS—Months

· YEARS—Years

· SKIP—Skips this parameter

يحدد وحدات الوقت التي سيتم استخدامها في حقل مدة الإخراج.

• ميلي ثانية - ميلي ثانية

SECONDS - ثواني

MINUTES - دقائق

HOURS - ساعات

DAYS - أيام

• أسابيع - أسابيع

• شهور - شهور

• سنوات - سنوات

• تخطي — يتخطى هذه المعلمة

15. Speed Field Units (optional) وحدات حقل السرعة (اختياري)

Specifies the speed units that will be used in the output speed field.

· MILES_PER_HOUR—Miles per hour

· FEET_PER_HOUR—Feet per hour

· KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR—Kilometers per hour

· MILES_PER_SECOND—Miles per second

· FEET_PER_SECOND—Feet per second

· METERS_PER_SECOND—Meters per second

· KNOTS—Knots

· SKIP—Skips this parameter

يحدد وحدات السرعة التي سيتم استخدامها في مجال سرعة الإخراج.

MILES_PER_HOUR - ميل في الساعة

FEET_PER_HOUR— قدم في الساعة

KILOMETERS_PER_HOUR — كيلومتر في الساعة

MILES_PER_SECOND - أميال في الثانية

FEET_PER_SECOND— قدم في الثانية

METERS_PER_SECOND— متر في الثانية

• عقدة - عقدة

• تخطي — يتخطى هذه المعلمة

Course Field Units (optional)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

16. Course Field Units (optional) الوحدات الميدانية للدورة (اختياري)

Specifies the course units that will be used in the output course field.

· DEGREES—Degrees

· RADIANS—Radians

· SKIP—Skips this parameter

يحدد وحدات الدورة التدريبية التي سيتم استخدامها في حقل إخراج الدورة التدريبية.

• درجات — درجات

• الراديان - الراديان

• تخطي — يتخطى هذه المعلمة

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