Linear Referencing Toolbox in Arctoolbox Arcmap ArcGIS

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Linear Referencing Toolbox in Arctoolbox Arcmap ArcGIS

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An overview of the Linear Referencing toolbox

 (ArcGIS, ArcToolbox) Tools

· Organizations that collect data about linear features, such as highways, city streets, railroads, rivers, pipelines, and water and sewer networks often use linear referencing systems to store data. A linear reference system stores data using a relative position along existing line features. That is, location is given in terms of a known linear feature and a position, or measure, along it. For example, route I-10, mile 23.2, uniquely identifies a position in geographic space, and can be used instead of an x,y coordinate.

 ·  When data is linearly referenced, multiple sets of attributes can be associated with any portion of an existing linear feature, independent of its beginning and end. These attributes can be displayed, queried, edited, and analyzed without affecting the underlying linear feature's geometry.

 ·  The Linear Referencing toolbox contains a series of tools for creating, calibrating, and displaying the data used for linear referencing.

An overview of the Linear Referencing toolbox

        · Tools of the Linear Referencing toolbox:

     1. Calibrate Routes

Recalculates route measures using points.

 2.    Create Routes

Creates routes from existing lines. The input line features that share a common identifier are merged to create a single route.

 3.    Dissolve Route Events

Removes redundant information from event tables or separates event tables having more than one descriptive attribute into individual tables.

 4.    Locate Features Along Routes

Computes the intersection of input features (point, line, or polygon) and route features and writes the route and measure information to a new event table.

 5.    Make Route Event Layer

Creates a temporary feature layer using routes and route events.

 6.    Overlay Route Events

Overlays two event tables to create an output event table that represents the union or intersection of the input.

 7.    Transform Route Events

Transforms the measures of events from one route reference to another and writes them to a new event table.

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