An overview of the Conversion toolbox
(ArcGIS, ArcToolbox) Tools
· The Conversion
toolbox contains tools that convert data between various formats.
· Toolsets of the Conversion toolbox:
1. Excel
The Excel toolset contains tools to convert Microsoft Excel files to and
from tables.
2. From
GPS toolset
The GPS toolset contains tools to convert files from GPS receivers to
features. GPX is a common file output from GPS handheld collection units.
3. From
KML toolset
The KML toolset contains tools to convert from Keyhole Markup Language
(KML) to features in a geodatabase.
4. From
PDF toolset
The From PDF toolset contains tools that will export a PDF file to a
Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).
5. From Raster toolset
With the tools in the From Raster toolset, you can convert the
information in a raster dataset to a different type of data structure, such as
a feature class, or to a different type of file, such as a binary or text file.
6. From
WFS toolset
This toolset provides a tool to convert the features from WFS into a
feature class to provide more functionality for those features.
The JSON toolset contains tools to convert features to JSON and JSON to
features based on ArcGIS REST API specification for featureset. JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON) is a text-based, lightweight, data interchange format to
share GIS data between ArcGIS and other systems. It is language-agnostic and
most programming languages such as Python, C#, Java, JavaScript, and so on,
provide libraries to read, manipulate, and write JSON.
8. Metadata
All ArcGIS items have a description, which is also referred to as
metadata. The Metadata toolset lets you handle metadata for ArcGIS items and
stand-alone metadata XML files.
9. To CAD
Tools in the To CAD toolset convert geodatabase features to native CAD
formats. You can use these tools in geoprocessing models and scripts to define
your own conversion procedures.
10. To Collada toolset
COLLADA—which stands for COLLAborative Design Activity—is an open-standard XML format for storing 3D models. It is often used as an interchange format for 3D applications, and is the format for 3D textured objects stored inside KML.
COLLADA files have the .dae file extension and can reference additional image
files that act as textures draped onto the 3D object. Exporting multipatch
features to COLLADA allows the sharing of complex analysis results with others
and also provides a mechanism for updating textured 3D GIS data, such as
buildings, using third-party software such as SketchUp or 3DS Max.
11. To Coverage toolset
Coverages combine spatial data and attribute data and store topological
associations among features. Spatial data is held in binary files, and
attribute and topological data is held in INFO tables.
12. To dBASE toolset
dBASE tables are used to store attributes that can be joined to shapefile
features by an attribute key. The Table to dBASE tool can be used to migrate
INFO tables or even other dBASE tables so that they can be used by specific
13. To Geodatabase toolset
The To Geodatabase toolset contains tools to convert and write data to a
14. To GeoPackage toolset
The To GeoPackage toolset contains a tool to convert datasets into the
OGC GeoPackage format.
15. To KML toolset
Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is an XML-based language provided by Google
for defining the graphic display of spatial data in applications such as Google
Earth and Google Maps. KML enables these applications to support the open
integration of custom data layers from many GIS users.
16. To Raster toolset
Raster information can be stored in several different data file formats
that can be read by ArcGIS. With the To Raster toolset, you can convert these
files into raster datasets. There are also tools that allow you to convert different
types of feature information into rasters.
17. To Shapefile toolset
A shapefile is a simple, nontopological format for storing the geometric
location and attribute information of geographic features. Geographic features
in a shapefile can be represented by points, lines, or polygons (areas).
3D Analyst Toolbox From Here
Analysis Toolbox From Here
Cartography Toolbox From Here
Data Interoperability Toolbox From Here
Data Management Toolbox From Here
Editing Toolbox From Here
Geocoding Toolbox From Here
Geostatistical Analyst Toolbox From Here
Linear Referencing toolbox From Here
Multidimension Toolbox From Here
Network Analyst Toolbox From Here
Parcel Fabric Toolbox From Here
Schematics Toolbox From Here
Server Toolbox From Here
Space Time Pattern Mining Toolbox From Here
Spatial Analyst Toolbox From Here
Spatial Statistics Toolbox From Here
Tracking Analyst Toolbox From Here
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